It's too bad 22nd is the most popular server... :(

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tnok85 said:
Don't really mind if you don't believe me. Other people who have seen/experienced this know that it happens. If I stumble into the 22nd servers again, I'll keep my print screen ready just for you.

Yeah, its happened to me also, I was in the Nord village and I was just having a hard time buying a axe and then these guys, one of them a 22nd dude, circle around me and kill me, breaking the rule which says you can't attack unarmed people while they are arming...

Still a really fun server despite certain people, but when you get a pretty good RPing faction, it can be a blast.
Has it never entered your brains that these people are not actually 22nd? That they are trying to impersonate us?

We want evidence, pictures, for so many reasons!

1. To give evidence of these very serious accusations, which stir up anti-22nd feeling.
2. If they are 22nd, we can find out who it was and punish them.
3. If they are impersonators, ban them, and maybe publicly shame them on the forum.

So. Give. Us. Screenshots. Or. Names.
My opinion as a merc/bandit...

Fight back, you morons. Goddamn hippies mining their iron, expecting a bandit with permission to kill NOT to kill a unarmoured peasant with a clear shot.

I suggest a new rule: No hippies. These guys whining about being killed and praising peace are clearly the worst kind of hippies, expecting peace in a wargame.

Goddamn hippies :mad:
That's not the issue. The problem is that some members might be breaking the rules they're supposed to enforce.
When I first spawned in this mod, I was indeed headshot repeatedly while buying stuff, twice or three times in a row by some 22d guy. Well, I assume it was really him cos he was talking with other guys from the same clan (could still be -several- impersonators), and he's known for being a retard at times. But asking for proofs is just plain ridiculous, how the **** could I provide one ?
Anyway, this kind of behaviour seems to become a rarity, so it's fine now.
Who said berrie is ban happy? you guys need to read the rules  when u join game, dnt jsut click and join right away. it says to get on vent to read the rules or go to forumns. the Only way u are gonna get banned is if u r constantly killing unarmed ppl or ur starting fights in armory that is a big no no. which is why the ppl who are not banned get to rp and not just wage war on blue and kill the unarmed blues at armory.
Splintert said:
well, beaver is down for updates, 22nd is always up, barries is ban happy. RCC is another attempt at a good server.

Splinter your just mad that you bantered me till I banned you I gave you many many many warning about not complaining about people legitimately killing you its not my fault you suck but I just couldn't take your crying anymore. I'll be resetting my ban list today anyways to give every retard out there a second chance.
The problem with the 22nd server is the ****ty map. Don't get me wrong, its very nice visually, and I acknowledge the ammountof work that must have gone into it, but bottom line is it's awful for the mod.

The original map was great, equal castles in a circular form -- it more or less forced players to join a kingdom. Sure it was simple, and visually not stunning, but it worked gameplay wise.
This new map just has one real castle which you can infiltrate from all over the place and everything else are just public places. Not to mention it's far too huge to maintain any kind of organised army after a few deaths.

Gameplay wise, it's just a horrible horrible map and I really wish the old one would come back. The current state of affairs on the server is just one big-ass DM sort of fail. Any attempts at forming a kingdom may work for a bit, but ultimately die a horrible death as there is no defendable property to own. (ie small equal castles at a reasonable distance)

Furthermore, an extra 500 starting gold (so 1.5k) would allow you to get a basic horse and a colour which would GREATLY improve organised play.
but equal castles are boring!! The reason you have some Really good castles and some **** is so people always fight for the best one!
problem with that is mostly 1 faction gets the best castle. has best weapons and just kills every 1 with their godlike masterwork weapons. and they are almost always fully armored.
Then the better players should make an opposing faction and rape with warspears....

I think I agree with some of Highelfs points, though I personally really like the map. I think Plazek intends to keep updating it and trying to twiddle gameplay-wise, so hopefully in a bit your concerns will not be needed, also Lazlo said he would incorporate the city watch in his new version, including watch house in his map, so we may swicth back to the old one.
My gripe with the map is that it, in my opinion, has stuff distributed relatively badly. The biggest castle should be the thing to fight for, yet it is situated in a big hill at the edge of the map. It should be pretty central, yet still in some well defensivle position, so that people are bound to bump into it and get annoyed when not let in.  Also, there's just one road people use, it leads from the big castle to the lower plains where the lower profit mine / small castle / harbour is. I'd like to see it so that the map is actually complex and has many different routes to many differenct places.
Highelf said:
The problem with the 22nd server is the ****ty map. Don't get me wrong, its very nice visually, and I acknowledge the ammountof work that must have gone into it, but bottom line is it's awful for the mod.

The original map was great, equal castles in a circular form -- it more or less forced players to join a kingdom. Sure it was simple, and visually not stunning, but it worked gameplay wise.
This new map just has one real castle which you can infiltrate from all over the place and everything else are just public places. Not to mention it's far too huge to maintain any kind of organised army after a few deaths.

Gameplay wise, it's just a horrible horrible map and I really wish the old one would come back. The current state of affairs on the server is just one big-ass DM sort of fail. Any attempts at forming a kingdom may work for a bit, but ultimately die a horrible death as there is no defendable property to own. (ie small equal castles at a reasonable distance)

Furthermore, an extra 500 starting gold (so 1.5k) would allow you to get a basic horse and a colour which would GREATLY improve organised play.

4 empty castle don't make gameplay better on server with ~50 ppl playing evenings. and they don't force ppl to join any faction. fo sure
I think you should try 22nd's map once again. in the evening.
Highelf said:
The problem with the 22nd server is the ****ty map. Don't get me wrong, its very nice visually, and I acknowledge the ammountof work that must have gone into it, but bottom line is it's awful for the mod.

The original map was great, equal castles in a circular form -- it more or less forced players to join a kingdom. Sure it was simple, and visually not stunning, but it worked gameplay wise.
This new map just has one real castle which you can infiltrate from all over the place and everything else are just public places. Not to mention it's far too huge to maintain any kind of organised army after a few deaths.

Gameplay wise, it's just a horrible horrible map and I really wish the old one would come back. The current state of affairs on the server is just one big-ass DM sort of fail. Any attempts at forming a kingdom may work for a bit, but ultimately die a horrible death as there is no defendable property to own. (ie small equal castles at a reasonable distance)

Furthermore, an extra 500 starting gold (so 1.5k) would allow you to get a basic horse and a colour which would GREATLY improve organised play.
Totally agreed. Its a great map, for something else.
Highelf said:
The problem with the 22nd server is the ****ty map. Don't get me wrong, its very nice visually, and I acknowledge the ammountof work that must have gone into it, but bottom line is it's awful for the mod.

The original map was great, equal castles in a circular form -- it more or less forced players to join a kingdom. Sure it was simple, and visually not stunning, but it worked gameplay wise.
This new map just has one real castle which you can infiltrate from all over the place and everything else are just public places. Not to mention it's far too huge to maintain any kind of organised army after a few deaths.

Gameplay wise, it's just a horrible horrible map and I really wish the old one would come back. The current state of affairs on the server is just one big-ass DM sort of fail. Any attempts at forming a kingdom may work for a bit, but ultimately die a horrible death as there is no defendable property to own. (ie small equal castles at a reasonable distance)

Furthermore, an extra 500 starting gold (so 1.5k) would allow you to get a basic horse and a colour which would GREATLY improve organised play.

Faegrin said:
King Harkinian said:
Faegrin said:
tnok85 said:
Don't really mind if you don't believe me. Other people who have seen/experienced this know that it happens. If I stumble into the 22nd servers again, I'll keep my print screen ready just for you.

Man, i don't need those screenshots. If you ever get such screenshots, create new theme and post them for everyone to watch and wait for answer from 22nd admins.

Well I don't have any erhm reason to (not) believe you. And we all know, that admins on 22nd can be pretty inadequate. We aren't masons and are not making any kind of revolution against 22nd, so i rather believe those blaming-posts than 22nd admins. Well, let us remember the accident with one guy from 22nd cheating on cRPG server (22nd one), so the creator of cRPG mode had to forbid hosting his mode on any 22nd server.  :roll:

Personally I experienced the kicking abuse from one admin. I wanted to post somewhere that incident but again, i didn't have any screenshots  :neutral:

Silence, Knight of the East and West, your Holy Royal Arch Freemason forbids you to speak one more word of our global conspiracy against 22nd!  :razz:

Lol  :lol:

P.S. There is no rule that 22nd guys and their admins should be nice to ppl by default  :lol: It's not like they gain anything by being nice. Moreover - they are the ones who pay for servers. I mean, 222-slot-server isn't for free.
no it isnt but they asking you to donate and if they do that why cant they be a little more active and yeeh its their server but let me tell you a little story. I was an admin in a css server and a clan named gubbklubben in sweden  and we was very popular i meant so popular that we had ppl waiting hours just to get in to the servers beq we had rules that was 4 everybody but after a while the owner of the clan and servers starting acting a little selfious or what is name is anyway some of these ppl starting to abuse the system a little by swearing to ppl and stuff and we had that rule that we would have a nice lauguage and none could do nothing about it and then they started to ban ppl 4 stupid things just 4 they could do it and so on we had a really nice lan 2 times a year where we had really nice food from resturangs that was free to us 24h a day but after they started to missbehave themself more and more ppl dop the server and now its almost none there to play. the content is if there are good admins and they care about the players they would take a chat with their admins beq it really enough that some players who ppl know who they are beeing miistreated that the rumors start and then its downhill its many servers who walked that road so plz get you **** togheter admins and plz do something so this dont happens beq i like 22nd and dont want it dto dissapear
/johan/berka pink powe ranger
Zaharist said:
Highelf said:
The problem with the 22nd server is the ****ty map. Don't get me wrong, its very nice visually, and I acknowledge the ammountof work that must have gone into it, but bottom line is it's awful for the mod.

The original map was great, equal castles in a circular form -- it more or less forced players to join a kingdom. Sure it was simple, and visually not stunning, but it worked gameplay wise.
This new map just has one real castle which you can infiltrate from all over the place and everything else are just public places. Not to mention it's far too huge to maintain any kind of organised army after a few deaths.

Gameplay wise, it's just a horrible horrible map and I really wish the old one would come back. The current state of affairs on the server is just one big-ass DM sort of fail. Any attempts at forming a kingdom may work for a bit, but ultimately die a horrible death as there is no defendable property to own. (ie small equal castles at a reasonable distance)

Furthermore, an extra 500 starting gold (so 1.5k) would allow you to get a basic horse and a colour which would GREATLY improve organised play.

4 empty castle don't make gameplay better on server with ~50 ppl playing evenings. and they don't force ppl to join any faction. fo sure
I think you should try 22nd's map once again. in the evening.
In the nighttime the server could change to the new map (if there are still much people online the old map should be used though).During the daytime (GMT) they should use the old one
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