I want to enlist!

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I have been playing this mod since the very first public version was released and seen it evolve into what mount and blade should have been from the beginning :smile:

There are a few minimods that would have been great in PoP but there is one that i really want to see.

i have completed pop in so many ways. been trough all the factions, totaly as a bad guy never joining a kingdom and so on. now i just wanna rpg as a simple soldier :smile: give me the freelancer mod :smile: (yes i know it has been asked before:smile:

I understand that work on 3.xx has ended and all focus is on PoP 4 but is there any slight hope of making this possible while waiting for PoP 4? :smile:
I shall quote a guy from another forum.

"Been suggested about 25 times"

No, it's only remotely possible due to the excessive coding in the Pop system. The devs are not gonna do it as they are concentrating on Pop4, as it is a priority and we all know how hard it is to mod. Feel free to try, but i doubt you will succeed.
All possible options are being look into for POP 4... At the moment the Freelancer Mod while awesome for those who wanna be that simple soldier is not on our plate yet.

Could it be in the future? Perhaps, but for now there are plenty of other things we would like to see in POP 4 before we start looking at something like the Freelancer Mod or other external mods in general.

In the end of the day though it will be a design decision by Sairtar on what kind of external mods will be included within PoP 4.


*Meddles with the occult* *Large puff of smoke in his face* This is what my day typically consists of right now.  Chances are slim that I will be integrating any mods until I figure out what all these lines of code do.  However, if we make a nice long list thread where people post what they would like to see, ill bookmark it and check back when things are more manageable.
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