Gloria Sinica / 汉匈决战: Han Xiongnu Wars (M&B like)

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A few hours ago, a new beta patch was announced for 2.650 universal testing. The developers said that the update will appear in Steam after the tests.
The Russian-speaking community also received a new patch. You can download it from the link. Suitable for Steam versions and for a regular game client that is distributed in China.
Language: Chinese, English, Russian.
Appeared to all players, the underground palace of Emperor Qin Shihuandi with his terracotta army, which was still in the version of the 0.53 bux for the usual M & B 1.011, when it was still free.
The entrance is at the bottom of the lake, you must first learn to hold your breath so that you can dive to the depth of the lake. You can practice breathing in any lake or river. It can be found by rumors in the city.
In the most underground palace it will be possible to find the imperial seal with the head of a dragon, which symbolizes monarchical power. There will also be a military medal. They are going to bonuses when players claim their independence.
Terracotta army is very strong, will be headed by their terracotta general. One on one it will be difficult to fight with them in the labyrinths of the underground palace.

Battle size increased to +750. On the battlefield, you can remove horses from the game, which will be left without riders to reduce the load on the computer. On the CTRL + H key is the combat time or in the game settings in the camp menu.

Here is the entire list of changes in bugs and new content. V2.551-V2.650更新内容


1 修复两个NPC家乡错误的问题。

2 修复己方队伍未受伤的成员人数小于4人时玩家无法坐镇指挥的问题。

3 修复营救场景里面,每次指挥的都是所有人,无法指挥具体分队的问题。

4 修复某些情况下训练队成员在每场战报后名字错误显示rename的问题。

5 尝试修复新军NPC被解散多次后,新提拔的NPC命名可能改变其他阵营名称,Npc名称出现以前的老名字的问题。

6 尝试修复某种新军全部放在非玩家管理城里的可能导致装备属性被刷新还原的问题(这种情况新军会被转移到玩家自己队伍)。

7 尝试修复营救场景如果玩家有自己士兵跟谁,敌人视线始终盯着玩家随从的问题。

8 修复两把印度剑,拔出剑后剑鞘依然有剑的问题。

9 修复自由猎杀任务时间期限不对和功勋奖励不对的问题。

10 修复小兵自由行动期间与领主对话出现多余对话的问题。

11 修复地宫发现后,再次阅读残简会反复激活地宫任务的bug。

12 修复定制装备任务完成没有新兵奖励的bug。

13 修复组建新军任务无法完成的问题。

14 修复漠南剧情里面点火后火不会熄灭的bug。

15 修复加入新军后之前的训练队会中立出现在大地图上的问题。

16 修复劫狱时已退到城外却无法成功的问题。


1 画面优化,大面积更换模型,材质。优化草地,植被。

2 优化草原场景,现在是一望无垠。

3 开放地宫功能,残简可以获得地宫信息。

4 给残简加入实用性价值。

5 添加外交宣战和求和




6 开放女性玩家选项

7 全面整理和添加各类低模,全部甲胄和鞋子添加女性模型。

8 全面调整长杆类武器属性,恢复长枪冲刺。

9 调整一些兵种装备

10 新增玩家队伍辎重功能,与玩家自己行李物品栏区分。辎重很多功能相当于小型运输队但是有差别。

11 调整运输队速度计算,每人运输8件,每匹马16件,每人最多管理5批吗。过多会导致速度降低。

12 随军辎重只有14个储物栏,正常速度行军,人和马可以携带运输队一般的物资,即分别为4和8.过多会降低玩家行军速度。

13 修复了打造装备原材料使用中可能存在的隐患

14 运输队一类的存储空间丢弃或出售物品改为按住左ctrl+左alt再点击物品。快速转移仍然是按住左ctrl。以防止物品失误被丢弃或卖掉。

15 西域诸国国王面貌更新。

16 开局默认战斗AI战斗难度默认为普通。

17 调整全部非NPC类兵种的属性,中低级兵种属性基本普遍降低。等级与属性对比与战团原版相近。

18 给匈奴弓兵弓箭熟练度提升30点,汉弩兵弩熟练度提升20点。

19 微弱下调新军武器熟练度奖励和经验所得。

20 增加是否让新军训练队参战的选项。

21 狩猎时玩家附近保证有梅花鹿。

22 一些循环任务报酬增加5倍。

23 战场规模范围为150-750人。

24 小兵模式自由活动期间战败,周围的敌人一定时间内不会攻击玩家,保证玩家可以逃脱。

25 小兵模式期间增加自由猎杀任务。

26 自立有自己城池后兵营解锁战法学习。

27 持有虎符增加声望,士气和统御技能。

28 持有金印增加声望,士气,统御和强辩技能,自立时获得更多支持。

29 玩家有金印时更加容易招降已经灭国的敌将。

30 水下屏气功能完善

31 极品掉落所需要的敌军规模从100人以上降低为60人以上。

32 更换和调试新的女性脸部模型和贴图。

33 降低不同战略难度玩家拥有城市的无效税收。

34 提高不同战略难度玩家免除无效税收城市的数量,简单,一般,困难三个战略难度等级分别对应城市数为10,7,4(一座关卡算0.5)。

35 提高极品装备和残简的爆率。

36 新增开局路线选择,添加了一些引导任务。

37 修正了部队规模扣除士气严重的问题。

38 新军35级后不能在训练补充。

39 略微降低每天通过训练技能给新军的经验值。

40 盐泉村开局参军小兵模式只会加入卫青或霍去病的部队。

41 大地图自由开局,兵营申请在汉服兵役加入该城的将军的部队。

42 荆楚勇士开局申请服役会跳过小兵。洛阳贵族要参加小兵。

43 战场中和营地-游戏选项菜单里面可以设置战场中无主马匹的数量。避免卡顿。超过数量的无主马匹会淡出。默认数量为30

44 灭国将领优先判定是否加入玩家阵营。受到两国关系,该将领与玩家关系,玩家是否有金印等因素影响。

45 上交俘虏的功勋会根据俘虏等级计算功勋。

46 捕虎任务,老虎换成一头。

47 纯刺的骑枪不再破格当,有概率击倒。

48 加强汉弩兵熟练度。

49 残简价格提高到400

Also, developers say that in a few months will be added multiplayer, and even new content.
Quite a strange statement.
The fact that you do not like it personally does not mean that it does not like absolutely everyone!  :grin:
people play this?

Yes, it's quite fun and well made, in a time period/area of the world that isn't often seen in mods or video games (apart from Dynasty Warriors which doesn't scratch the same itch that Warband style combat does).
I finally bought it recently.

I think I should start a new game as a Han character though, because the western side of things seems incredibly unfinished. (I tried playing a Kushan and it's just empty. Even the Kushan lords are named "Kushan Lord", rather than actual names. All the castles are the same etc.)
That's right, congratulations!
The very name of the game recalls that this is the Death War of Hunnu and the Han Dynasty, and in this bloody period the player should start for one of them! Of course, the choice is always for the player, but I start only for Han (where the storyline is), I choose when creating a character in 2.650 (the line in the menu sounds something like this: "Take your weapons and fight for your king.") further somehow: "I come from Han." Points of skill scatter, confirm, and you get to the starting location in the "Salt Village".
After completing the initial quests in this village (help the hunter, help catch the bandit, send the brother on the plot to school, work on salt extraction to earn some money, go hunting in the woods, get some skins and meat, you can sell to the Merchant who hunts in the village every morning, immediately after sleep, you can get up and go to the entrance of the village to trade him).
You can immediately start training in the lake for a breathing delay under the water, while there is a lake in the Salt Village (that in the future go to the underground palace of Qin Shihuandi for the imperial seal).
Then the general mobilization of the emperor will be announced, due to the frequent raids of the Shanyu Hunnu detachments.

You will be drafted into the army. Do not refuse to serve in any way, and do not pay the village headman 2000 Zhu - otherwise you will miss a vast layer of the game with an interesting historical story!

You will be taken to the village and sent to the training camp of all recruits on the border with Hun! Pass training (rather tedious for experienced players in MiB, 5-10 minutes of real time to spend it is necessary), then the officer will ask you what your specialization is best and who you want to serve in the army (swordsman, archer, etc.). Depending on the chosen specialization, you will continue to follow the development path - depending on your choice, the equipment that will be given to you during the promotion process depends.
The officer will distribute you and send to one of the generals Han to the service (I now in beta 2.650 got to serve one legendary general Ho Quibing). From now on, you begin to receive points for impeccable service and raise your military posts. You are under the command of the general, with increasing rank, you will gradually open access to the city's taverns, merchants to all (weapons, armor, horses), barracks. You will fight together with the general, go on storming, defend passages along the Great Wall of China, participate in the battles with Hunnu. Also, your general will send you to perform all sorts of tasks every day (pshpast prisoners, catch deserters, free patrolling the border, missions with signal towers, hunting) - be sure to try everything !!!
When you reach a high rank, the general will entrust you with more complex assignments for special military operations in the Hunnu steppes.
Well, when you attain the officer in his squad, the general will offer to fight him in a duel, after the victory he will say that he can no longer hold such a talented commander in his squad, and you go on a "free float" on the global map, but will is in the service in the Han army. Each month you will be paid a salary in the service, troops will be allocated for military campaigns, but they will withdraw points of military contribution. Once you are free, you can recruit NPCs (many interesting quests will be) in the squad, create your own individual troops and arm them to your liking. For the good fighting qualities of your own soldiers, who in the battle of one can kill 10 and bolle enemies, you can transfer such a soldier to the category of NPS.
Well, further in the battles will fall out the legendary weapon, collect it, after you capture the city, and the emperor will hand it to you, open the military warehouse in the city, arsenal, other production, after which you can craft the armored weapons, breeding horses in the stables. With this equipment you can equip your NPCs, your individual troops.
In the barracks of the city, go through additional training with officers, pre-read the treatise "Formations and tactics." In the battles, you will be in command of the COMMANDER, and when you learn all the tactics and formations, your troops will become stronger, since it will be difficult to fight with regular enemy troops in the initial stages, when the enemy will use their formations in battle with you. It was especially difficult for me to fight when the enemy used the tactics "Wings of the Crane" - very few chances remain for the victory of the players.
Here are the formations and tactics in the game:
infantry array
horse arch
Combat tactics:
standard attack
directed (oriented) protection
circular defense
wave attack
array of wings (crane wings)
Then look for the entrance to the Underground Palace at the bottom of the lake (you need to hold your breath), by the time you must receive bamboo fragments in battles, according to the information in them you can determine where the Underground Palace is. You fight with the Terracotta Army, you get the Gold seal and the Military symbol. Then having them, you can already create your kingdom, they will give bonuses certain and all the Han generals will be more accommodating, and they can go for a new leader!
Terracotta army is strong - you need to have a high level of pumping the player.
Previously, in the free version 0.53 (classic M & B 1.011), the entrance to the underground palace was cunningly scripted - to enter only at night, before diving to the bottom it was necessary to shoot from a high point from a bow or crossbow in extinct torches that hung at the sides at the entrance - then the entrance to the palace was unlocked.

Here is a link to the game's insturction from the developers in English

And this is in Russian, with pictures spreading from the Russian-speaking community of players.
Something like this. Spicy game!
A few screenshots
Training in delaying underwater breathing in the Salt Village


But this is sometimes attacked by bandits, they are also trained in tactics and formations. come together on the flanks are divided go vobhod and complete the environment of the weak main character of the game.  :grin:



And so, the "Horse arch" princes Shanyu Hunnu attack. I chose a defensive battle strategy with chariots before the battle, took up a circular defense with archers and infantry, and the reserve squad of my cavalry put up a wedge to then fight it out and stop, and then destroy the ring formation of the horse archers Hunnu.  :smile:
In urban barracks on the battlefield, the officer conducts training - the regime of COMMANDER
And this is a very difficult battle with the princes Hun and Dunhu. I had already created my own troops by that time (I heavily pumped them myself by choosing the sunglasses myself - I rocked foot archers), everyone learned the formation and tactics that are available from the Han officers in the garrisons.
I already had the opportunity within my own detachment to have 8 separate subdivision (like the sergeants' regime in Bannerlord). True, the commanders did not appoint them. The most difficult fight, in this battle I sprawled the spikes before chariots, poured oil on the battlefield before, and then set it on fire! It was very fun!  :grin:
Mr.Milker said:
I finally bought it recently.

I think I should start a new game as a Han character though, because the western side of things seems incredibly unfinished. (I tried playing a Kushan and it's just empty. Even the Kushan lords are named "Kushan Lord", rather than actual names. All the castles are the same etc.)

Yeah, the Han is the most developed part of it.

As an aside, I'm kinda tempted to try and make a Chu-Han contention mod for this. I'd prefer Warring States, but getting chariots working properly in the Warband engine seems a pain (I hope this is something that can be addressed in Bannerlord).

Also, just farting around fighting looters on my own, took some screenshots.

Russian players have already broken through to the underground palace.  :grin:


Once you have 5 bamboo plates, after reading the last fragment of five, the quest for the Underground Palace will open. Bamboo fragments fall out after the battle as trophies, well, and can also be found in bandits' camps, in chests. But be careful on the quest is given 30 days.
Sorry for necro, but I couldn't find a proper guide anywhere so here we go:
After weeks of looters hunting, I finally got all 5 bamboo fragments. Reading them pointed me to a place near Chang'An calls "Underground Palace", I went in and found no lake, the game just tranfered me directly inside the tomb with tons of enemies inside. Cleared out the tomb, looted all the chests, but there was no Imperial Seal to be found, just some ancient armors, weapons alongs with some rare crafting materials. So what am I doing wrong?
P/s: I'm playing version 2.672.
Charles de Tonkin said:
Sorry for necro, but I couldn't find a proper guide anywhere so here we go:
After weeks of looters hunting, I finally got all 5 bamboo fragments. Reading them pointed me to a place near Chang'An calls "Underground Palace", I went in and found no lake, the game just tranfered me directly inside the tomb with tons of enemies inside. Cleared out the tomb, looted all the chests, but there was no Imperial Seal to be found, just some ancient armors, weapons alongs with some rare crafting materials. So what am I doing wrong?
P/s: I'm playing version 2.672.
Greetings Charles de Tonkin
When you collect Bamboo fragments in an amount of 5, they often lead to the false location of the palace. You have come to one of the false palaces.
In order not to suffer from collecting fragments leading to the real Underground Palace of Qin Shihuandi with the Terracotta Army, you should immediately go to the Han Dynasty capital (Chang'An).
Choose from the menu of the city - Walk along the streets. You will immediately appear in the adjacent territory near the city walls of the capital. You need to go a little to the right, and there will be a lake behind the barn, the entrance is at the bottom of the lake. Tentatively, you need to go from the corner of the barn at an angle of 45 degrees into the lake. Take one of the fast horses, in a jump, from acceleration, jump away. There, in principle, you should have enough 30 seconds to hold your breath underwater. If not enough, then you can train breath holding in the same lake.

Beware of a close encounter with the Terracotta General, he is very strong, and he probably has the best shield that is in the game, made of stone (the shield seems to be called "Mount Tai"). If you’ve been upgraded from archery, and there is a special trophy “Bow with the Golden Head of a Dragon”, use it to shoot at a distance of 3 arrows per shot (Alt key), if Athletics is pumped, you can make more volleys of 3 arrows into it The Terracotta General flees, escorted by the other 4 Terracotta warriors. Under the shield you will understand where the most important enemy is. It will be right at the entrance to the crypt, where all the tombs are. There are traps there, and beware of the archer from the Terracotta Army, which is located on the second floor (there is no passage to the second floor), you will kill him with an arrow.

Here are a few screenshots, I think they will help you find your way.






Inside the Underground Palace itself.


Gold Seal of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi

I wish you success!
1zironka1 said:
Charles de Tonkin said:
Sorry for necro, but I couldn't find a proper guide anywhere so here we go:
After weeks of looters hunting, I finally got all 5 bamboo fragments. Reading them pointed me to a place near Chang'An calls "Underground Palace", I went in and found no lake, the game just tranfered me directly inside the tomb with tons of enemies inside. Cleared out the tomb, looted all the chests, but there was no Imperial Seal to be found, just some ancient armors, weapons alongs with some rare crafting materials. So what am I doing wrong?
P/s: I'm playing version 2.672.
Greetings Charles de Tonkin
When you collect Bamboo fragments in an amount of 5, they often lead to the false location of the palace. You have come to one of the false palaces.
In order not to suffer from collecting fragments leading to the real Underground Palace of Qin Shihuandi with the Terracotta Army, you should immediately go to the Han Dynasty capital (Chang'An).
Choose from the menu of the city - Walk along the streets. You will immediately appear in the adjacent territory near the city walls of the capital. You need to go a little to the right, and there will be a lake behind the barn, the entrance is at the bottom of the lake. Tentatively, you need to go from the corner of the barn at an angle of 45 degrees into the lake. Take one of the fast horses, in a jump, from acceleration, jump away. There, in principle, you should have enough 30 seconds to hold your breath underwater. If not enough, then you can train breath holding in the same lake.

Beware of a close encounter with the Terracotta General, he is very strong, and he probably has the best shield that is in the game, made of stone (the shield seems to be called "Mount Tai"). If you’ve been upgraded from archery, and there is a special trophy “Bow with the Golden Head of a Dragon”, use it to shoot at a distance of 3 arrows per shot (Alt key), if Athletics is pumped, you can make more volleys of 3 arrows into it The Terracotta General flees, escorted by the other 4 Terracotta warriors. Under the shield you will understand where the most important enemy is. It will be right at the entrance to the crypt, where all the tombs are. There are traps there, and beware of the archer from the Terracotta Army, which is located on the second floor (there is no passage to the second floor), you will kill him with an arrow.

Here are a few screenshots, I think they will help you find your way.






Inside the Underground Palace itself.


Gold Seal of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi

I wish you success!
Thank you! very detailed and helpful guide!  :grin:
Never buy this game!!!! It's a fraud! It's just a Mount & Blade's mod and only worth $5! Don't waste your money! If you want to play, buy M&B and there are thousands of similar mod that you can download for free!!!
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