Adjust the wage of a single troop

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I am playing a Chinese mod called 1135AD. The Mongolian troops' wages are too high. I want to adjust the cost. I have seen tweaks here that allow such a thing for all troops, but what about individual troop? How can I do that?

I don't know anything about python files and I am not sure how to work with them. Can I do this within the script files?
I am playing a Chinese mod called 1135AD. The Mongolian troops' wages are too high. I want to adjust the cost. I have seen tweaks here that allow such a thing for all troops, but what about individual troop? How can I do that?

I don't know anything about python files and I am not sure how to work with them. Can I do this within the script files?
I believe you can only adjust the tier. The price is adjusted to that. A horse is also more expansive and calculated in the upkeep.
How do I do this? How is the wage system calculated in Warband?
Wages are determined by the strength of a troop in Warband. So if the wages are too high, there is a pretty good chance that troops were buffed too much in the mod you are playing
Wages are determined by the strength of a troop in Warband. So if the wages are too high, there is a pretty good chance that troops were buffed too much in the mod you are playing
They are horse archers and are not that strong compared to crossbowmen, yet they are way more expensive.

There must be a way to adjust this.
The way it works, is to determine troop wages, the game engine calls the script game_get_troop_wage and calculates the wage based on whatever logic is defined by it. So strength isn't necessarily the only factor, wages can be as simple or as complicated as they're written to be. If it bases them on more than strength, could even be part of why it is that way, for example if it were to increase wages of mounted troops which wouldn't make sense for the Mongolians specifically even if it might in general.

I'm not familiar with making changes by editing text files and scripting that way would be complicated, that's why usually text editing is just tweaking values of logic already there. By the sound of it changing what you want would require a small addition to that script, but it'd a very easy one to make with the module system, and although I didn't look hard I did a quick search and couldn't find this module to see if it's provided to users. Does 1135AD provide its module system source code to work with?

If so, PM me a link to it. I can take a look and tell you how it works in the mod, and you can tell me how you want it changed (would be easy to e.g adjust wages of all Mongolian troops or all Mongolian troops meeting certain criteria), then I can adjust the script and make the changes for you. Should be easy to do.
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