Linebattle for Public people only!

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Sergeant Knight at Arms

The 1er Grenadiers are hosting a public linebattle for everyone willing to come and play a decent and organized linebattle! At first we´ll let some of our members command, but if people are willing and show respect, we can try and see if some of the pubs in the future might want to lead.

This wil not be hosted on the 22nd server, but on the "French_Imperial_Army_Server". It has a player limit of 150, but we´ll see how many shows up.
Let me know if any public people are interessted???

The first Public Linebattle will be held at thursday, THIS week at 20:30 GMT+1 (Thats one hour ahead of british time!).

Any questions or suggestions are most welcome!
Is clan people also allowed if we just don't show up as a clan but plays seperate?
I can of course understand if you say no and wants to keep this LB for pubs.
Well 64 slots and Regimental Players?

I guess it will be hard to manage both groups on such a small server.

In the normal game time on the 22nd server are circa 90 players.
30-40 are in a regiment of that amount.

@ hherlev

I type you a PM after I talked to the leaders of my regiment (5th KGL).

with best regards

If only 20 pubs shows up, I dont think we´ll mind other clan people :smile:
Its just a game with the intention of letting the pubs have some fun as well.

And wishmaster, I dont see any PMs?
Hopefully this'll let some of the Public players get a chance to play, and hopefully encourage them to join a regiment to participate in the 22nd server Line battles :wink:
I would like to join as public player. But will there be a public regiment as in the monday linebattles, or how will this be organized?
This will be organized with regiments mainly just consisting of public people hopefully. We hope that everyone interessted, and who´ve yet not joined a regiment, comes and see how its like and play with us.

Also,  thanks to the generosity of Vincenzo, we will be playing with 150 slots, and not 64! This means that clan members will be welcome to come and join, but not as a clan. Any public people are very most welcome to join, and you will rechieve rich oppertunity to play an organized linebattle.
I have alot of experience with public events from BattleGrounds 2. And if anyone ****s up - ban.
I hope to be there.....I only hope i can remember the time difference between British time and Eastern United States time
It`s a fine and noble undertaking to organise that.

I hope there will be many players who wanna play and enjoy it.

The PM I wanna send you is lapse  cause I want to offer the 5th KGL server but 150 slots from vincenco etc.. will be big enough. If you need some help feel free to ask me, but as a BG 2 veteran (7 years) I know that leading a public lb in bg 2 is horror  :lol:

52nd will be helping out, either as Cav or line battlers ... well atleast i hope we're hleping out if we can get some numbers together :wink:
Gunnar11 said:
I hope to be there.....I only hope i can remember the time difference between British time and Eastern United States time

It´ll be in 20:30 GMT+1 (one hour ahead of british time)

hherlev said:
Gunnar11 said:
I hope to be there.....I only hope i can remember the time difference between British time and Eastern United States time

It´ll be in 20:30 GMT+1 (one hour ahead of british time)

or for those who are finding math hard 19:30 aka 7:30pm GMT :wink:
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