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  • Users: laius
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  1. laius

    Disable impact of specific face slider on helmet/hair rigging?

    Yes, that's me. I haven't found anything unfortunately.
  2. laius

    Disable impact of specific face slider on helmet/hair rigging?

    I added a new face slider and associated shape key that stretches the ear into a point, like an elf ear. The problem is that this deforms the hair and helmets pretty substantially. I know that I can make an invisible mesh and have the "real" helmet as a submesh so that no morphing takes place...
  3. laius

    Improved faces and bodies - compilation

    What causes the odd effect on this beard? It happens in all mods using Iboltax's faces, but I initially checked out this compilation to see if it had been fixed. Amazing work none-the-less.

    Edit: Additionally, a couple of the male face normal maps are named incorrectly in the brf. easy fix, but some may not notice.
  4. laius

    OSP Code Combat Overhauled Morale and Routing (Also Reduces Stuttering)

    the start of a 200v200 custom battle:

    near the end, in which the Khergits didn't rout despite being trounced:

    this debug trigger is meant to show morale, right? to me, this looks like it's doing exactly what the native script_apply_effect_of_other_people_on_courage_scores does as described in the OP. I'm certain I've replaced that script. even if this OSP as posted isn't working exactly as intended, this still seems inconsistent with the results others have achieved.
  5. laius

    OSP Code Combat Overhauled Morale and Routing (Also Reduces Stuttering)

    If anyone has WinMerge and few minutes, it would be awesome if somebody could compare my module_mission_templates with my old one before adding this OSP to help me peg down any implementation problems (both here: The only rout I've been able to induce with this overhauled morale was the last 2 of a group of 10 looters against 30 Swadian knights. I don't believe the problem is in module_scripts since that is mostly fool proof adding or replacing isolated scripts. I also feel somewhat confident that I have the appropriate triggers in the appropriate MTs (lead_charge, village_raid, village_attack_bandits, and quick_battle_battle), but the behavior still feels native.
  6. laius

    OSP Code Combat Overhauled Morale and Routing (Also Reduces Stuttering)

    Ah I see, but what are the equivalents of mordr_form_0_rank and mordr_form_5_ranks_plus_one? jacob didn't have them in that thread and none of the native mordr lines really sound right for those.
  7. laius

    OSP Code Combat Overhauled Morale and Routing (Also Reduces Stuttering)

    (is_between, ":order", mordr_form_1_ranks, mordr_form_5_ranks_plus_one),
    (val_sub, ":order", mordr_form_0_rank),
    Since these orders don't exist in Native, how should they be declared in header_mission_templates? what numbers should they be assigned?

    Edit: found this thread but it still does not include all the orders used in this trigger. Also, was Lav wrong here? I just downloaded a fresh modsys from Taleworlds site and they're definitely not in there.
  8. laius

    OSP Code Combat Overhauled Morale and Routing (Also Reduces Stuttering)

    I'm actually fine with less routing lol. I've only been using quick battle to test. in those tests it seems like AI is way too quick to rout without vetrogor's fix, and simply never routes with the fix. I used the debug trigger from the OP and it shows "Fear = 0" for the entire battle (regardless of what's happening), but when I apply vetrogor's fix the Fear value shoots up to extremely high values continuously. Neither of which appear consistent with the associated AI behavior. I suppose I probably have something implemented wrong, but I have no idea what.
  9. laius

    OSP Code Combat Overhauled Morale and Routing (Also Reduces Stuttering)

    Bugs are countless. One need to overhaul the code. In quotes just few of them from the first look.
    changing that 1 to a 0 in the first alleged bug seems to stop troops from routing entirely. if it is a bug then it appears to be working in this scripts favor.
  10. laius

    Best mod base in 2023?

    Doesn't matter, the last patch to break compatibility was 1.134 or something. Patches since then have either added new MS operations, which are part of the .exe anyway, or added multiplayer stuff.

    Diplomacy is the most popular for a reason, it makes hundreds of no-brainer bug fixes across the board, while adding no new assets or anything else to bloat the mod.
    Oh my concern about 4.3 wasn't so much module system version as how long ago it ceased development, compared to the 1.174 diplomacy branch which has revised and added to it (in some ways too much) for almost a full decade more.
  11. laius

    Viking Conquest 2.063

    Hi seularts,
    Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, We are close to new functionality or depth changes.
    Regarding the patch, We are working to launch it ASAP.
    Any updates regarding this?
  12. laius

    Module System Overhaul

    What's lost for modders choosing to use this post-1.166? Just multiplayer stuff and new VC operators only used in VC? They haven't changed actual single-player Warband code at all I suppose?
  13. laius

    Diplomacy for 1.174

    Which version contains the most bugfixes? The test version from this thread has changes as recently as Dec. 2019 but this version (minimal branch) was specifically made to patch bugs and although it was most recently updated in Oct. 2019 it looks like it might address some things Somebody never got around to?
  14. laius

    Warband Script Enhancer 2 (v1.1.2.1)

    is it more complicated than just re-doing the SDK steps over again? the mod in question only uses WSE for a heraldic horse and variable troop heights
  15. laius

    Warband Script Enhancer 2 (v1.1.2.1)

    would any old mod with features requiring functionality of older versions of WSE still function the same with WSE2?
  16. laius

    Best mod base in 2023?

    I don't imagine there have been a ton of innovations in the warband modding scene for the better part of a decade, but I would like to ask anyway. What might be considered the "best" (introducing the largest number of improvement with fewest new bugs) base for a new mod being made in 2023...
  17. laius

    Gekokujo: Submods (Announce, Release, Comment, and Suggest)

    You'll just have to test them out. Unless I read the entire source code of 3.1, there would be no way of knowing for sure if any of them would have any effect on the game.
    I used WinMerge to compare and it looks like because none of the item or weapon mesh references changed only the animation submod requires a bit of messing around in actions.txt to make fully 3.1 compatible. I don't think it would even be incompatible without the merging you would just lose some of the new improved animations from 3.1, that were mostly also made by you.

    You don't really want to play with 3.1, though. Version 3.0 is objectively the best, most stable and performance friendly.
    I've seen this sentiment before but having played a lot of 3.1 already and reading the changelog I don't really see how. It's more like a trade-off of one set of bugs for another and the most annoying 3.1 bugs can be side-stepped entirely by changing the siege gate settings and turning off random encounters.
  18. laius

    Gekokujo: Submods (Announce, Release, Comment, and Suggest)

    Animation Submod 1.2

    Changes a lot of animations in the game (standing, running) and adds a bow animation to match the kyudo style of archery. To install, put actions.txt into your main gekokujo folder, and the .brf file into the resources folder. Then add the line: "load_mod_resource = jacobhinds_animations_gekokujo" to module.ini, preferably somewhere near the end of that big fat list of similar lines.

    module_animations file added so that other submodders can add their own changes.

    Since I've gotten a few people asking me about implementing these animations in other mods, go ahead - they're technically part of an OSP i uploaded to the forge, so treat them as mod-neutral.



    Armour Improvement Submod 1.1

    A mod that vastly improves the models used for most armours. Colours have been altered to make them more recognisable, and the poly count has been kept as low as possible to keep performance from being hit.

    Now with LODs for better performance.




    Monoolhos More Natural Katana Scabbards 1.4

    A tweak that changes the position of Katana and Wakizashi scabbards to make them closer to the body.

    Maybe a longshot asking in 2022 but does anybody know off the top of their head for sure if these three are fully compatible with 3.1?
  19. laius

    Best process for replacing items in an overhaul mod?

    Is there a "best practice" or method when it comes to replacing all or nearly all of the weapons/armor from native in an overhaul mod? I assume to avoid breaking scripts it's better to simply remove the native items from the merchandise pool rather than delete them? It feels like implementing a...
  20. laius

    Anywhere to still get Delzaros' Polish Landscapes?

    Guess I'll hijack my own thread to ask, is there perhaps any OSP that just retextures the native terrain and flora without changing how it is generated/adding new types? I'm mostly interested in Polished Landscapes because it's an alternative to Native's bright green spraypainted dirt.
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