I had a bug

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Why you delete my posts:

2 problems..

1. I suddenly get meesage of weekly budget and I have not any troops on my party... and I'm in dept*

2. I start as ottomans and they give my Hannover, one village in Britany and one in Spain noone is Ottoman territory*

I just want answer's why you deleting my posts
I see it now..
I just read something wrong, sorry

Do you have answer how to solve this or anyone else?
Any regiments created? Companions?

2. I start as ottomans and they give my Hannover, one village in Britany and one in Spain noone is Ottoman territory*
Sounds like you activated the cheats. Only solution is to start a new game, since several scripts have been fired. (improved skills, owning Hannover and Leicester).

I thought I turned the cheat-option off?
No just I, no other mans or regiments or mencenaries.

I will start new game and I not using cheats, becuase when is cheat europe II enabled, I just getting some "broken" musket's and "Dutch Officer uniform" every minute...

Where to I can find other ottoman units like Jannisary. I can from villages of ottoman's just get the Nizam- cedit's no other ottoman units like cavalary or jannisary...
You can only recruit from villages the base infantry from the army (the inicial rot of infantry, like Musketeers from all the armies). For recruiting "advanced" units, like special infantry (jägers, highlanders and cavalry) you must be the officer of an nation and go talk to the Warrant Officer, on the Boulevard (a part of the city that you can only access taking a wak trough there. Will be somewhat hard for you to find, but try reading Quintillius guide), and talking to him, you can choose to recruit some units. Them a menu with all the units avaible to the faction will be show on the dialog. You select the unit you want and choose if you wich to recruit 10+1 standard bearer or 20+2 standard bearer+1 percurcionist (they doesn't seem to have any actual use).
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