SP Tutorial Module System How to add New Skeletons/Mountain Giant to your module.

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Error message.  It says the something about being out of range.
I may be using the wrong export script.  I know you have eiekorpf's script listed here but why isn't it a proper download in python form.  As it is here it just links you to the text of the script.  I'm not sure what to name the python file I've tried to create from it and where to put it.  I just called it smd exporter but it doesn't show up in the export list of scripts.

I've tried using the brf exporter but that is giving me the out of range error message in the blender console as well.

When you selected all of it and scaled it Cdvader did the skeleton match up with the body mesh?  When I select both and scale it only scales the mesh.  So I selected both seperately and scaled them.  But when you scale the skeleton visually it scales the mesh along with it.  So at the end of scaling both. The mesh looks bigger.
Not sure how it works in Blender, but in 3ds Max I simply selected it all (the skeleton and the mesh) and then scaled it up.
Ok I just tried exporting only the skeleton again.  I deleted the mesh first.  Then used brf exporter export skeleton function.  There actually was no error with that one.  The file is 2 kb in size but the blender console does mention there being twenty bones from 0-19.  The only problem happens when trying to open up the file in the brfeditor...

EDIT: It can't I think thats why openbrf came out.  I can edit the file in openbrf just fine so that is awesome.

Heh may have found the problem I think I was supposed to open the skeleton in openbrf right.  It seems to have opened fine. I have the newest version .020.
The file opens fine in open_brf but when I try to open it later after saving it as a brf file. It gives me an error in the brfedittor about not being able to open human_actions1.txt

EDIT: But I get the same error from the native skeletons file, skeletons Brf in commonres. brfeditor just can't read skeleton files I guess.  I uses slawomir's suggestion and copied skeletons.brf to the mod folder then added the new giant_skeleton to it using openbrf.  Still having the
Can you send me the fat guy model so I could test? I'm not sure where to get it. I know it's IVYORT's work, but still, I have no idea. :razz:
Double posting but Oh boy is it worth it.  After much pulling of hair and a fair amount of knashing of teeth the giants are finally done!  I've got three screenies to show.

Here are some ogres mashing some skulls.  In order for them to hit properly it was necessary to mod their weapons to only have overhead swing.  It works pretty good.  Their weapons are 400 units long which is perfect.  They themselves are 3x normal size.

Here is a picture of the player in first person mode as a giant.  It is necessary to play first person as a giant because other wise the camera looks at your legs.  It is a little bit tricky but I am slowly getting the hang of it.

I parked these guys outside a castle to test their hitboxes.  Everything works just as it should.  The enemy seems to aim crotch height for some reason but if they are hit anywhere they will receive the damage.  Notice the arrow sticking out of their arm.
In the end it was unnecessary to create rigged boots.  As long as the troop wearing giant armor is a tf_giant gender the rigging works perfectly.  Non-giants can't wear giant armor without the rigging turning them into boneless blobs.  Vice versa with normal armor on giants.  I simply scaled the hands and head in brfedittor and everything fit pretty good.  Major credit for this has to go to CDvader as he sent me the skeleton which finally ended up working.  Oh and just for the record Cdvader your skeleton is being used with the meshes I scaled in blender which is awesome.  Now I can scale any native armor and turn it into a giant thank you Cdvader.  I guess the next step is to make the scaled down version of a native skeleton for the young soldiers of the band of the hawk like Rickert and Mule.
Just finished a smaller skeleton made in blender(finally figured out the process).  This might add a new chapter to your tutorial.  Basically using eiekorpf's brf_export script works.  But blender applies a reverse roll to the torso legs and head of the skeleton.  Basically everything rigged shows up backwards.  The head doesn't because it isn't rigged.  So in blender go into edit mode select the leg torso and head bones only and hit ctrl r.  Also don't select the arm bones that pass through the torso either.  Just the vertical bones in the torso.  Then type 180 and hit enter.  You have just rolled those bones around 180 degrees.  When you export everything will line up properly.  I have the skeleton in overhead view when I appy the roll.
  I'm going to shrink the head a little but might not change the hands too much I want these young soldiers to be able to carry all weapons.
EDIT: Made a skeleton 1/5 bigger as well.

The good guy vs the bad guy.  Bad guy isn't who it looks like it should be though.
Sounds like quite a difficult procedure...

In max all you gotta do is import the skeleton and move, scale and rotate the bones to whatever you want. Allign the feet to the old skeletons feet to make sure it doesn't float or penetrate the ground, etc voila, you're done.

Takes about five minutes to do the entire thing, and its like modelling. You can scale the arms to on Y to have very thick arms for example, etc.
It is a bit annoying but not too bad.  Really it takes a minute now that I know to do it.  Which will be good if other blender users want to start goofing around with custom skeletons. 
EDIT:  I lied I said rotate all bones but the arms 180.  Don't select the two foot bones either when you rotate 180.  If you do rigged boots will show up with the toes upside down.  Basically select all the bones that are aligned to the "spine of the skeleton".  And also I had trouble aligning the head bone.  It would always show up ingame too low on the body and you would not be able to see the editted characters neck.  What I did to set the neck to the right height was set a box at the height of the head bone at the scale of the skeleton 5% bigger than the actual skeleton I ended up using.  Then I scaled the whole skeleton to the height I wanted.  After that I simply selected the head bone and raised it alone to the height of the box.

As an example I took the native man body and skeleton and scaled it to be 25% bigger.  I put a box above the head bone at that point.  Then I scaled the skeleton down to be only 20% bigger than the native skeleton.  I did my rotations of the torso, hip, thigh, and head bones.  I selected just the head bone in edit mode and raised it till it touched the box I put in place earlier.  Checking it out ingame it worked. 
hi guys, i have all the programs needed for this, but i cant even import the smd into blender lol. anyway i think it would be cool if someone could upload a few different sized skeletons and put a link here to help a few people like me take a little shortcut?
If you are using the script that asks if you want to import only the rigged mesh or rigged mesh with textures you need to copy paste the smd directly into the blender folder.  Then create a textures folder there in the blender folder as well.  Copy the smd's texture into the textures folder.  Now if it doesn't import there go to the console(second window) and look at the error report.  It will say something about expecting a texture called Textures/"whatever.dds".  Rename the texture in the textures folder to the name listed in the console error report.  It might not even ask for the .dds on the end of the texture either.  If it doesn't then remove .dds from the end of the name.  Hope this helps. 
I have no experience whatsover with blender... I just went file, import and smd wasnt listed in options, dont know about scripts and such. Is no one willing to put up some skeletons for people's use?
Just a quick tip if you need armour for new skeleton mesh , you can convert any armour in BRFEdit using scale mode . but it is a bit hit and miss to get it the right size .
Oh good glad to hear it.  Select both the mesh and the skeleton when you scale but make sure to select the skeleton last.  And you can't move the skeleton around for some reason.  Whenever I move the skeleton upwards the whole skeleton is tilted forwards awkwardly in openbrf.  Also remember to apply the roll to the torso bones and the head but not the two feet bones or any of the horizontal arm bones.  Remember to follow my tip below about raising the head bone.  Make sure you download the brf export script.  I think it is by eiekorpf.  When you export you need to have the skeleton and the mesh selected for the smd.
Overpowered giants are a lot of fun.

I've been wanting to make elephants for some time now.  But there is no entry for horse in module skins.  How would I go about giving animations to a custom elephant skeleton(mostly an enlarged horse skeleton moved around and widened.)  Would I have to make said elephant an npc of some kind?  And would all movement have to be done with scripts?  This would all be moot if there was a horse entry in module skins but I do not see one.
Select the skeleton, tab to go into edit mode. Than you can select the individual bones. Press 'n' to bring up the transform panel. Key in the roll for the bones BP mentioned (do this one bone at a time, not multiple bones at once).
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