Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

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Bloc said:
I broadly translated the pages. So I might miss some details but magazine generally detailing the facts we already know. There are 4 more pages. So I might translate them later or I might not too. I cant promise.

Anything interesting about the child system in these 4 pages left? Thanks for the translation!
If they have the press coming in and previewing the game, would that maybe mean that developement is farther along than it seems? I sure hope so, with this flop thats going to be Fallout 4, I don't know what will hold me over for Bannerlord. Im foaming at the moth for this game! Its hard to play warband after I got glimses of warbands hotter sister bannerlord...
A bit offtopic of the current discussion, but honestly I would kill to have the beards and the hair of Viking Conquest into bannerlord. They look so damn good. No other game ever had these kinds of long beards and the hair of Ragnar Lothbrok (:razz:). Also, in Warband, this concept art (Link below) is a symbol of the nords but we never could have a beard like that.

argon45 said:
Voice acting is good but I hope there will not a voice acting for player. Silent main character is the best thing for RPG I think.
Sorry, but I can't agree with that. Sure, sure, the "projection" argument, the fact that having your character also speak delays the dialogues, and the massive load of additional lines to be recorded are all factors, but I still prefer to hear my character speaking. Especially in cutscenes (though will Bannerlord feature any?), otherwise it's just awkward.
Look at the Witcher series, and Deus Ex. The main characters' voices absolutely enhance the whole experience.
Though if I recall the Bannerlord video correctly, they seem to be going with an Oblivion/Skyrim/lots of others approach towards dialogues, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. (Just not perfect, in my opinion.)
jacobhinds said:
Lumos said:
Look at the Witcher series, and Deus Ex. The main characters' voices absolutely enhance the whole experience.

Those games are more or less linear so you don't end uo hearing the same dialogue over and over. If the PC was voiced in bannerlord, it would get old reeeeeeal fast.
Look at Pokémon :razz:
Somewhatpro said:
Keep I will drink from your skull guy.
:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
Lumos said:
argon45 said:
Voice acting is good but I hope there will not a voice acting for player. Silent main character is the best thing for RPG I think.
Sorry, but I can't agree with that. Sure, sure, the "projection" argument, the fact that having your character also speak delays the dialogues, and the massive load of additional lines to be recorded are all factors, but I still prefer to hear my character speaking. Especially in cutscenes (though will Bannerlord feature any?), otherwise it's just awkward.
Look at the Witcher series, and Deus Ex. The main characters' voices absolutely enhance the whole experience.
Though if I recall the Bannerlord video correctly, they seem to be going with an Oblivion/Skyrim/lots of others approach towards dialogues, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. (Just not perfect, in my opinion.)

Consider that 90% of all voice acting will be UTTERLY ATROCIOUS.

It's bad enough that the people of this fantasy world sound like idiots. It's worse yet when it's you. Text at least allows one to read in their own voice, to picture something not quite so ****ing terrible.
ponc said:
NEW INTERVIEW with armagadan, in englisch!

I regret watching this. Now my hype is 565,597,178,258,281,244,847,235,866.01

I threw money at the screen too, but nothing happened.


Sorry Bobby, you will rot in prison because I will not trade a village and my horse for you're freedom.
Multiple deployment points during siege.
No release date, maybe next year.
All pages in one post.

Page 38
A smooth breeze hitting on my face. Swinging of tree branches and leafs are hypnotizing me. But I need to focus, because my opponent is waiting for me at the edge, near the hut. I’m at the top of a ruined tower on one hand I’m over watching site which ends at underground dungeons. This battlefield is already filled with traps that cannot be overseen. A single step can let you fall and die. Again, I’m looking toward to my opponent. He is walking to me with cautious steps. His plate armor shining and blocking my vision in a way. A worn shield on my back, my sword which tied to my belt on my right side and my bow on my left side. By trusting my skills, I’m sending an arrow to my opponents feets. He is halting for a second. Then I’m shooting another arrow but this time arrow hits an rock and bounce. Then I realize that this is quite useless. You can’t win a fight without clashing your sword. I’m putting my bow to its place and taking my shield and sword on my hands. While my opponent taking a strong position on the ruined tower side I’m slowly moving down from the hill. When my feet hit the ground , I slowly drawing my sword. We are looking to each others for a moment and I realize that my opponent is actually a woman. It is clear from her body that she trained for fights like this but Im not able to catch all details from her armor. And then she starts to attack me ..  And here the first multiplayer battle of Mount&Blade Bannerlord begins like this.
Page 40
*Article about being a women in this sector
*Nothing new

Page 41
*Article about why it is good to have your own game engine.
They are talking about bigger better map, better graphics, faster gameplay and a solid game. He is telling that how Frank try to estimate new map’s size. Which is 4 times larger than Warband’s(Approximately). From reporters inference, we learn that they are taking date 300 years before from Warband because they want this game’s story much more stronger than Warband. Then he is talking about world map, rivers etc and he is saying that “and now in Bannerlord seasons will affect strategies. Winter will come from the North. And the castles in the strategy map are already made with textures for showing such differences. 
Then we are asking will viewing distance reduce at rainy weathers? Will there be a fog in the map at certain times? After listening my questions Frank Elliot says “We are still discussing the effects of seasons“ 
Page 42
He is talking about how managing your lands can be profitable. Like you have a land at the edge of the your faction’s border. A border which shared with enemy. Therefore you can built a castle for protecting your land etc. You can train your own units. Armağan Yavuz talks about improved AI. Trading System and all that stuff. Which always calculates pros and cons. He says that “In a sandbox game which has no end. Only thing which keep players alive is AI’s different moves and challenges” As an example, in prisoner release AI first calculates It’s profit then it calculates enemies pros which will effect him negatively in the future.
Page 43
And now we will not be the only ones who think twice before attacking an faction. AI will do the same. And same thing applies for bandits which attacks you just by considering your man-power.
Then he talks about crafting system and negative-positive side effects which can be come with crafting your own weapon.
Armağan Yavuz says that “ From now on , AI will have its companions too. Player will not that much unique in Bannerlord.”
Informations about voice acting. There will be a 60 companion each has their own accents from different cultures and own voices.Beside the companions , we will hear the voices of NPC’s which lead the story of the game. He is then talking about the dialog system which we already seen in Gamescom. On the other hand , voice acting could be a little bit under the expectations , voice designler Uğurcan Orçun says that “There is too many possibility. Too many lords, to many dialogs. Giving all of them a voice is not possible”
Page 44
He is talking about 12 different board games. He also adds that all these boards game have similar examples in the real world history. He is also talks about much more “alive” cities. People who do his job, wanderers which sing at the taverns etc. And he states that Bannerlord team trys to make all cities different as possible. Berat Ceren Üstündağ is a programmer which mostly covers how both AI and player will live in the cities. Therefore he asks to him that and Berat Üstündağ answers “Rather than pre-programmed moves , Bannerlord’s NPC’s have their general behaviours. Therefore every time when you enter a city you will see a different action performed by AI” and he adds “We want you to feel like living that scene therefore we are working for this”
Page 45-46
When I first open the game, a soldier which holds a waving banner in his hand welcomes me. Then I click to Multiplayer and I see a two sectioned news feed board but at that point Franks holds me and says “This page can be changed.” Then he also adds that “We are also planning to make this board which will decorated with Patch notes , tournament announcements, eSport matches etc but these are not fixed so they might be change in the future.” Then he talks about character screen which we already seen in Gamescom. Then he says that you can climb top of the objects in the game or you can tackle and fall. He says that the gameplay is quite the same. Then he talks about motion capture and he adds “In Bannerlord, animations are much more realistic therefore their ending-startings are longer than Warband’s animations. So good Warband players might need to balance their time for Bannerlord.”
Page 48
About release date, they are saying “When Armağan Yavuz feels fine with game, we will release the Bannerlord” because there are still some unbalanced things in the game like siege weapons and some missing parts like which culture do your buildings will be in when you built something in a city etc. So Ali Erkin says that “It will be out when Its ready”. But they are feeling positive about the end of the 2016 as a release date. And when he was about the leave they mentioned about another problem they should fix too. They still haven’t decide that should lord’s kids continue to the adventure after lords die or not.
Bloc said:
Page 45-46
When I first open the game, a soldier which holds a waving banner in his hand welcomes me. Then I click to Multiplayer and I see a two sectioned news feed board but at that point Franks holds me and says “This page can be changed.” Then he also adds that “We are also planning to make this board which will decorated with Patch notes , tournament announcements, eSport matches etc but these are not fixed so they might be change in the future.” Then he talks about character screen which we already seen in Gamescom. Then he says that you can climb top of the objects in the game or you can tackle and fall. He says that the gameplay is quite the same. Then he talks about motion capture and he adds “In Bannerlord, animations are much more realistic therefore their ending-startings are longer than Warband’s animations. So good Warband players might need to balance their time for Bannerlord.”
Page 48
About release date, they are saying “When Armağan Yavuz feels fine with game, we will release the Bannerlord” because there are still some unbalanced things in the game like siege weapons and some missing parts like which culture do your buildings will be in when you built something in a city etc. So Ali Erkin says that “It will be out when Its ready”. But they are feeling positive about the end of the 2016 as a release date. And when he was about the leave they mentioned about another problem they should fix too. They still haven’t decide that should lord’s kids continue to the adventure after lords die or not.
Thanks for the translation!
(I am glad that they are going to have tournament announcements, esports matches, etc. info in the game.)
Bloc said:
Page 48
About release date, they are saying “When Armağan Yavuz feels fine with game, we will release the Bannerlord” because there are still some unbalanced things in the game like siege weapons and some missing parts like which culture do your buildings will be in when you built something in a city etc. So Ali Erkin says that “It will be out when Its ready”. But they are feeling positive about the end of the 2016 as a release date. And when he was about the leave they mentioned about another problem they should fix too. They still haven’t decide that should lord’s kids continue to the adventure after lords die or not.

Absolutely not. The system in previous M&B is good ımo. I know that way (lords can die) is sounds more realistic but I think, it's not necessary. When the kids grow up, they can appear an "lord-lady" and serves as "vassal". That should be enough like Dynasty Warriors.
I don't know, it seems like Armagan is trying to hard to not overshoot it so hes giving themselves a larger timeframe but we could very well be playing it early to mid next year as well. Hopefully.

argon45 said:
Bloc said:
Page 48
About release date, they are saying “When Armağan Yavuz feels fine with game, we will release the Bannerlord” because there are still some unbalanced things in the game like siege weapons and some missing parts like which culture do your buildings will be in when you built something in a city etc. So Ali Erkin says that “It will be out when Its ready”. But they are feeling positive about the end of the 2016 as a release date. And when he was about the leave they mentioned about another problem they should fix too. They still haven’t decide that should lord’s kids continue to the adventure after lords die or not.

Absolutely not. The system in previous M&B is good ımo. I know that way (lords can die) is sounds more realistic but I think, it's not necessary.
Ill live with whatever Taleworlds decides to do with this but I would much prefer to kill my enemies, specifically my arch nemesis. We all have at least one in a playthrough, and it would be up to the player to kill or not kill whomever.
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