14e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne. " French speaking "[Recruiting]

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Verdieb said:
Taking into account the behaviour of some of your clan members, especially on the Groupfighting server, I must decline your proposition.

It's a shame that you won't participate in this community event. It's not strictly regimental though so any of your members can form their own team.  :wink:
Verdieb said:
I dont want to participate to an event organized by the 15e, there's no shame to decline an offer :wink:.

I don't know why specifically you've got a problem with 15e and you can bring it up with our officers if it's serious, but we don't look to have bad relations with anyone as a regiment. I'm sure every regiment has some individuals who slip-up or don't behave sometimes, but they're not representative of the whole regiment.  :???: This is a selfless community event that we don't brand as a 15e event, we even have organisers from outside 15e participating. But it's fair enough if you don't mind missing out.
le friendly bump!

14e at Eylau (1807):
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