Movie Recommendations

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I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't be so negative about Nolan's films if all the characters weren't basically the same. Most character ensembles have a person who doesn't express his emotions fully/properly, and it's balanced out by another more animated character. In every Nolan film I've watched  all the characters are the same mumbling brooding tone that bores me to oblivion. I'm going to give Nolan the deficit of the doubt and assume he can't portray characters any other way, rather than choosing to for some stylistic reason.
I don't know, can't say I found much to my liking. The subplots were ridiculously clichéd and trope-ridden (cf. spoiler), the gore looked absolutely ridiculous, Mehmed II porn, CGI was overdone as well as a tad cheesy, the Pope and his cardinals speaking Turkish (what the ****?), the film could have easily been condensed to 90 minutes instead of 160, etc. ad inf.

Plus - not really their fault - the subtitles were abysmal. Truly, I speak two words of Turkish, one "Türkçe", the other "Forum", and I am positively sure I could have done a better job translating the bloody film. Allow me to give you a sample.

You do not just know we all think so. To sit on his throne hereditary, you should only one thing.

War with everyone, but peace with decent people! I swear on my pride while I'm alive I will not shed blood between us! I swear on the pride that will carry the end of his days. Or your death will be my hands... Who knows? Maybe your destiny is one.

Work! Came to our noses and build a fort!
Mind you, this was a legitimately bought DVD.

First protagonist gives antagonist benefit of the doubt but is betrayed in the end? Check.
Second protagonist dies at the end? Check.
Second protagonist leaves love interest behind carrying his child? Check.
Antagonist is a fat, unscrupulous and greedy bastard who spends his days cajoling with courtesans in a hot tub? Check.
Parents died an awful death at the hands of marauders before the narrative takes place? Check.
@orchid The translation i was watching was way better than that. A lot of non-english films seem to have two sets of localisations - a shoddy out-the-door one and a re-release one.

I reckon if that film was in english  I'd have hated it. The very fact that it was blatantly revisionist ottoman propaganda actually made it quite an enjoyable film for me. although i can fully understand why you thought it was garbage, because it was. :lol:
      • PoisonCourtesan said:
          • Valhalla Rising
          Good movie overall but a one time only thing for me. Mads Mikkelsen is an amazing actor and the rest are good too. Theme is nice, plot is weird but delivers. I'd especially suggest this if you are into viking myths and religion of the early medieval era in Northern Europe. It has a bunch of messages to pass to the viewer but is open to interpretation and coupled with the way certain scenes are shot and edited it's close to being art. Beautiful scenery throughout the whole movie too.
          • Bram Stroker's Dracula (1992)
          Has a bunch of famous actors which are supposedly "good". The scenario is a mockery to the vampire mythos, vampires walk in daylight and Dracula is a wimp and fails to leave an impression. Keeanu Reeves is as always awfully cold and distant, unable to portray emotion or change the constantly boring tone of his voice. Towards the end the movie gets really dull and anti-climatic with heavy christian themes taking over. The action scene is ****, the drama and the tension is just not there and all the actors have a lackluster performance. Except for the whores, the whores were sexy.
          • Shadow of the Vampire
          The film tries to touch the issue of a vampire's humanity but just ultimately fails and portrays Count Orlok as a complete monster driven by bloodlust. The movie has no meaning, just the protagonist trying to do everything for art and being obsessed. It does not expand on those however, it's just a series of events of no interest. I tried not to fall asleep during the whole time.

        Okay so I am expanding on my previous reviews and this time I'm lucky enough to add a movie to my good films list.
          • Byzantium
            The film follows a mother and a daughter, two vampires as they go about surviving and "living" in the modern day. The story is presented in a very weird way at first like a mystery but fails to capture the viewer with  melodramatic moments that don't make sense. The actor who play the daughter appears cold and alien throughout the whole film much like Keeanu Reeves in Bram Stroker's Dracula. The mother is a far more interesting character who shows a lot more empathy and keeps in touch with her human side as she portrays the bloodthirsty vampire. Her acting still can't make up for the cliched ending to the dull plot that is driving the film forward though. The ending is nonsensical with the only two female vampires parting ways for no good reason. I also didn't like the fact that vampires were sired by a fountain in the middle of nowhere and that they were immune to sun rays. Overall a really bad movie from the director of another wonderful vampire film. What inspiration did he take for this? How did this take off so bad? It feel like he wanted to adapt a teen romance novel.
          • The Box
            I'll begin by saying I've heard bad things about the director of this film before, specifically about "Donnie Darko" which I haven't watched. The film takes place in America some decades before now and has a heavy science fiction tone. It's a thriller based on "what if" where it builds up questions on the outcomes of actions. The acting isn't so bad but the plot wasn't to my liking. An alien disguised as a disfigured man offers an ultimatum to a couple - a silly choice based on a button. Main reason I didn't like the film was because it forced a moral viewpoint in the ending. Too much altruism, christian undertones and all that.
          • Threesome
          Now this is a movie I really liked, a 90s film through and through. Story follows three people with very different personalities who live together for their own reasons but mainly because it was the best choice they had at the moment. Soon they all develop relationships with each other and those are presented on screen in a simple way but are quite deep in nature. The film portrays sex as natural, doesn't make it awkward even when it comes to evolve more than two people. The film means to bring up internal conflicts about the character's own sexualities and how they go about exploring it and consequentially experimenting with it. The acting is beautifully delivered, warm and natural with laughs and tears that come off surprisingly real - it felt like the actors were very in touch with their roles. I also had a really good laugh out of it, it's really funny at some points if you're into silly college humour. It had a realistic ending, really showed how people come and go and how a good time comes to pass. That beautiful mix of moving on, sadness but fond memories that last a lifetime.

          would recommend and watch again/10

Orchid said:
Saw Conquest 1453 last week. It so unashamedly glorified turkturkTURK history I was genuinely surprised to learn it hadn't been directed by ancalimon.
I enjoyed it in a bad movie kind of way. The scene with the one hero jumping from an exploding siege tower was hilarious. Also, the two same looking manly men duking it out over a girl.
Illyrius said:
Also, the two same looking manly men duking it out over a girl.
Indeed.  :lol: When the evil one of the two same looking manly men first appeared on stage, I couldn't make sense of it at all. Although the subtitles may have been to blame as well.
Caught Atlantis: The lost empire on late night telly. Damn this movie's good. Hadn't seen it since it came out back in 2001.

A lot of near-nudity and people dying for an animated kids movie though.
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