Favorite Berserk one-liners

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When I get interrupted while I'm try'an to kill or **** something I get really cranky!

Yes. He is a funny guy/thing  :mrgreen:

But I most like Puck's comments.
Oh god don't get me started on that god damned puck.
He starts out like a little sissy that cries at the sight of danger

"250 chapters later"

Hes a hardass who treats Isidro like his *****
I think any sissy who goes through the events in Berserk either ends up dead or extremely grimdark/hammy.
I didn't mind one character that prevented things from being too dark.  But it kinda seems the whole party except for Gutts seems to be a bunch of little miss sunshines.

Well maybe Gutts will finally snap and kill them all.
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