Open General Client crash in internal_decode

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[22:57:58.387] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.387] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.408] Server generated reliable native event received: add_jump
[22:57:58.408] NET LOG:Mission::on_network_message_MPSGE_add_jump agent_index: 50
[22:57:58.410] Trying to make partial read on compressed asset data. This does not improve performance since partial decompression is not supported[22:57:58.410] Trying to make partial read on compressed asset data. This does not improve performance since partial decompression is not supported[22:57:58.410] Trying to make partial read on compressed asset data. This does not improve performance since partial decompression is not supported[22:57:58.419] Reading message: HandleMissileCollisionReaction
[22:57:58.419] Processing message: HandleMissileCollisionReaction: Handle Missile Collision with index: 13 collision reaction: Stick AttackerAgent index: 2 AttachedAgent index: 12 AttachedToShield: True AttachedBoneIndex: -1 AttachedMissionObject id: -1 ForcedSpawnIndex: -1
[22:57:58.420] Reading message: SetWeaponNetworkData
[22:57:58.420] Processing message: SetWeaponNetworkData: Set Network data: 564 for weapon with EquipmentIndex: Weapon3 on Agent with name: [BCNR] ДÑдюшка Stasik and agent-index: 12
[22:57:58.420] Reading message: KillDeathCountChange
[22:57:58.420] Processing message: KillDeathCountChange: Kill-Death Count Changed. Peer: 0n_di killed peer: NULL and now has 0 kills, 2 assists, and 2 deaths.
[22:57:58.487] Server generated reliable native event received: play_sound_event
[22:57:58.487] Reading message: SetAgentHealth
[22:57:58.487] Processing message: SetAgentHealth: Set agent health to: 41, for  YOU
[22:57:58.487] Reading message: KillDeathCountChange
[22:57:58.487] Processing message: KillDeathCountChange: Kill-Death Count Changed. Peer: [VSC] vemon killed peer: NULL and now has 6 kills, 2 assists, and 1 deaths.
[22:57:58.520] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.520] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.520] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.520] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.520] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.520] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.530] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.530] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.564] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.564] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.564] Server generated reliable native event received: play_sound_event
[22:57:58.564] Reading message: SetAgentHealth
[22:57:58.564] Processing message: SetAgentHealth: Set agent health to: 35, for  YOU
[22:57:58.564] Reading message: KillDeathCountChange
[22:57:58.564] Processing message: KillDeathCountChange: Kill-Death Count Changed. Peer: Chagan killed peer: NULL and now has 2 kills, 0 assists, and 1 deaths.
[22:57:58.564] Server generated reliable native event received: play_voice_event
[22:57:58.564] Server generated reliable native event received: combat_hit_particle_registered
[22:57:58.620] Server generated reliable native event received: play_sound_event
[22:57:58.620] Reading message: SetAgentHealth
[22:57:58.620] Processing message: SetAgentHealth: Set agent health to: 235, for  YOUR MOUNT
[22:57:58.620] Reading message: KillDeathCountChange
[22:57:58.620] Processing message: KillDeathCountChange: Kill-Death Count Changed. Peer: salad fork killed peer: NULL and now has 1 kills, 0 assists, and 1 deaths.
[22:57:58.620] Server generated reliable native event received: combat_hit_particle_registered
[22:57:58.654] Reading message: SetWeaponAmmoData
[22:57:58.654] Processing message: SetWeaponAmmoData: Set ammo: 1 for weapon with EquipmentIndex: WeaponItemBeginSlot on Agent with name: [VSC] Niks and agent-index: 35
[22:57:58.654] Reading message: SetWeaponReloadPhase
[22:57:58.654] Processing message: SetWeaponReloadPhase: Set Reload Phase: 1 for weapon with EquipmentIndex: WeaponItemBeginSlot on Agent with name: [VSC] Niks and agent-index: 35
[22:57:58.654] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.654] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.688] Server generated reliable native event received: play_sound_event
[22:57:58.721] Reading message: HandleMissileCollisionReaction
[22:57:58.721] Processing message: HandleMissileCollisionReaction: Handle Missile Collision with index: 14 collision reaction: Stick AttackerAgent index: 35 AttachedAgent index: -1 AttachedToShield: False AttachedBoneIndex: -1 AttachedMissionObject id: -1 ForcedSpawnIndex: 31
[22:57:58.722] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.722] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.744] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.744] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.778] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.778] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.811] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.811] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.823] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.823] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.890] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.890] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.890] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.890] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.891] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.891] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.891] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.891] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.891] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.891] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.901] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.901] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.947] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.947] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.970] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.970] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:58.981] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:58.981] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:59.015] Reading message: PlayerMessageTeam
[22:57:59.015] Processing message: PlayerMessageTeam: Receiving team message: I PREFER QUIT THE GAME FOR THAT from peer: (PECORES)PEPE index: 92
[22:57:59.015] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:59.015] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:59.016] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:59.016] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
[22:57:59.049] Reading message: SpawnWeaponAsDropFromAgent
[22:57:59.049] Processing message: SpawnWeaponAsDropFromAgent: Spawn Weapon from agent with index: 87 from equipment index: WeaponItemBeginSlot, and with ID: 32
[22:57:59050] Reading message: SetWieldedItemIndex
[22:57:59.050] Processing message: SetWieldedItemIndex: Set Wielded Item Index to: None on Agent with name: Dicksoak_Xeen and agent-index: 87
[22:57:59.050] Invalid encode/decode in Integer_compression_info::decode_safe. min: -1. max: 63. input: 76. Message: internal_decode
[22:57:59.050] Reading message: PingReplication
[22:57:59.050] Processing message: PingReplication: PingReplication
Unhandled Exception Code 0xC0000005 at adress 0x7FFD9F7845A5

#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:5850533
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:5872006
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:6210561
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:6208171
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:5641904
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:5644492
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:4823045
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:328484
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:325669
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:276069
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:2134311
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:2133595
#TaleWorlds.Native.pdb@{5970C8E1E5AF4B95B013269A6FC547A6} (1): 0:2137399
#ucrtbase.pdb@{152B3C4F5E1CE0FE6BC36E9F0F2B10E6} (1): 0:138162
#kernel32.pdb@{F193989D78E17120B3BC156240BD021E} (1): 0:95764
#ntdll.pdb@{E87B47365C121B112AC6799AA39F717F} (1): 0:337585
#TaleWorlds.DotNet.AutoGenerated.pdb@{B510B1D511594E65B0E73D4B0D800859} (1): 100663315:0
From time to time, a little portion of the our players get that client crash at the same time. I don't think I've heard about that crash before 1.1.5.
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