BUG Reports v 1.34

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I have noticed that when I am besieged in my camp (while waiting to bury the dead) the AI is very passive even when they have a huge advantage not to mention they attacked me!  They just stand on the hill and wait for me to attack them.
I do not know, whether this is a bug or not, but your own units level up extremely fast in my opinion. I just played for a week or so without extreme fighting and I have already 5 or 6 elite infantry troops (all in all some bandits and some theows, about 40 or so).
Yeah pretty sure this one is a bug. Eithne has a male head and body. Short as all hell but still. Dude.
I don't get honour from events. Whenever I choose the honorable option I get the message that "character renown is 3" but gain no renown.

During ship combat, ships sometimes collide throwing me and my men off the ship. The ship suddenly sets off into the horizon; this happened once when the enemy ship was right alongside mine. Also, once when I tried to board an enemy ship me and m troops started to glide, or in other words the ship moved and the crew didn't. I've seen this happen to enemy crews as well.

I also find that the party loses morale too quickly while sailing. This morale loss should at least be optional.

Eithne looks like a child now.
nereid said:
I do not know, whether this is a bug or not, but your own units level up extremely fast in my opinion. I just played for a week or so without extreme fighting and I have already 5 or 6 elite infantry troops (all in all some bandits and some theows, about 40 or so).

Thats because the different tiers dont pend very much in the level.
Fae. for a Gebur Jute to a Ridwiga Jute its tier 1 to 5 in lvl 15 to lvl 27, that dont need much experience.
Well, i think to compensate this they are expensive as hell.
After I signed up for Lord's army:
1) When I went into combat I got a "Fat Body"
2) I picked up some items on the field. It was confirmed in message prompt that I got them, later when battle exited.  When I resigned from army so I could check my inventory, the items were not there
3) During combat, it kept showing "you unleash a fearsome cry" even though I didn't do anything
4) Some "DEBUG" message poped up
5) I keep seeing Experience gains being reported, even though I turned that off
6) I keep seeing "arrow shot distance", even though I turned it off.

10 minutes into this, and I don't want to play it anymore :sad:  Looks completely untested.
I noticed that the problem with trading mead had already been reported in this thread. I've tested trading a bit more and it seems that I can make profit by buying any items from the goods merchant and then selling the same items back to the goods merchant.
ivj said:
After I signed up for Lord's army:
1) When I went into combat I got a "Fat Body"
2) I picked up some items on the field. It was confirmed in message prompt that I got them, later when battle exited.  When I resigned from army so I could check my inventory, the items were not there
3) During combat, it kept showing "you unleash a fearsome cry" even though I didn't do anything
4) Some "DEBUG" message poped up
5) I keep seeing Experience gains being reported, even though I turned that off
6) I keep seeing "arrow shot distance", even though I turned it off.

10 minutes into this, and I don't want to play it anymore :sad:  Looks completely untested.

You never do get to keep weapons you pick on in the field though, do you?
The fat body is probably due to you being a low-ranking soldier. You get assigned equipment automatically and "fat body" is probably part of the equipment. Once you advance in rank you'll probably get armour.
The same thing with the fearsome cry keeps happening to me too.
1st of all, great work guys, it was much worth the effort. Lots of new and nice things to explore.

now, I have had a couple of CTD's then I reinstalled the game. I use high config but my pc supports it well enough, I get an average 80 fps...

But the problem is the screen keeps freezing. I mean, the sound goes on in the background, and it happens a sort of looping slow motion, as if the game was jammed... I alt tab and after a minute or so it goes back to normal. Any clue?
Random_Norman said:
1st of all, great work guys, it was much worth the effort. Lots of new and nice things to explore.

now, I have had a couple of CTD's then I reinstalled the game. I use high config but my pc supports it well enough, I get an average 80 fps...

But the problem is the screen keeps freezing. I mean, the sound goes on in the background, and it happens a sort of looping slow motion, as if the game was jammed... I alt tab and after a minute or so it goes back to normal. Any clue?

I had something similar to, I posted my PC in bug reports (page 4?) to compare. For example: when playing a tournament when I clicked "fight next round" I got a black screen/ to choose screen/ to black screen etc. Ctrl Alt Delete, click game in lower bar, I'm in battle. Most bugs seemed to get fixed by lowering settings.

So check your  PC with mine and try the settings. If it keeps up, don't ask me :razz:
When I saw the new ship features, I was really really impressed. Then I tried to play a battle.

First of all, all the key bindings are not what they say they are. 'J' and 'K' sometimes produce the line "Situation Report:", which is not, as I understand it, what they are supposed to do.

The arrow keys appear to be mapped like this
Up: Port
Right: Starboard
Down: "More rowing!"
Left: "Try to board ships!"

As far as whether they actually work, the right arrow does appear to turn the ship starboard. So does the left arrow. Down-arrow does nothing to change my speed. I'm not sure if left arrow works because I couldn't get close enough to the Scotti pirates to board them.

When I hit enter, sails appeared with the worlds "Set Sail!" So far so good. But then, I didn't start moving. After a few more times pressing enter, with the words "Get Sail!" and "Less rowing!" also appearing, my ship suddenly took off. However, it started turning starboard almost immediately and I sailed around in a circle, despite pressing pretty much every other key.

Oh, and before I forget, I got a message saying "the pain is unbearable," I got a message saying that I lost 46 xp, and my skin disappeared. I could still walk around as a filled-out bundle of clothes, though.

Is it possible that you could patch this soon? Or, if it's too complicated to fix, could you patch it so that sea battles work like they used to?
diavel said:
Phaseos said:
Not sure if it's because of the quest, but if you take up the quest to help a village train it's population against bandits.

You'll get stuck in the village menu and none of the options will work they'll be click able but will give no response. The only way to exit is to CTRL + ALT + DEL.
I was stuck in a village too after I worked as a farmer for a while. "Leave" option didn't work. "Leave" didn't worked inside "buy cattle" submenu also. The rest of options worked though, but I couldn't get out of the village/village menu.
Me to...you dont need to ctrl+alt+del..you can go "walk in the villeage" option..save and exit..and then load back..ynd you are on the world map..
The irish factions got almost no ranged units.
The upgrade path is from troop 131 to troop 132, but the reinforcement_a for the irish factions starts with troop 133.
The game cant handle this properly, to add a third line with some 131ish troops in reinforcement_a solves the problem.

Dont be stressed to much from the bugs, for a project as big as this one its normal to have a shytload of bugs, even
for a company who gets payed for this stuff  :wink:
Weird bug:

On the ambush scene, when i went up on the ruins, i kicked a bandit off the edge, and instead of dying from the fall, he lied down and couldn't move, but he was not dead. I had hit him three times with my axe and kicked him twice, so a fall from a height like that should have killed him. I jumped too, and i found myself in the same situation as the bandit, i wasn't dead but i couldn't move. Weird.


Can someone tell me how to post screenshots that appear here and not on imageshack etc? Thanks.
I tried to hunt some deer recently but was a little surprised when I realised that they are invulnerable :lol:
Everytime I hit one there is speed bonus shown but no damage. I did not try ranged weapons, don´t know if they work.
There is somthing wrong with the Irish lords of Mumain, a few were defeated in battle early on (including the marshal) now they just sit in a town with no men doing nothing, been that way for quite a while now, the marshal still calls lords to battle but they just wait outside while he does seemingly nothing :???: Loving this mod so far despite these bugs.
Ballacraine said:
Roh said:
Yeah pretty sure this one is a bug. Eithne has a male head and body. Short as all hell but still. Dude.

Yes, it isn't just you.

I reported that in post 28

Balla.  :cool:

Yeah sorry I missed it. These bug threads quickly become giant walls of text that I have trouble following.
Just a minor bug: You are hunting a group of goats, not a group of coats. The animal name is right, but the group name on the world map is written with a c instead of a g.

Another minor bug would be the texture of the armor model, that is based on the Sarranid leather armor. As soon as you put it on, you get some dark stripes on some parts of it.
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