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You're passing an invalid troop ID to the given scripts, which could be caused by a loop running over people it shouldn't be. Make sure all your faction slots are correctly set up and that your NPCs are ordered in their respective lists.
Hi i have a problem iam getting this error
exporting triggers...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 193, in <module>
  File "", line 53, in save_triggers
    save_statement_block(file,0,1,trigger[trigger_conditions_pos]  , variable_li
st, variable_uses,tag_uses,quick_strings)
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Warband modding\century of war\process_operations
.py", line 449, in save_statement_block
es,local_vars, local_var_uses,tag_uses,quick_strings)
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Warband modding\century of war\process_operations
.py", line 398, in save_statement
    ofile.write("%d %d "%(opcode, lenstatement))
TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str

from this trigger
   (0, 1, 30, [("key_clicked", "key_b"),], 
have anyone a clou why?
but then i get this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    from module_triggers import *
  File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Warband modding\century of war\
", line 25, in <module>
    (0, 1, 30, [(key_clicked, key_b),],
NameError: name 'key_clicked' is not defined

and an error that every global variable is not used
There is nothing wrong with that code,

 (0, 1, 30,
   (key_clicked, key_b),
  [(dialog_box,"str_tutorial_map1") #just to test the script


the above works fine in my module system, what version of the module_system are you using?


I'm currently using Floris Expanded Mod pack v2.55 as a base and am getting this issue :

Exporting skills...
Exporting tracks...
Exporting animations...
Exporting meshes...
Exporting sounds...
Exporting skins...
Exporting map icons...
Creating new tag_uses.txt file...
Creating new quick_strings.txt file...
Exporting faction data...
Exporting item data...
Exporting scene data...
Exporting troops data
Exporting particle data...
Exporting scene props...
Exporting tableau materials data...
Exporting presentations...
Exporting party_template data...
Exporting parties
Exporting quest data...
Exporting info_page data...
Exporting scripts...
Error: Unable to find object:itm_arena_helmet_red
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_arena_helmet_red
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_rouncy_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_rouncy_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_sword_horse
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_sword_horse
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_crossbow_light
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_crossbow_light
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_spear_viper
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_spear_viper
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_saddle_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_saddle_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_rouncy_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_rouncy_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_pla_t3_tabard_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_pla_t3_tabard_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_vae_t4_jerkin_g
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_vae_t4_jerkin_g
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_courser_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_courser_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_courser_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_courser_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_courser_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_courser_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_swa_t4_tabardmail_b
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_swa_t4_tabardmail_b
Error: Unable to find object:itm_sh_sar_rou_mamluk
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_sh_sar_rou_mamluk
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_bow_hunting
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_bow_hunting
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_spear_nagitadecorated
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_spear_nagitadecorated
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_axe_turkish
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_axe_turkish
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_sword_danish_great
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_sword_danish_great
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_spear_lance_colouredrb
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_spear_lance_colouredrb
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_pla_t4_heraldic_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_pla_t4_heraldic_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_pla_sword_laird
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_pla_sword_laird
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_pla_t5_mailsurcoat_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_pla_t5_mailsurcoat_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_pla_sword_strange_great
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_pla_sword_strange_great
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_nor_war_bluewhiteedge
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_nor_war_bluewhiteedge
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_vae_t6_cuirbouilli_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_vae_t6_cuirbouilli_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_bow_imperial
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_bow_imperial
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_nor_t7_vikingbyrnie_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_nor_t7_vikingbyrnie_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_nor_t7_vikingbyrnie_c
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_nor_t7_vikingbyrnie_c
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_pla_t6_heraldic_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_pla_t6_heraldic_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_saddle_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_saddle_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_swa_destrier_black
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_swa_destrier_black
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_swa_tun_tabard
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_swa_tun_tabard
Error: Unable to find object:itm_dress_swadia_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_dress_swadia_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_swa_t2_gambeson_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_swa_t2_gambeson_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_swa_t1_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_swa_t1_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_swa_t2_coif_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_swa_t2_coif_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_swa_lad_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_swa_lad_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_axe_hatchet
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_axe_hatchet
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_blunt_club
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_blunt_club
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_sword_clamshelldagger
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_sword_clamshelldagger
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_spear_boar
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_spear_boar
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_sword_senlac
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_sword_senlac
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_bow_practice
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_bow_practice
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_arrow_gromite
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_arrow_gromite
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_throw_darts
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_throw_darts
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_vae_saddle_feather
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_vae_saddle_feather
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_vae_tun_red
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_vae_tun_red
Error: Unable to find object:itm_dress_vaegir_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_dress_vaegir_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_vae_ban_tribal_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_vae_ban_tribal_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_vae_t1_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_vae_t1_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_vae_lad_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_vae_lad_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_axe_onehanded
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_axe_onehanded
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_blunt_hammer
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_blunt_hammer
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_sword_sickle
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_sword_sickle
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_spear_scythe
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_spear_scythe
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_sword_sickle
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_sword_sickle
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_bow_hunting
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_bow_hunting
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_arrow_sharp
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_arrow_sharp
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_sword_throw_knives
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_sword_throw_knives
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_khe_saddle_coloured
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_khe_saddle_coloured
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_khe_steppe_brownpainted
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_khe_steppe_brownpainted
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_khe_tun_furcoat
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_khe_tun_furcoat
Error: Unable to find object:itm_dress_khergit_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_dress_khergit_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_khe_t2_armor_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_khe_t2_armor_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_khe_t1_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_khe_t1_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_khe_lad_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_khe_lad_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_axe_steppe
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_axe_steppe
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_blunt_club
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_blunt_club
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_sword_dagger
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_sword_dagger
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_spear_staff
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_spear_staff
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_sword_executionerone
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_sword_executionerone
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_bow_red
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_bow_red
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_arrow_khergit
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_arrow_khergit
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_throw_stone
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_throw_stone
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_nor_mule
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_nor_mule
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_nor_courser_greysteel
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_nor_courser_greysteel
Error: Unable to find object:itm_bo_nor_t1_sandal
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_bo_nor_t1_sandal
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_nor_tun_blue
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_nor_tun_blue
Error: Unable to find object:itm_dress_nord_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_dress_nord_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_nor_t2_vikinglamellar_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_nor_t2_vikinglamellar_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_nor_t1_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_nor_t1_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_nor_lad_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_nor_lad_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_axe_jomsviking
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_axe_jomsviking
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_blunt_stick
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_blunt_stick
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_sword_seax
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_sword_seax
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_spear_sviar
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_spear_sviar
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_sword_pict
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_sword_pict
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_nor_arrow_bodkin
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_nor_arrow_bodkin
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_rho_donkey_brown
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_rho_donkey_brown
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_rho_rouncy_brown
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_rho_rouncy_brown
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_rho_tun_vest
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_rho_tun_vest
Error: Unable to find object:itm_dress_rhodok_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_dress_rhodok_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_rho_ban_highlander_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_rho_ban_highlander_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_rho_t1_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_rho_t1_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_rho_t2_beret_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_rho_t2_beret_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_rho_lad_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_rho_lad_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_axe_pick
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_axe_pick
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_blunt_club
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_blunt_club
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_sword_rondeldagger
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_sword_rondeldagger
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_spear_fork_pitch
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_spear_fork_pitch
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_sword_short
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_sword_short
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_crossbow_hunting
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_crossbow_hunting
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_bolt
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_bolt
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_sar_camel_bactrian
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_sar_camel_bactrian
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_sar_arab_dun
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_sar_arab_dun
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_sar_tun_robeblack
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_sar_tun_robeblack
Error: Unable to find object:itm_dress_sarranid_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_dress_sarranid_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_sar_t3_leather_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_sar_t3_leather_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_sar_t1_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_sar_t1_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_he_sar_lad_common_a
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_he_sar_lad_common_a
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_axe_onehanded
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_axe_onehanded
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_blunt_maceiron
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_blunt_maceiron
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_sword_khyber
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_sword_khyber
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_spear_staff
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_spear_staff
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_sword_sarranid
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_sword_sarranid
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_bow_practice
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_bow_practice
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_sar_arrow_sarranid
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_sar_arrow_sarranid
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_crossbow_hunting
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_crossbow_hunting
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_rho_bolt
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_rho_bolt
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ar_pla_pri_monkrobe
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ar_pla_pri_monkrobe
Error: Unable to find object:itm_ho_pla_sumpter_white
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_ho_pla_sumpter_white
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_bow_hunting
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_bow_hunting
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_khe_bow_red
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_khe_bow_red
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_swa_throw_darts
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_swa_throw_darts
Error: Unable to find object:itm_we_vae_sword_throw_knives
ERROR: Illegal Identifier:itm_we_vae_sword_throw_knives
Exporting mission_template data...
Exporting game menus data...
exporting simple triggers...
exporting triggers...
exporting dialogs...
Checking global variable usages...
Imported 30 global variables for saved-game compatability that are not used.
Exporting postfx_params...
Exporting flora data...
Exporting ground_spec data...
Exporting skyboxes...

I've changed the id of many items and troops, so this isn't unexpected. However, I can't find these items in, or any other module system file.

Has anyone got any idea of where they could be?

changing the id of items is a really bad idea, since they appear all over the place. and there are a lot of them that you've changed, too -- it's gonna be a pain. try typing itm_ into the "search all open documents" feature on notepad++, but if you can, I'd go back and change the item ids to what they were before.
jacobhinds said:
changing the id of items is a really bad idea, since they appear all over the place. and there are a lot of them that you've changed, too -- it's gonna be a pain. try typing itm_ into the "search all open documents" feature on notepad++, but if you can, I'd go back and change the item ids to what they were before.

Thanks, I'll make sure not to change the ids in the future.
Hey, I have a question, it's probably simple but I'm not sure.
What's the best campaign map editor out there? I'm not exactly sure which one to use.

jacobhinds said:
You have to use a mixture. You use thorgrims to make the map from a bmp, swyter's cartographer if you want to import or export an .obj mesh of the map, and then the bloodpass editor to move parties around.

Many thanks!

Just a question: Does thorgrim's map editor work with Warband? I've heard it doesn't.
Lumos said:
You're passing an invalid troop ID to the given scripts, which could be caused by a loop running over people it shouldn't be. Make sure all your faction slots are correctly set up and that your NPCs are ordered in their respective lists.
This is puzzling as I can't find anything wrong. But could this problem be related to why the notifications don't show up on the bottom left corner?
Is viking_interior_keep there are two layers of floors: the lower one has the "stone_wall_3_interior" texture and the upper layer uses "ground_path". When you enter in game, the ground path is transparent so you can actually see both layers. My problem is that I tried to do a similar thing, but in my case, only the upper layer is visible instead of both.
Michadr said:
Lumos said:
You're passing an invalid troop ID to the given scripts, which could be caused by a loop running over people it shouldn't be. Make sure all your faction slots are correctly set up and that your NPCs are ordered in their respective lists.
This is puzzling as I can't find anything wrong. But could this problem be related to why the notifications don't show up on the bottom left corner?
Yes. As you know, the notifications appear one under another, and disappear with time. However, if the notifications field is flooded with too many such messages, the whole visible array of messages simply evaporates from being. For an example, if you open the log in your current state (so as to halt the creation of more error messages every frame) and you wait like that, the error notifications will gradually appear again after a while, when the flood of errors is receded. I'm guessing this happens because the notifications area has got some sort of a "maximum speed", which prevents the flood of messages from being super-quickly displayed and then scrapped, thereby resulting in this metaphorical "bottlenecking", so to say.
On the problem, I'd advise you to place some debugging messages here and there in order to attempt to find out what goes wrong. Alternatively, remember what you'd been doing before the errors appeared, then deduce which change exactly caused them, and comment/uncomment stuff until the troublemaking excerpt of code has been hunted down and exterminated.

I am also sorry, but it would appear that today I'm in a mood for very complicated English, and though such a state of mind lacks any feasible logical explanation and doesn't allow its cause to be easily discerned, I don't seem to be able to consciously recede my flow of such nonsense. It also appears to be moderately amusing, as well.
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