Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

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Z0mbiN3 said:
creuzet said:
I hope you will still be able to keep your army on a healthy diet of apples and cabbages.

Apples? Do you want your men to be fat or what?

Cabbages only. And a little of water. But not too much.

My men only feast on our dead foes, it makes them acquire their strength and spirit in addition to their own. Isn't that how everyone does it?

What kind of savage eats cabbage anyway, Cabbage has no spirit or strength, it is a waste.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the only game I've actually been anticipated for. Oi, seeing the trailers and teasers has me on edge, the game looks amazing, and what it seems they have added seems like a great improvement from the previous games. Also, I'm wondering, the time period, exactly what time is it relative to in the lore of the game? A time before the Rhodoks becoming an independant faction? Before the Khergits came from the mountains? Regardless, I'm very excited for this game. The only thing that I'm having a problem with is a release date, or at least an "estimated" release date. Gods, you have no idea how nerve racking it is to see that there's no estimation or definitive time on the release. However, I trust Taleworlds one-hundred percent. They've never disappointed me yet, and seeing this game? Pure ecstasy. Minerva have mercy.
Ser Tariq said:
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the only game I've actually been anticipated for. Oi, seeing the trailers and teasers has me on edge, the game looks amazing, and what it seems they have added seems like a great improvement from the previous games. Also, I'm wondering, the time period, exactly what time is it relative to in the lore of the game? A time before the Rhodoks becoming an independant faction? Before the Khergits came from the mountains? Regardless, I'm very excited for this game. The only thing that I'm having a problem with is a release date, or at least an "estimated" release date. Gods, you have no idea how nerve racking it is to see that there's no estimation or definitive time on the release. However, I trust Taleworlds one-hundred percent. They've never disappointed me yet, and seeing this game? Pure ecstasy. Minerva have mercy.
It is set 200 years before the events of Warband, but it still is set in Calradia.  We don't have a release date,  but the founder Armagan Yavuz said his guess was sometime in 2016.
Ser Tariq said:
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the only game I've actually been anticipated for. Oi, seeing the trailers and teasers has me on edge, the game looks amazing, and what it seems they have added seems like a great improvement from the previous games. Also, I'm wondering, the time period, exactly what time is it relative to in the lore of the game? A time before the Rhodoks becoming an independant faction? Before the Khergits came from the mountains? Regardless, I'm very excited for this game. The only thing that I'm having a problem with is a release date, or at least an "estimated" release date. Gods, you have no idea how nerve racking it is to see that there's no estimation or definitive time on the release. However, I trust Taleworlds one-hundred percent. They've never disappointed me yet, and seeing this game? Pure ecstasy. Minerva have mercy.

From what I understand its 200 years before but there are no kingdoms, just a failing Calradic Empire and organized barbarian tribes.

Calradia must advance fast, in 200 years they went from the decline of an empire to feudal kingdoms. Took us about 1000 years after Rome to get there
Dest45 said:
Calradia must advance fast, in 200 years they went from the decline of an empire to feudal kingdoms. Took us about 1000 years after Rome to get there
Never really thought of it like that.  Though I always kind of thought of Swadia as being a kingdom formed from the remnants of the Calradian Empire.
If we're following history, the Swadians will have been invaders that took the territory and then melded with the locals, absorbing a bit of the old imperial culture and getting a puffed-up sense of self from it.
I think Firentis, if you go near Suno, will say something about how the current swadian rulers are "barbarian usurpers" and the people of Suno are the true heirs.
Sir_Newton said:
If we're following history, the Swadians will have been invaders that took the territory and then melded with the locals, absorbing a bit of the old imperial culture and getting a puffed-up sense of self from it.
I think Firentis, if you go near Suno, will say something about how the current swadian rulers are "barbarian usurpers" and the people of Suno are the true heirs.
Yeah,  I wasn't sure they actually said anything about it in the lore,  but it was just my personal belief.
Pilum said:
erennuman_mb said:
Lust said on twitter that the next blog is so close he can almost taste it!

Thanks for that. Maybe next week I reckon...

FINALLY....Goddammit, it feels like it's been a year since August.  :fruity:
Satanica said:
Pilum said:
erennuman_mb said:
Lust said on twitter that the next blog is so close he can almost taste it!

Thanks for that. Maybe next week I reckon...

FINALLY....Goddammit, it feels like it's been a year since August.  :fruity:

Even Harlaus is going ''Awww hell naw, devblog times are cray cray, we need info on new butter, girl!!!''
C'mon, Lust. The hype train is almost out of fuel and all the passengers are rambling about butter, Swadians and multiplayer.

Countdown to 2016, the release year of Bannerlord... :lol: :fruity: :party: :iamamoron: ( and a couple other great medieval games but I won't spam them). I figure that the new blog will either be the latest or 2nd latest blog before the teaser trailers ( with actual game footage this time lmao) and game will be released. But I will not get my hopes up too quickly! It could be well in  June or even September before the game is released.
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