Bug Reports - 0.95pre10

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UmaroVI said:
I got a different bug with the kidnapped girl quest. I took her back to her home town (Chonai), but she refuses to recognize she's back and leave the party properly - assuming it's the same as Native, she's supposed to leave when you arrive in town. If it was changed, I tried talking to her and the guildmaster in town but neither of them do anything. I've never seen this bug in Native so I think it is mod-related.

Also, the starting quest (the one where you lead the rebellion in the town) is buggy, and tends to spawn enemies in unreachable locations.

did u try talking to the girl just outside of the correct town, she may leave automatickly, this is the way u hv to do it when doing the caravan quest.


do u mean the quest that involves leading the villages to drive the bandits out and to capture the town captain?if so then i too hv the same problems. when doing that quest with the nord faction the bandits spawn right next to me and be4 i can block i am almost dead, they do a couple of strikes then i'm able to block.
Ive occured some strange game behaviour when ive tooked quest from guildmaster of track some bandits...but those bandits were Marinid Sultan. After leaving the city, the quest was set as unfinished/not done, almost instantly but the Sultan units remain at quest color( I cant remember if their color was possible to change but natural marinid is kinda red and this quest ccolor is light blue).
I do not know, is it a bug, or issue of this mod:

It is a day 93, I play second time, I joined faction Duchies of Poland.

Poland is at war with Teutonic Knights. It has no war or treaty of war with Holy Roman Empire.

I cannot visit any HRE towns - the message is like I am at war with them (request meeting / disguise and approach / besiege etc. ).

Is it connected with the fact that Teutonic Knights are formed by Germans?
(btw in polish we don't use this word, we call Teutonic "Krzyżacy" -Cross Order ).
Um I cant get any updates on the screen like "Someone killed by someone else" know what im saying? please help me. :mrgreen: :!: :?: :idea: :lol:
Magnum said:
when i start the game it works until i fight bandit in the beggining, and it turns black i noe that this has a fix but the fix didnt work for me, and its not only after i kill the bandit that was only once, at other times it happenes randomly during the battle
can someone help me with this :eek:
The guild master bounty hunter quest is given when a caravan gets ambushed by whatever party.  So if the sultan ambushed a caravan you get to hunt him down, good luck :smile:
  please guys i tired to ask about RGL errors , i download new version that is1.132 but my old save game doesn't opened and gave this message :" load error :invalid number of item kinds : 993" please guys im really need help with this
Orety said:
(btw in polish we don't use this word, we call Teutonic "Krzyżacy" -Cross Order ).
we also sometimes say "German Order", "Zakon niemiecki". the second one may answer the question, actually making it a feature that you can't visit HRE cities. i'm not sure about it so it's just a thought...

light commender said:
  please guys i tired to ask about RGL errors , i download new version that is1.132 but my old save game doesn't opened and gave this message :" load error :invalid number of item kinds : 993" please guys im really need help with this
old save game in 1.131? versions aren't compatible. uninstall the game, install it again, apply 1.131 patch.
or so i guess...

sarmale20 said:
Cant play this mod to many bugs :sad:
i've seen much more bugged mods than this one but never so big and complex. the bug you got is really one of the least annoying (turn the cheats and CTRL+F4 them or whichever combination kills enemies).
also i played another new single player in the 1.32 and it's was worked with the old version that is 1.31 but it was work normally >>>>>> now i did as you told me like unstilted the game and instilled again  with the old version that is 1.31 but the same errors that is " RGL error :  load error :invalid number of item kinds : 993" please guys im really need help with this
to be honest i have no idea what you are trying to say. find someone who speaks your language to translate.
and punctuation marks, dude... punctuation marks are helpful.
first of all answer my question respectably if you can , second thing is :  i reinstall the game and mod and the old version that is  1.31 but i saw same RGL errors
so if you can help , help me ,otherwise be honest and respect with me please <<<<<<<<<< and thanks by the way
Magnum said:
Magnum said:
when i start the game it works until i fight bandit in the beggining, and it turns black i noe that this has a fix but the fix didnt work for me, and its not only after i kill the bandit that was only once, at other times it happenes randomly during the battle
cna i please get help
light commender said:
first of all answer my question respectably if you can , second thing is :  i reinstall the game and mod and the old version that is  1.31 but i saw same RGL errors
so if you can help , help me ,otherwise be honest and respect with me please <<<<<<<<<< and thanks by the way
i don't know if this is a linguistic issue but point me the phrase at which i'm not answering your question respectably?
fact 1: your english isn't too good and i simply got confused in what you have tried to say.
fact 2: don't be mad that i suggested someone to translate it for you because it's a logical thing to do. you wouldn't be a first one around here who got his posts translated by somebody else.
fact 3: punctuation marks ARE helpful.
the only reason why i respond to a post i barely understand is that i'm trying to help the person who posted it. if that's disrespectful for you then probably not a single person should care about your problem or bring any attention to it because that also would be a sign of disrespect... or am i stretching the logic here because otherwise there would be none?
disrespectful would also be posting in the wrong thread and spamming the same issue in many threads. in other words - things that you do. so maybe you're being given more respect than you should receive. grow a pair, get over it, i don't care but truthfully you're messing with the wrong crowd here.

now, your... other problem:
if the savegame you are trying to load was written in 1.131 and it won't open with the same version then most likely:
a) the savegame is corrupted.
b) the savegame was made with earlier or later version of the mod and thus it is incompatible.
you can try using a backup file. there is a file called last_savegame_backup.sav file which is being created when saving over already existing slot. you can find it in My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband Savegames\<mod name>. i haven't used it before (never got a corrupt save file so far) but probably you have to rename it to something like sg0x.sav where 'x' is an incrementing number in range of 0 to 9. then try to load it up in game. it may help, doesn't have to.

anyways, i'm through with you.
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