High Poly Female Body

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Credits to DtheHun's new female body OSP for the texture https://www.nexusmods.com/mbwarband/mods/6188
Credits to makehuman for the model
Took about 6 hours to make



Tried my best to fix the calf-body seam

lmk what you think, will release a DL link if people want it
Garedyr said:
Simply amazing.
Thanks!  :grin: :grin:

I'm trying to make the seam on the right calf less visible, kind of how the left calf is. I think there's a discrepancy in the X axis placement regarding the right calf's position to the rest of the body causing the seam there to look worse, I'll see what I can do.
Dunno, but if it already uses DtheHun's body model texture, why not just use the mesh, too and make the chest larger, instead of generating a model and UV map it with textures made for different model, so that some parts of the texture look a bit off on the generated model.
SuperCommando said:
Dunno, but if it already uses DtheHun's body model texture, why not just use the mesh, too and make the chest larger, instead of generating a model and UV map it with textures made for different model, so that some parts of the texture look a bit off on the generated model.

Because DtheHun's model looks too chunky and low poly, and the feet look awful like the original native feet/calf (which looked like clobbering monstrosities). I used the makehuman model so I could have toes on the model and nice looking feet. What part of the texture looks off?

Image, NSFW: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/833639354026315801/29D4B38F754C134BE9B2FF4524707C5C1BA91405/

I would use DtheHun's model if it had nice looking realistic feet

CutContent said:
Because DtheHun's model looks too chunky and low poly, and the feet look awful like the original native feet/calf (which looked like clobbering monstrosities). I used the makehuman model so I could have toes on the model and nice looking feet. What part of the texture looks off?


I would use DtheHun's model if it had nice looking realistic feet

The parts of the texture that are supposed to be near the shoulder, on the collar bones and also the part where the neck should begin,
those parts can be instantly noticed, if you compare them to DtheHun's model.
And for the calff, you could just generate a model with make human, import them to a 3d editing program and then split the legs from the rest of the body vertices/faces from the part where the upper legs of DtheHun's model would end.
Then you can still use his mesh, with better feet.
SuperCommando said:
And for the calff, you could just generate a model with make human, import them to a 3d editing program and then split the legs from the rest of the body vertices/faces from the part where the upper legs of DtheHun's model would end.
Then you can still use his mesh, with better feet.

No, you don't get it; the calf seam has to line up perfectly with the knee seam or else it will look all segmented and disjointed; if I used DtheHun's body mesh with the makehuman lower-legs/calves the knee seam would be even more noticeable because the knee cutoff from DtheHun's body mesh would be too different from the knee cutoff of the makehuman lower legs/calves
SuperCommando said:
The parts of the texture that are supposed to be near the shoulder, on the collar bones and also the part where the neck should begin,
those parts can be instantly noticed, if you compare them to DtheHun's model.

So I just move that texture-part higher up so it lines up with the neck?
Sory to necro this thread, but where is the mod?
There is not even a working link here for the pictures....!

Has it moved to another..?

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