LastAlive clan

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Last Alive clan was founed on 2012 by three brothers (Maros, Martino and David) from BloodBrothers clan with Castro to made a powerfull clan which can defend TrollGame deatchmatch against clan [300] which attacked all players who are not in their clan. After DDoS attack on Troll-Game servers LA was moved on official Warband servers, so a lot of people leaved our clan and only me and Martino still playing. I bring a lot of members in our clan, most of them was russian part of community and i was the only one who speak russian so i become the leader too. Nowadays LastAlive clan wanna collect all famous, skill or just active and good players to make a great society.
Last Alive located on TrollGame servers for default.
Last Alive are not so skill in ClanWars, because our main weapon is two-handed-swrod, but now we wanna develope our skills in ClanWars too.

We don`t have any main rules, but everyone LA members must respect other clans and their members, don`t use cheats and bring glory to his clan.

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