Let's Play - Prophesy of Pendor - Mettenheim Style!

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Reg. better control/flexibility of assigning fiefs, I suggest you look at Leonion's Tweaks ( mentioned by clock4orange before in another regard ) . #3 and #13.1 specifically .

Also, reg. getting Lords of other Realms to join you : When you took Hrolfsson Castle, you captured at least 2 martial Lords who had something around high 30/low40ish relations with you - iirc . Instead of letting them go, you could have taken them prisoner . Relations suffer by 5 points from that ofc, but in most cases relations above 30 will still be plenty enough for them to offer their Oath of Fealty to you when talking to them about their freedom .
I`ve always been a 1H +S , and lance player but after seing your let`s play (and that sweet 2 hander resting animation) my new playthrough on 3.8 will be with a 2 hander.
You have inspired me sir  :mrgreen:
sir Joselyn is not noble, so you can loose some relations with other lords...

IMHO, there are only six companions worth lordship - Boadice, Donovan, Rayne and Alister are martial, Roland and Ansen are upstanding, Joselyn fit perfect in court until you get married
Ravenstern fights the Heretics, and we witness the true power of Iceguards.

Wild Card said:
I`ve always been a 1H +S , and lance player but after seing your let`s play (and that sweet 2 hander resting animation) my new playthrough on 3.8 will be with a 2 hander.
You have inspired me sir  :mrgreen:
2 Hander a lot of fun! I still think I prefer foot archer overall, but this is a close 2nd (maybe even more if I were using Polehammer instead of 2h Sword).

clock4orange said:
sir Joselyn is not noble, so you can loose some relations with other lords...
IMHO, there are only six companions worth lordship - Boadice, Donovan, Rayne and Alister are martial, Roland and Ansen are upstanding, Joselyn fit perfect in court until you get married
Gah! Ah well, cannot undo now. Boadice, Donovan and Fred are my other intended lord, likely Lethaldiran too eventually (mostly because of their troop choices, I know the latter two are not noble).
Klaus continues to try and pick Ravenstern apart while his Lords continue to gain strength. Another castle falls, and another Lord (Lady?) raised.

palewarrior said:
If you make a cko, how where you planning on equipping them ?
Most likely similar to Mettenheim Greatswords for the knights, and Crossbows for the sergeants.
Really don't appreciate your constant dissing of Jocelyn. He's the only companion I ever got around to write about, so I kind of rate him above the others. Have to admit though that he is being kind of useless so far.
Recruitment continues apace, and Klaus goes on bit of a spending spree.

Deckenpuppel said:
Really don't appreciate your constant dissing of Jocelyn. He's the only companion I ever got around to write about, so I kind of rate him above the others. Have to admit though that he is being kind of useless so far.
It's just because he's the only one who left the party. Not just once, but twice.
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