OSP Animations Animations for the community - Shield bash animation released!

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But unnecesarry. How would anyone use it? Lol

Maybe if they were throwing boulders.

Hehe.... That reminds me of a story about Lancelot....
MadocComadrin said:
What? No it wouldn't, the hands would be directly over the head, but we need them a little bit longer than shoulder-width apart.
Don't overestimate the ability of men to lift boulders, and underestimate the weight of the boulders :smile:
Unless they are made of movie paited foam ofc.

There is a problem of hands not being parallel, as they "grip a hilt", but unavailability of specifically tuned animation is by no means as depressing here, as unavailability of decent run/walk animations is
Apropos of this conversation, this is what boulder throwing looks like when simply re-purposing the native two-handed overhand swing animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OlzChvcKm4

Not bad, really. Hands further apart would obviously better though.
The pole arm thrust works fine for the bayonet.  What's missing, though, is an animation for a rifle/musket butt stroke.  I would like to see the the bayonet slash attack replaced by left and right horizontal butt strokes.
gaston said:
The pole arm thrust works fine for the bayonet.  What's missing, though, is an animation for a rifle/musket butt stroke.  I would like to see the the bayonet slash attack replaced by left and right horizontal butt strokes.
a rifle but animation whould be great
Rapace said:
is it possible to animate fingers individually? if so give this a try:

left hand, middle finger: extended
left arm: flailing up in the air

i have drawn up what the hand would look like


in true keen_john styles
No, it actually isn't.
The bones in the main skeleton.brf have only one bone per hand.

You could always try to make your own "Middle finger hand" model. Hehehe
Shik said:
animation of throwing a heavy rock with two hands off of a wall would be awesome.

Haha, the greatest missing feature in c-rpg. So often I reach into my bag of 60 rocks and weep that none of them are as big as I am. That great moment in the Iliad where Ajax crushes Hector with a boulder in defence of the Achaean ships is so very close to reaching satisfying realisation in m&b and yet...  :lol:

Rapace said:
is it possible to animate fingers individually? if so give this a try:

left hand, middle finger: extended
left arm: flailing up in the air

i have drawn up what the hand would look like


in true keen_john styles
I know an AAR that could use that one.  :smile:
Specialist said:
No, it actually isn't.
The bones in the main skeleton.brf have only one bone per hand.
You can always rig one middle finger to the shield bone. Would need hands modelled as part of body mesh, I suppose, to override hardcoded vertex-animation setup for hands
Hello, I think death animations would be very valuable

I have animation idea's which could litterally be used in every mod to very much add a cinematic experience in M&B. What about proper death animations? For example, when a killer blow is issued out to the opponents torso, a proper death animation is played, where you then see your opponent perhaps fall  to his knees holding his chest/stomach. Also animation while on the floor, such as twitching and showing pain etc.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to death animations, but I think this is something which certainly needs doing.
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