Formation Battle Sundays!

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MaHuD said:
What about priority speaker?
Talking to your superior is damn handy from time tot time.

Hmm, thanks for the suggestion MaHuD. I shall chat to BiteMe and consider - TS3 is a strange and wonderful new world to me tbh!

Great to see so many well-known faces, I'm really looking forward to this now! Here's hoping you spread the word!
This sounds really fun. I have not seen any sort of formation battle gameplay except the one time I rallied everybody into a shieldwall in Snowy Village during the Beta.
Stonewall382 said:
This sounds awesome!  One question though:  with that many people playing, won't the lag be unbearable?

I've played on the server with 150 people and , other then the VERY odd person skipping, it wasent even noticable to me. (you have to make sure your computer is up to the task though)
Lower your graphics, your more likely to experience FPS lag than bad Ping, for instance, when the server is running around 150 players the ping average is mostly around 130, but it feels lower, I have no problems in fighting the same as I did with lower ping.
(Actually on a different note we are finding sometimes our server tells you you have much higher ping than you actually do, we are looking into it).

But remember, this isnt all about personal skill, that will come into it, but its about getting together, having a great time using tactics and a leader, and having fun socialising, these events were uber-popular in the beta because they worked so well with that community, im sure they are going to be a great success again!

Also dont worry there will be at the very least 3 admins on from the 22nd to deal with any fools.
+ if everyone has a higher ping than normal, I don't see the problem.
It doesn't penalize one player, rather all, in which case it's balanced.

If you plan on switching people's channel while in the game (You might already do it like this, or do it a better way), and you don't have 2 screens, I would advise to put the game in window mode, press escape and then hold down tab.
And ALT-TAB out of the game, that way the scoreboard is still visible and you can see who to move :smile:
MaHuD said:
If you plan on switching people's channel while in the game (You might already do it like this, or do it a better way), and you don't have 2 screens, I would advise to put the game in window mode, press escape and then hold down tab.
And ALT-TAB out of the game, that way the scoreboard is still visible and you can see who to move :smile:

Useful tip, thanks :smile:

Keep the suggestions coming people, always happy to listen to good ideas to make this run smoother!

Plus it keeps this thread afloat above the murky depths of the board!  :razz:
I wonder who will command, will be cool to see some new tactics, that aren't just "shieldwall" in various formats. Crossbow line firing, bowmen volleys (it works, weve tried it, it can be deadly) Pike formations, cavalry formations, we could try a testudo!
MaHuD said:
I will try to order kleid to sticky the topic :O

I've already talked to okiN, he thinks it would be unfair to sticky this and not sticky other events (and tbh I agree), but I'm working to try and arrange another Open Events Planner (like the one cifre used to run) which can be stickied and kept up to date with events listings from across the globe.

Might end up having to do it myself but I think it'll be too useful to ignore :smile:
We will probably use one of the random ones, and then maybe at the end do something fun on a different map.
Arrows disappearing before they hit the ground? hmm?
Believe me epic arrow volleys is very cool to watch, especially if you've modded it so that the arrows when fired use the arrow model, not the horrible smudged line XD
You will not need a microphone, however, as all mics will be disabled except for commanders

This is absolute rubbish.

Please, don't ruin this. Stick to the model we already had, it was perfectly fine. :I These home-made changes are both uncessary and sound like they will make it way lame.
I have to agree with Highelf and MaHud and say that disabling the mics is a terrible idea, at least to start with. It hasn't been a problem in the previous formation battles (If anything, those were too quiet) and it seriously scuppers any use of scouts, it doesn't let people acknowledge orders and it prevents feedback to the commander.
He already posted that instead he will use priority speakers (Viper doesnt know much about teamspeak, that was just not knowing much about it, not a fatal error, give him some slack :smile:)
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