1er Régiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied de la Garde Imperiale [RECRUITING!]

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
This unit is a part of the Armée Française


The Old Guard was the elite of the elite, the creme de la creme of Napoleon's infantry. You cannot exaggerate about them. They were convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth- and the amusing thing about it is that they were. If the men of Old Guard had the chance to fight the enemy today in a pub, they would take them to the cleaners then drive them back in a school bus sobbing like the muppets. The Emperor was proud of their reputation, appearance, and always gave them a prominent place in his great exhibitions at Paris. They occupied the barracks of the Cent-Suisse, nearest the Emperor. Over the door was carved: "The Home of the Brave". One of the commanders of Old Guard was General Gros. Napoleon had a very particular regard for him. “Gros, he said, lives in gunpowder like fish in water: it is his element.... He is a finished trooper.” Gros was masculine, very brave but poorly educated, the way in which he expressed himself belonged only to him. With their wounds, tatoos, and golden earrings, the fearsome legionnaires inspired awe. Napoleon selected his guardsmen carefully and the requirements were not easy to meet for the candidates. In 1806 only one man from each infantry battalion was admitted to the Old Guard.

We try to keep up the standards of the Old Guard, therefore each member must be trained hard! Discipline is vital! If you do not obey, your out! Fooling around on training, or trolling will be punished hard! That does not mean we are a bunch of hardcore gamers, we are very friendly, and consist of a nice group of people and a healthy community.


Training Times:
1er Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale
Tuesday  (Cadet Training) - 19:00PM CET
Thursday (Official Training) - 20:00PM CET
Sunday   (Official Training) - 19:00PM CET

The following medals will be awarded for prestigious actions, for the greater good of the Imperial French Army!

Légion d'Honneur: The most distinctive, and greatest medal of all!

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Médaille Militaire: Awarded for superior commanding skills in battle.

Awarded by a General only

Croix de la Valeur Militaire: Awarded for courage while facing the enemy.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Médaille de la bravoure: Awarded for stealing the enemies flag during a linebattle in combat.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Combattants du Régiment: Awarded for fighting in 5 private regiment vs regiment battles.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Médaille de la discipline: Awarded for extremly high discipline, fine records of attendace and high spirit.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Médaille D'Activité: Awarded for attending 20 trainings/events in a row, without and absence or leave. It will have to be documented and approved.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Médaille du Recrutement: Awarded for recruiting 20 members into the army.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

Les médaille de Sainte-Héléne: Awarded for good serivce in the regiment for 3 months. Veteran medal.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander

La Médaille Stalker: Awarded for taking down Stalker with a penetrating headhot to the brain. This is a 1er medal only awarded by Herlev.

Awarded by the individual regimental commander


These avatars are copyrighted by Hherlev: [email protected] Anyone using them, must have permission to do so!

Teamspeak 3:
If you dont already have Teamspeak 3, it is required that you download it here: Teamspeak
Hit the button "Connections" on the top left corner.

Type in:
Port: 9987

Members of the regiment will be on there, if you have any questions: feel free to ask.


The regiment is is currently recruiting, and if you are interessted in joining a mature, well disciplined, elite regiment you´ve entered the right place!
We play as the Foot Guard infantry class "1er Régiment de Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale" on the french team. We are an english speaking regiment and we allow anyone in all around the world.
It is required that you will obey and follow the official AF "Code of Conduct" below.


  • Chapter 1

    §1.1: Do not post spam outside the spam section of the forum.
    §1.2: Inform your regiment if you cannot make a training/event.
    §1.3: Do not post any sort of porn on the forum.

  • Chapter 2

    §2.1: Respect the members of enemy armies. This is to avoid 2 peoples conflict, growing in a huge problem which can affect AF.
    §2.2: Do your duty according to your rank. Do not take on the duties of higher ranks than yours.
    §2.3: Be serious, and act serious in trainings/events. Do not fool around.
    §2.4: Respect your superiors! Know your place.
    §2.5: Inform your Regiment Command if you will go away from the game for some time, as in vacation or what ever the reason might be.

  • Chapter 3

    §3.1: NO RACISM!
    §3.2: Do not inform the enemy sides regarding confidential information within AF.
    §3.3: Do not abuse your rank & power in any way!
    §3.4: No teamkilling during events! [If a TK will take place, If I am at the event as well, I will look into it and find out the reason. Mistakes are not any good excuses. If you were given an order to fire at an enemy line but friendlies are in the area, you will not be charged since you executed your orders].
    §3.5: Follow orders! Do not question your superiors!
    §3.6: Any actions which put AF at risk of any kind.

We only expect a few things of you when you apply.

  • Be able to attend our trainings.
  • Be mature, and disciplined. Focus when needed.
  • A form of common sense is required.
  • Be willing to learn. Dont think you are better than anyone else.
  • Never, ever surrender! Important rule!
  • Have a big old, grey, filthy, disgusting moustache.

If you feel competent with these requirements, please take the time to post an application on our forum HERE
Please join our teamspeak channel on the 22nd server for more info, or add me on steam: hherlevdk
The regiment currently consists of a good 40 active members, and its own server box where we host multiple servers. Such as:

- 1# 1er_Grenadiers_TDM -  250 slots
- 2# 1er_Grenadiers_Training – 250 slots
- 3# 1er_Linebattle_Server – 200 slots
- 4# 1er_Minecraft_Server – 20 slots
We have joint practice with the rest of the Armée Française. And organized army battles with other armies.

Regards, 1er Régiment de Grenadiers-à-Pied Impériale Colonel Herlev​
Here's the code for our signature picture.

New pics:

The brits are fleeing, hunt them down and show no mercy!!




New lolz
Crawling has been implemented!






CampFest 2010



We won.

Pics of our regiment in action (salvaged from the old thread)

































Thanks Rhazak for the picture posts! Always good to have something to "show off" :grin:
Hello there!

I postulate for join your team if it is possible.

I have some experience in this game (Warband) and I've played at high level in other games (Battlefield 2142 and Red Orchestra in teams).

I'm a frenchie guy and Napoleon have created my administration so it would be a pleasure to fight with you guys on the battlefield!  :grin:

:mad: "VIVE L'EMPEREUR!" (here is a small vid i've created on him: ->video<- )
Add me on steam and we´ll talk. Steam name is: hherlevdk

A fine video you did as well!
hherlev said:
Add me on steam and we´ll talk. Steam name is: hherlevdk

A fine video you did as well!

I do it Sir, my name on Steam is _blackclown_, add me guys!  :smile:

See ya soon Officer of Line Infantry!
Training updates: We are now training on both Thursday 20:00 GMT+1 and sunday 20:00 GMT+1!

The 1er Grenadiers are hosting a public linebattle for everyone willing to come and play a decent and organized linebattle! At first we´ll let some of our members command, but if people are willing and show respect, we can try and see if some of the pubs in the future might want to lead.

This wil not be hosted on the 22nd server, but on the "French_Imperial_Army_Server". It has a player limit of 150, but we´ll see how many shows up.
Let me know if any public people are interessted???

The first Public Linebattle will be held at thursday, THIS week at 20:30 GMT+1 (Thats one hour ahead of british time!).

Any questions or suggestions are most welcome!
Good training, but I'm not gonna stop bugging you.  The chasseur part of the Old Guard is so tiny in comparison with the 1er, why can't you just assign some of you willing men to us so we can be a proper light infantry company instead of showing up to line battles with 2 or 3 guys and being forced to fight in line with grenadiers? 
The Chaussers are not actually a part of the Old Guard, but of the Imperiale Garde
Hello guid sirs,

in the name of the whole 92nd i wanted to thank you for the last battle we had on the 7th January 2011. We hope you had as much fun as we had and that we can continue our good relations with a next battle soon. It was a wonderful evening and we all had some stunning fights and what is even more important we had fun and everyone behaved like true gentlemen.

Best regards,

Donald MacDonald
A little late reply but, better late than never  :lol:

We had a good time, and the cavalry charge in the end was great fun!
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