Be Careful With Content-ID (aka Youtube is great!)

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Apparently if your video has any of the music from in-game (i.e. being played by drummers, floutists, bagpipes) Youtube will pick those up and flag your video for Content-ID violations.
Slev said:
Apparently if your video has any of the music from in-game (i.e. being played by drummers, floutists, bagpipes) Youtube will pick those up and flag your video for Content-ID violations.

Not too much to worry about. I got flagged for about half of my M&B videos; just fight them! You can find Taleworlds giving explicit permission to make and profit from videos somewhere in the forums.

They'll reject your initial argument (as they ALL DO. What's the point of this feature?! They always reject it) and then it goes to appeal, which is taken a lot more seriously and is legal.

Never had an appeal rejected yet! I've always been right :razz: It's 20% con-artists attempting to generate revenue, and 80% automatic content-ID systems that don't care about you.

YouTube cares if you're right, because they don't want to have to involve lawyers.
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