Lod/texture problem - solved

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I made some lods with the lod script. The problem I have is that the textures are either to bright or simply wrong (see screenshot).

I assumed it had something to do with the alpha channel so I made the alpha channel black in gimp but the problem persists. I might have done ti wrong though as I'm not familiar with alpha channels.

Any help?
I've tried both the agent_shader and the skeleton_shader as well as a lot of others. Same with the flags. I tried a lot of settings from lods from different mods as well as native. It makes a difference but given that I'm just copying without knowing what the settings do I'm not really getting closer to the answer. There doesn't seem to be a tutorial about it either on the forums.

EDIT: Skeleton_shader did fix it, but created this:

They sure seem to have fun..
Found the solution!

They are rigged. Otherwise they would be invisible.
The problem seems to be the combination of the skeleton_shader and the LoD flag. If I get rid of the LoD flag the skeleton Shader works perfectly.

Thanks both of you!

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