Recent content by Yukimura_Sanada

  1. Yukimura_Sanada

    Comments: 3.0 Released

    Shalictar Hammerfall said:
    Yukimura_Sanada said:
    BLASPHEMY the Sanada helmet is wrong the rokumonsen is not just a texture, it is an object on the helmet: a Maedate!!!

    and the sanada helmet has the so called "horns" while infact it was a branch from a magnolia tree which he got from a kunoichi whom he liked.
    ***** chill dude.
    Cant you cant tell that the rokumonsen is meshed out in 3d? It's pretty obvious, although it is smaller than the historical version IIRC.

    it was meant as a joke, nevertheless I tell you that is is a texture and not an object, if it was an object why is it bended? the true rokumonsen was not bended.

  2. Yukimura_Sanada

    Comments: 3.0 Released

    BLASPHEMY the Sanada helmet is wrong the rokumonsen is not just a texture, it is an object on the helmet: a Maedate!!!

    and the sanada helmet has the so called "horns" while infact it was a branch from a magnolia tree which he got from a kunoichi whom he liked.
  3. Yukimura_Sanada

    Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.

    You can check the 6e(add me on steam theredbaron393)

    we line infantry, cavalry and artillery and attend alot of linebattles.
  4. Yukimura_Sanada

    The 6e Cuirassier Official thread // Recruiting officer's \\

    yes this unit is still active :smile:, add theredbaron393 on steam.
  5. Yukimura_Sanada

    Looking for French Line Infantry Regiments for 2e Brigade

    you say you are recruiting for the 2e brigade but the image says 6e(in roman numerals) Brigade.
  6. Yukimura_Sanada

    Ally lords visible

    MadVader said:
    Ask that in the Forge. Hint: not possible, but it's possible to make chosen parties in spotting range invisible.

    Edit: Ahem, could be possible by setting the pf_always_visible party flag.

    Put cheat mode on then Ctrl + T

    then you get to see all parties.

    Closest thing you can get so far I think.(without coding)
  7. Yukimura_Sanada

    SP Musket Era global_map_16th century:the northern hemisphereV1.6(released the PY code)

    since we are on the topic of custom troop kit, I am sorry to report but I find it lacking equipment heavily.

    is there anyway it will have better items then just the training items?
  8. Yukimura_Sanada

    Lest We Forget

    Lets remember the Japanese people who died because of all the fighting in the Sengoku Jidai.
  9. Yukimura_Sanada

    The History of a Soldier [Community Game]

    To steal the british woman, who were
  10. Yukimura_Sanada

    [NW][M]Iron Europe - WWI Mod (RELEASED)

    What regiment are you signing up for the event and what is the 1st in command's steam name (if none and you wish to join one of the pub regiments then just answer: pub): 6e Brigade (Sanada No Kami)
    How many members are in the regiment you are signing up (if you are joining the pub regiment then please leave this section blank): 15
    Do you/ your regiment speak/ can understand verbal English: Aye
  11. Yukimura_Sanada

    Using content from WFAS for Warband is NOW allowed ?

    romandude said:
    Yifeng_konjac said:

    my name is Alexander Souslov, I'm a producer of Snowbird Game Studios, the developer of WFAS. As far as you distribute you mod for free, you have no problem using our content. So please do not be confused with these comments at the forum - definitely you can use models from Warband or WFAS or any other game.

    By the way, we now lucking for a chance to release our next game - Caribbean! - in China. May you please tell us, is there any market in China for box version for PC-games? Or a piracy is an absolute power?

    sounds like a load of bull**** imo  :lol:

    Sounds like someone typed that message instead of being the actual reply.
  12. Yukimura_Sanada

    6e Brigade

    ItosBoy90 said:
    Mmmm sexy new thread.. :razz:

    thanks :grin:. it indeed looks sexy(made by volumed) 6e FTW :grin:.
  13. Yukimura_Sanada

    Comments: 3.0 Released

    Sure furrnox sure....
  14. Yukimura_Sanada

    Comments: 3.0 Released

    thats good! :smile:, then we keep getting high detail stuff :grin:.
  15. Yukimura_Sanada

    Comments: 3.0 Released

    Furrnox said:
    Not my style exactly xD Still looks nice for pink liking people. ^^

    that is a kimono for woman furrnox.....

    Looks nice!
    (maybe add a function that your wife is a companion?)
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