Allow joining an army earlier

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Now I get you saw the very popular mod of warband and allowed us this time to join a lords army. However the clan level 1 restriction shouldn't be there imo. To be a mercenary band, yes, but to sign up as a regular rank and file soldier no.
Ok I misunderstood the joining an army thing and it's joining your party to an army. However the mods in Warband I talk of allowed you to join a lords party as a soldier, which gave another option early game and made the game better.
This feature was only ever implemented as a mod, so most likely we'll have to wait for it to be a mod in bannerlord too. I was really hoping taleworlds would be implementing some of the popular mod features, like this one, into the base game. But based on what I've seen they dont even have all the warband features, it's unlikely they'll have stuff from mods.
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