Improved Random Events & Coming Up With New Random Events

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Computica said:
DaElf said:
killer110 said:
Option 3: Pray to [enter religion deity] for divine assitance!
Result: You magically levitate back to safety. Penalty in honour and renown for not surviving in a more masculine way (Option 2).

What if you believe in a Natural Philosophy, though? :eek:
I could easily make it so that the text is changed to fit if Natural Philosophy is the players faith.
You spend honor and renown on crackpot science experiments to recreate what you just experienced. Though people laugh at you for trying to defy gravity ...
I know that Lord's in the original Warband have love interest's, but what if your companions (or a really favourable Lord) had a secret love interest. And perhaps it triggers a quest for assitance to have her hand in marrige.

Companion: One of your companions request's entry into your tent, and when you ask what he wants, he says: "M'Lord, I have a confession. I've had an interest in Lady X and have been thinking of only her since I first laid eyes on her! I know that she may not adore me as much as I, but I must have her. So I ask, will you aid me?"

Answer 1: "Hahaha! that's your confession? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Let's go find us that Lady! (MAJOR relation bonus. Morale bonus. Honour bonus. Possibly lower a Lord's relation because he had an open attraction to her.)

Answer 2: "Why would she want a meager cannon-fodder as a husband? You better forget about her soon, beacuse i'm sure steel can make you forget!" (Relation lowered. Slightly lowered morale. Honour lowered.)

Answer 3: "Well well well, so you got a tiny crush? Well I gotta say you got good taste in women. Come to think of it, I always have my own 'secret love interest' of her myself. I think I might pay her a visit." (MAJOR relation penalty. Party Morale stays the same. MAJOR honour penalty.)

Answer 4: "Guys guess what I just heard!" ( Same as 3 but MAJOR party morale increase)

Affectionate Lord(maybe?): your good friend Lord X has come to your army alone, and when your men ask him what he needs and eagerly ask if he needs any assitance, and he just requests to see you. when he is in the privacy of your tent he says: "I hate to tell you this, but you're the only one I can turn to. I've got a romantic interest with a certain Lady, Lady X. I come to you for assitance for her hand."

Answer 1: "...Well what are you standing there for? We got a wedding to plan!" (MAJOR relation bonus. Party morale bonus. MAJOR honour bonus.)

Answer 2: " Jesus! For a second I thought you were gonna ask me somthing I give a s*it about!" (MAJOR relation penalty and possible duel. Party morale bonus from joke. Honour penalty.)

And the other answers are pretty much the same, catch my drift? I'm not sure if this could be coded but I thought it might be usefull to get my rough editable idea out there. YAY!
Would it be possible to make random npcs lords experience the same random events we do? so they could have a very bad event too?

Computica said:
Phoenix234 said:
Would it be possible to make random npcs lords experience the same random events we do? so they could have a very bad event too?
Sure, I could make it so that random things happen to lords without the player being involved.

sounds much better if the game is meant to be a kingdom sim. if the AI have choices to make too then it could be much more fair and even
I have a few ideas for some events.

You and your party are walking in a forest when you hear a cry for help. As you progress down the trail, you find a man tied to a tree. He begs the player to let him down as the villagers thought he was a warlock and tied him to a tree.

Choice 1: Let the man down.

Results: 10% of him attacking the player(insane man) 30% of him asking for protection and robbing him at night(bandit) 30% of him giving the player 200 denars 30% of him being a decent soldier and asking to join the player. +2 honor and slightly negative village relationship You can refuse to allow him to join and when he robs you, it is a small sum of 100 denars.

Choice 2: Don't let him down.

Results: -2 honor and positive relationship with nearby village

Event 2 The falling Sun

A ship filled with foreigners has landed near the coastline. They are seen going village to village robbing fish,rice(if you put that into the mod) and sake.

Choice One
Send out the garrison to deal with them.
Results: 5 renown and positive village relationships and 40% chance that your garrison is severely wounded or killed.

Choice Two Negotiate
Pay in Sake, or rice or fish(4000 denars worth or whatever is decent) and have around 15 ronin, 5 samurais and 3 master samurai join your party.

Choice Three Fight
A samurai band is spawned that is scaled to your level and must be defeated.
Results if win: Positive village relations
Results if lose: Same as if you lost to bandits. Get captured and lose items. Minus 2 village relationships. Lose 5 renown.

Quick Event
Requirements: Pay 300 denars to one of the devastated villagers.
A man or woman runs up to you while you are in the village or town. They thank you for the money again and offer you some food or a trading good for your help.

Figured I'd help out since I actually like creating little things like this. Hope they help!

Travelling with your army you run into a travelling group of adventurers. The leader of the group scoffs at you and insults your god, claiming that he and his men could defeat you all easily.

Option 1: Threaten him and demand him to take back his words.
Result: If you have high persuasion a 70% percent chance he will be intimidated and take back his words giving renown and honor. 20% Chance at high persuasion or 80% at low persuasion he will insult you again and you will fight him one on one. Renown and honor for winning, loss of both plus money for losing.

Option 2: Call out the name of your god and strike the heathens down!
Result: Immediately go into a fight with his whole party, renown and honor for winning. Loss of both and possibly capture if you lose. Give more personal faith possibly?

Option 3: Ignore his words and be on your way.
Result: No battle but major loss of renown, possibly honor.


As you travel a man approaches from the distance. After being escorted to you by your troops he claims to be from one of your many villages and asks for assistance. Claiming famine and mass starvation he says many will die in the village if you don’t do something.

Option 1: Give the man a large bag of gold and tell him to by whatever is needed for the village.
Result: Lose a large amount of denars. 50% chance the man will disappear and the village will starve anyways. 20% chance the village will be saved and gain major relations bonus with it. 10% chance it was all a sham and the village is fine, the man will then use the money to send assassin’s after you.

Option 2: Tell the man you will arrive at the village to help personally.
Result: Have one week to go to village and find out what they need. Grain, cows, what have you. If you bring them what they need fast enough the village will be saved and you will gain a relation boost with the village. If you take too long the village will suffer and you will be negatively hit on relations with village.

Option 3: Tell the peasant to be gone, such things are beneath you.
Result: Village will suffer and lose relation with you.


Assassins! They have attacked you as you rested in camp! Survive!

Option 1: Scream and run for help!
Result: 60% chance you will die. 30% chance you alert your guards in time and they kill the assassins. 10% chance the assassin’s run after hearing your horribly shrill screams.

Option 2: Good thing you always keep your sword at your side!
Result: Fight with nothing but clothes and your primary melee weapon against a large group of leveled assassins. Winning will give major renown. Losing will end with death.

Option 3: It’s just a bad dream.
Result: 95% chance you will die. 5% chance the assassins decide to run away thinking you are so strong you needn’t even wake to face them.


Assassins again! They have struck as you ride on your horse alone!

Option 1: Ride away, far away.
Result: 80% chance you get away. Lose renown. 20% chance your horse fall’s into a pit and dies leaving you to fight them as they approach. Slight renown gain for winning, death for losing.

Option 2: Face them honorably.
Result: Get off your horse and face them on foot as the code of honor says. Face a large group of assassin’s in your full gear. Victory brings large renown gain, defeat brings death.

Option 3: I knew it!
Result: A small group of your men and companions will fight with you. Victory brings some renown, defeat brings death.


The assassins need to be dealt with. The man who has been sending them has been found, it is the one who you gave all those denars to!

Option 1: Hire better assassins, you always have more money.
Result: 90% chance the man dies and finally the assassins will stop… from him at least. 10% chance the man kills the assassins and comes to kill you himself! Fight a high leveled assassin lord. Victory brings renown, defeat brings death.

Option 2: Charge!
Result: 90% chance you will fight a high leveled assassin lord with a small group of your army. Victory brings slight renown, defeat brings death. 10% chance the man is nothing more than a fearful peasant who got in over his head and dies of a heart attack when he sees you and your men coming.

Option 3: Offer him a huge amount of denars to join you.
Result: 75% chance he will take the money and run, starting the whole thing all over again. 20% chance the man takes the money and joins you giving you a high leveled assassin lord in your army. 5% chance he takes the money and kills you in your sleep.
While resting at camp or fief a random NPC comes to you. He ridicules you by saying " Your only strength is with your blade and shield, beyond that you are nothing...". After a few more mocking words he then challenges you to a skin on skin, no weapons, boxing match...


1) Immediately capture the NPC to either hold him for ransom or to then execute him.
    (-30 honour if you execute+loss of 20 morale, -20 if you hold him for ransom+loss of 10 morale)

2) Deny the challenge and go on with your day.
(BUT BE WARNED the NPC will brag all across the lands saying he scared the great (insert name here) thus affecting your honour, renown, and morale)

3) Accept the challenge
(-10 to both renown and honour, and -20 morale if you lose, +10 to both renown and honour, and +20 morale if you win

Make a companion or friend fight for you
(-15 morale and -10 honour)

CHEAT by using weapons
(-20 morale loss -10 renown and honour)
                        THE NPC IS CONSIDERABLY STRONG                          also the consequences dosen't really have to the exact same as they are as you are the moderator  :wink:

I really don't have any expectations for this event. The reason why i posted it was just beacuse there is no use of your bare hands in any mod or in the vanilla game, and also this is a sort simple random and fun event in my opinion  :razz:
when traveling group of warriors stand in front of your army they say:we are warriors of (random religion),surrender or die!
1) surrender,lose renown and stuff like armor,weapons.
2)fight,if win gain morale,renown and enemy commander sword if lose lose equipment,renown and morale
3)try to convience that you are at same religion.65% that he wont attack.

while traveling you spotted large army of deserters who sents 10 men to negotiate:they drops there weapons and asks to join your party.

1)accept,get troops
2)refuse,no troops :razz:
3)attack,if win, lose morale,some companions upset,but gain renown ,if lose,lose renown morale.

some of your men rebels against you(may hapen when morale low)

1)Hang rebels,lose troops.
2)find rebel leader,get information, hang leader and burn list of all rebels,gain renown,lose one troop.
3) do nothing(you are so dead :grin:)
The people of your (insert-fief-name-here) waver in their belief of your god, each passing day, word from other villages seem to draw the faith of your people away from you. (Only happens when faith is low in your fiefs)

Option 1 : Ban caravans which do not share your faith. (Depending on the faith of the other villages and you MUST own a city)
Result : Lowers trade (Affected by faith of other cities) and stops the drop of faith in your fiefs.

Option 2 : Organize an inquisition!
Result : Drops relations with (aforementioned fief name) while ensuring the remainder of the populace are reminded of the one true faith throughout the lands.

Option 3 : Preach to your people. (Only recommended for players with high persuasion, bonus to players from noble descent)
Result : Chance to screw up the session (astronomically high for low persuasion) and makes everyone put more distance with your faith.

Chance in succeeding, the people are convinced! (high chances to happen with at least 7 persuasion)

Chance in great success, the people rejoice at being enlightened to the one true faith! (chances to happen are like 15% and only available with 10 persuasion, the people's faith are unshakeable.) [Extra bonus if player has no churches, and achieve great success.] In honoring and embracing their faith, the people have built a church to fulfill their spiritual needs!
Figured I'd try my hand at another event for you guys! Hope you like it!

As you travel with your army you are approached by a lone man, obviously a veteran of the many wars of Panavosa. He asks to see you and when he approached he explains he was sent by *Insert Enemy Lord’s Name Here* to challenge you to an honorable duel. To reject him would insult him and prove your own cowardice, yet he is imposing and quite intimidating.

(Thinking the opponent would possibly be an elite troop or a special character? Possible companion maybe?)

Option 1: Accept the challenge and face him in honorable combat.
Result: Go into a fight with the opponent. Victory gives renown gain, honor gain and a relationship drop with enemy lord. Victory also could give a 10-25% chance of the opponent being impressed by your skills and joining you. Defeat gives loss of renown, a gain to honor (Since you still accepted and fought.), and a relationship drop with enemy lord. (Just because you lost doesn’t mean he is going to like you more.)

Option 2: Attempt to bribe him to challenge *Insert Enemy Lord’s Name Here* instead.
Result: High Persuasion or Trade will have him accept and leave to challenge the enemy lord. You lose a certain amount of denars. 50/50 Chance of him being victorious or being defeated. If he wins against enemy lord said lord loses some renown and hates you more. If he is defeated enemy lord still hates you more but gets some renown. If you fail to bribe him the warrior will leave insulted and you will lose honor.

Option 3: Honorable duel? Who said I was honorable? Kill this fool!
Result: Your soldiers will attempt to kill him and loot the body. 75% He will fight them off and escape with you losing honor, renown and some of your soldiers being killed. 25% He will be killed and you lose honor, gain a fair amount of denars and some good equipment.
Maybe change the way feasts work?

Rather than going in to greet everyone manually, have the player attend the feast by waiting in town with a feast that is applicable to him (Same kingdom or specially invited as a guest or winner of the tournament).

During the length of the feast, random events will happen to simulate the ongoing feast while the player will always get a small relationship boost with everyone present at the feast, and some extra for attending the feast of the host.

:Event 1:
During the feast, [Insert random lord] had a little too much to drink and had a ruckus with [Insert another random lord] (both lords already dislike each other in the first place). A fight breaks out as the argument escalated.

1. Step between the two lords, halting the fight to grace the host. (Player must not be the host for this option to appear)
2. Start a wager between the two fighters, betting on [1st / 2nd lord]. (Option will appear twice for the corresponding lords)
3. Punch the nearest person to you, shouting and joining the fray! (Starts a fist fight with all participants in formal outfits. FREE-FOR-ALL!)

1.1 (Chance based on persuasion)(Random modifier before persuasion check to decide how drunk you were when you chose to do this) The lords stopped their scuffle, apologizing, seating down and looking embarrassed. After the feast, they both thanked you for disallowing the situation from getting out of hand. A messenger also hands you a bag of coins, expressing on behalf of the host his gratitude. [ Relationship bonus with fighters and host, small amount of monetary gift ]

1.2 You stepped between the two fighters but stumbled over your own drunkenness before getting punched out almost immediately. [ Receive some damage to health, feast is over and no more random events, normal boosts apply. All lords present at the feast will greet you and remind you of the incident once when you meet them anywhere else. ]

2.1 Everyone took to the wager, even the host was hollering at his bets, cheering the two fighters on. After some fist swinging, [Insert winner] finally emerges victorious, laying his opponent flat on the table. [ Win or lose money depending on who you betted on, duh. Extra boost on livening up the atmosphere with your quick thinking. Fighters resent you for exploiting their argument. ]

2.2 The host steps between the two fighters and promptly ended the fight, glowering at your for going with the flow. The night proceeded awkwardly... [ Continues the feast duration without anymore random events. Smaller boost with participants, relationship hit with host ]

3. Brawl starts immediately, no special thing here. Ending the fight means the end of the feast with all the lords stuck in the fief for some time, nursing their injuries and pride. [ Small relationship boost with everyone, lords remember the brawl same concept as getting punched in 1.2 ]

I'll think of more ideas of events for this if you decide this is a good idea, for now i'm too lazy to create other events.

For now i'll think of kingly events fit for kings to make being a king a more enjoyable thing.
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