Keep Getting Logged Out Please Advise

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Hans 77

Knight at Arms
I'm surprised this issue isn't getting more attention, because many of the people I play with are experiencing the same issue.

The problem is exactly what it sounds like; I keep getting logged out as soon as I enter the lobby, and in the rare instances where I get into a match, I get logged out within 30 seconds.

For the past two days this issue has been making the game unplayable. I tried restarting Bannerlord, Steam, etc. making sure the game was updated correctly, verifying the game files and so forth. No luck.

So I'm humbly asking any devs or fellow bladers who solved this issue to throw in your input.


I switched to the branch "disconnect_test" and have yet to encounter a problem -everything is working well.
Thank you @azakhi
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We have fixes to 2 cases I have found on the way. Hotfix will likely be today.
In the mean time, could you please follow these steps and help me check if there are more:
  1. Restart Steam
  2. Switch to a branch called "disconnect_test" on Steam
  3. Login to multiplayer and play until you are disconnected
  4. After that go to C:\ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\logs
  5. There should be log files called something similar to rgl_log_9820.txt
  6. The number at the end will be different. If you play on windowed mode you can see the number on the window title
  7. If you are not on the windowed mode, you can check which file is modified latest
  8. Please upload that file to a file host like Google Drive and share it with me through private messages here
Note that this branch also includes one of the fixes.
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