Animals in Bannerlord - Can they fight?

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Hello everyone!

I have question regarding the animals that are currently in the game.  I am aware that screenshots have been posted featuring different types of animals, such as pigs, cows, etc.

However, the only animal I have seen on the battlefield is the horse.  Will other animals be featured on the battlefield (like camels and/or war dogs?). 

If not, will the tools be available to allow modders to latter include them?  What I am worried about is the animals currently in Bannerlord (with the exception to the horse) are only for static display, have no rigging, or animations of their own.  I hear it is a great challenge for some modders to create new rigs for models that did not have one before hand.

KhergitLancer80 said:
Yes, you can stun and even make your enemies fall down by riding your horse onto your enemy.


Haha awesome!  Hopefully dogs will be able to actually bite or elephants can swing their trunks and tusks.  That would be awesome!  :shock:
Horses will likely be the only animal used in battle. However, theyre providing lots of good modding tools so you will definitely see some of those you mention from mods. You can find them in Warband already but theyre pretty... rough.
vicwiz007 said:
Horses will likely be the only animal used in battle. However, theyre providing lots of good modding tools so you will definitely see some of those you mention from mods. You can find them in Warband already but theyre pretty... rough.

Yeah that i why I was wondering.  Whenever I saw other animals in mods, they were always built to be pretty rough.

This kind of makes me wonder if Camels, Dogs, or Elephants could possible be placed as an Easter Egg or something.  Imagine creating the AI, Models, textures, and animations for a whole new animal would take a great deal of work.  What if the developers left a partly completed one as an Easter egg or something?  Modders could then use that as a base for their own mods.  What do you think?
TW already stated supoort for custom skeletons, so modders will have full support to custom animations. This will be possible with a good modder hehehe
Horik6697 said:
TW already stated supoort for custom skeletons, so modders will have full support to custom animations. This will be possible with a good modder hehehe
Hopefully the "backfill" style of animation will make it easy to animate the different animals that will be, for sure, modded into the game.  If you can pose it, you can animate it. 
What I dont get is that why dont Taleworlds create the elephants and camels themselves ?
They did the big part by making it available to create custom skeletons.Now there is only to ''reaching to the fruit'' part left.
They will just discredit themselves by letting the modders ''reach the fruit''.

It would probably be, to put it bluntly, a waste of time. I don't know how long it would take to implement good camels or whatever into the game, but my guess is it wouldn't be worth it for how much they'd be used. I mean only the Aserai would use them, and even still, they would mostly uses horses. Then they'd need to do all the animations. Not to mention the way horse armor works now. None of it would work for camels.
vicwiz007 said:
It would probably be, to put it bluntly, a waste of time. I don't know how long it would take to implement good camels or whatever into the game, but my guess is it wouldn't be worth it for how much they'd be used. I mean only the Aserai would use them, and even still, they would mostly uses horses. Then they'd need to do all the animations. Not to mention the way horse armor works now. None of it would work for camels.

Central asians also had camels so count Khuzaits too plus eastern empire since byzantines also had camels.

Yeah armor is the problem I guess.
KhergitLancer80 said:
vicwiz007 said:
It would probably be, to put it bluntly, a waste of time. I don't know how long it would take to implement good camels or whatever into the game, but my guess is it wouldn't be worth it for how much they'd be used. I mean only the Aserai would use them, and even still, they would mostly uses horses. Then they'd need to do all the animations. Not to mention the way horse armor works now. None of it would work for camels.

Central asians also had camels so count Khuzaits too plus eastern empire since byzantines also had camels.

Yeah armor is the problem I guess.

Still, how often did they use them in comparison to horses? Very rarely, and even rarer in the factions you added. It would be quite weird to see Mongolian-esque archers riding around on camels in the steppes! This being said, itd be cool if camels and other animals could still be used to increase party speed. I see no reason why they couldnt be a simple inventory item like this.
vicwiz007 said:
Still, how often did they use them in comparison to horses? Very rarely, and even rarer in the factions you added. It would be quite weird to see Mongolian-esque archers riding around on camels in the steppes! This being said, itd be cool if camels and other animals could still be used to increase party speed. I see no reason why they couldnt be a simple inventory item like this.
Yep, I was looking into that topic recently because I always saw people talking about Eastern nations using War camels / elephants and from a the sources I read, it sounds like it wasn't as common as people think.
Id be happy for TW to drop the bull**** boardgames and replace them with culture specific animal fights... like cock fights for battania or dog fights for vlandia

JK **** having this game delayed any more
Camels don't really have much of a place on the battlefield as they're almost completely eclipsed in battle by horses. They're much more of a pack animal than a fighting animal.

War dogs would be nice to see, but even just adding one extra animal with all it's AI, animations, abilities, and such would be a lot of work for a little benefit.
About war camels-

About war elephants-

I would not mind seeing more animals used more myself.
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