♦17th Regiment of Foot (Royal Leicestershire Regiment) ♦ Recruiting!

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As we offer server hosting, we will be able to help regiments who used the 91st's servers in the past. Contact myself or Gishank through the FSE forums or on steam to get set up. The prices and available options are to be found on our thread.

A few updates, despite the fact that this thread isn't really used anymore:

Leadership change, Jammy has resigned as captain of the 17th and has left the regiment to be run by a certain Lieutenant me.

To anyone wondering why this thread is not used, the NW community uses different forums now, and hence our new thread is here instead:
cRPG_Tiki said:
To anyone wondering why this thread is not used, the NW community uses different forums now, and hence our new thread is here instead:

But from time to time, we like to remind people that come here, to look that way :wink:
Just to clarify, the 17th is inactive in terms of linebattles and events until either BCoF or Bannerlord, but the title is still in use by our members, some of whom still play NW.
The 17th remains a part of Alera Gaming, the community which grew from expansions to the 17th in other games. Our teamspeak host name remains aleragaming.com

We wish Aesir gaming all the best, but kindly request that they don't pull a Ted Cruz on us. We are still very much alive with a healthy (and growing) community.
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