Dragon Age III

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With enemies falling from the sky.

But really, we're talking about RPGs. ME does have a decent story and the gameplay is nice, but the way they did the dialogue options is just horrible. They had the same sort of dialogues in DA2 which limits you to "the clown, the bad guy and the good guy". Whatever happened to dialogue trees such as in Planescape: Torment is beyond me.

DA2 restricts you to a certain race and even gives you a name, not to mention the storyline isn't too spectacular at all (unless you want to compare it to CoD). Sides, massive amounts of functionality and customization were removed from the series. Sounds more like an action game to me.
DA2 was one of those games where the developers try to please everyone, not focusing on any group of players enough to give full satisfaction.
Archonsod said:
DA2 had working combat, much better writing and far less clutter.
Goker said:
DA2 had an arcadey setting though. And the artwork was awful. Combat was decent but the dungeons were also bad. Don't think combat alone could make a difference in that horrible game.

Personally I don't call 'super-anime-fast with exploding bodies at the slightest contact of a weapon' combat 'working' or 'decent'. I call it retarded personally. DA:O, now I go back to it, did have an issue with combat but DA2 went completely the opposite way and off of the 'wacky' scale. Animations were stupid, speed was stupid, warriors sliding around all over the place was rather stupid, effects going off everywhere was annoying, waves were ridiculous (a compromise, as I understand it, for the consoles & their limited memory), the exploding bodies got annoying after the first fight - the list does go on. DA:O was too slow & unresponsive at times, granted, but DA2 was horrendous in comparison.

I've never been a fan of 'faster than reality' & completely unrealistic combat, except in the case of Jedi (where they're aided by the Force and are not 'bog-standard' humans, or even just humans). The Sacred Ashes trailer for DA:O, with Leliana flipping, rolling, loosing arrows at the sprint, jumping through the air slashing with daggers, had me screaming in rage at how retarded it was.
Bioware can't do sequels, nowadays.

Mass Effect was great.
Mass Effect 2 was ****.
Mass Effect 3 is probably worse from what I gather.

Dragon Age went the same way. The first was awesome.
The second was written by a teenager who wanted to get some virtual loving with pretty polygon faces. Did I mention the main character Hawke? Even a ****ing potato would be more charismatic and interesting.

IF 3 is anything like 2 it's a pass for me.
Bear in mind that this is my opinion, so **** you if you don't agree.

Never played DA games, but all Mass Erects are great. The last two are just story & character driven 3rd person shooters while the first one was more of a cRPG.
Nahkuri said:
Never played DA games, but all Mass Erects are great. The last two are just story & character driven 3rd person shooters while the first one was more of a cRPG.
How does passing from a cRPG to a 3rd person console shooter, a good improvement!?

Yeah, I know. I was just jabbing at his grammar because I found the combination of his dorky PC elitism(which he probably considers intellectual superiority) and weak English slightly amusing.

Anyways, as for the genre switch of ME series, I don't give a ****. The combat became much more enjoyable, they got rid of the horribly clunky inventory system, and the only skill that mattered in ME1 was the speechcraft anyway. They kept the sexcellent story, writing and character interaction. That's what matters, anyway.

Except for the ending of ME3. That's the ****ty part.
Oh, right. Sorry.

What do you guys think of the Multiplayer addition?

Dragon Age is going multiplayer. The role-playing franchise is, according to an insider, going beyond singleplayer for the first time, and warriors won't simply face off against each other in combat.

Apparently, dragons will also be playable in Dragon Age multiplayer, giving players the chance to go head-to-head with foes in fire-breathing, swooping-through-the-air dragon form.

The multiplayer is supposedly an arena-based affair and features player versus environment (PvE) elements as well as player versus player (PvP), as well as humans fighting dragons. Details on what PvE battles entail are scant.
Probably caused by the same reason ME got multiplayer, they want to try and appeal to a wider audience.

I'm neutral about it.
Goker said:
I'm still sad about the "Hey, let's appeal to a wider audience" direction Bioware is taking with every game. Wish they would just appeal to that certain player base that loved Origins instead.

I don't mind any of that when "Hey, let's appeal to a wider audience" doesn't translate as "hey, let's assume everyone in the wider audience is a ****ing idiot with the attention span of a goldfish with a caffeine overdose" in the minds of developers. Same applies for TV.
Goker said:
I'm still sad about the "Hey, let's appeal to a wider audience" direction Bioware is taking with every game. Wish they would just appeal to that certain player base that loved Origins instead.

Also known as appealing to a wider audience.

Seriously, Origins was just that. They tried grimdarking it by throwing in sex and blood out the arse, and saying that RPGs were all grown up.
Honestly, I think DA3 will just be an even larger pile of wank than 2
True. I still think that the game shouldn't have the wheel dialogue system, or any certain character. I don't mind my character not talking. It is actually better that way, because your character actually says what you click on.

DA2 and ME games had that wheel system with certain characters and it is basically clicking on the upper selection for Paragon and lower selection for Renegade. You might as well be not reading what it says.
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