Able to avoid Vikingarnir bandits - oversight?

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I hate using exploits.

In my current play-through I was captured by bandits and released with only 3 of my companions left. I still had cargo full of trade goods and much money. Danish Elite Vikingarnir bandits caught up to me but everytime they did that I was able to simply 'leave' the battle and run further before they caught up again, repeating this 5~6 times until I reached safety.

Come to think of it I think it must have been a developer oversight as it doesn't make sense that you can run away from a battle that you didn't start. Can anyone confirm/ make a logical conjecture whether it is intended for some reason or an oversight? I vaguely recall there being some kind of bandit in Warband which you can avoid engaging even if they catch up to you.

If it's not intended, I will load a save file and get myself caught by the bandit so to not use an exploit.
if you are asking for devs reply you need to include:

1) rgl_log.txt (found on your game folder)
2) link to download your savegame
3) your computer info (OS like Windows 10 64bits, Linux Ubuntu 16.04 32bits, etc)

you should also post bug reports/inquiries in the support section (subforum).

note: only if you are playing vanilla game without any mods/tweaks/cheats/etc

Come to think of it, definitely a bug.

This time I had my entire party injured and this vikings were on my tail. Everytime they caught up the only option I had was 'leave' as opposed to surrender, which meant my relationship with sea raider faction went from -15 to -100 while I constantly left them with -3 accumulating. This can't be correct.

Alright, I'm not going to use this option unless I was the one was initiated battle.
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