Morgh's M&B WB/WFAS Editor v1.50

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This is a bit off-topic, but you only need to install Python 2.7, download the TLD repository (even as a .zip file), edit the equipped items under ModuleSystem/ and double-click ModuleSystem/build_module_wb.bat to get your modded .txt files under the _wb folder. Way easier.

And as we told you on the Discord server, and here, the small setup time pays off.

I understand the resistance as you only want to make a few manual/surgical tweaks, and the source code sounds like a big deal. But it really isn't, compared to getting the item index in the item_kinds1.txt list which is what you are asking for. You need to count itm_ lines, with the first item starting at zero. I think. 🐥
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