Mini-mod for morale of troops

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A lot of times I think than somebody must do an own troop when you get your own kingdom cause if you fight with swadians against swadians for example, your troops fight with less efecctively. So I make a minimod to solve this problem.

The only thing you must to do is choose the troop you want, for exemple swadian knights,then copy and paste down and then you must change: fac_kingdom_1 to fac_player_faction. Then for can get it when you play, you must go to the upgrade tree and add it to a upgrade tree like this:

upgrade("swadian_man_at_arms","swadian_knight") and then you change it to upgrade2("swadian_man_at_arms","swadian_knight","the name of your modified troop")

Excuse me if i make a mistake but english is not my own language :grin:

Then when you are in game you must only choose the new option and it's ready. :smile:
That I don't know, but maiby not cause is: player faction, so maiby NPC heroes don't choose that option, I don't know cause I've invented today so... :grin: but if you find some way to solve it, post it here please.

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