Recent content by mp84

  1. mp84

    Your new Community Liason - MitchyMatt! :)

    thanks everyone for all the compliments and MV and TB glad you're considering flirting back with PoP once again, as she can be an addictive drug (in a good way of course!, lol) :smile:


  2. mp84

    Your new Community Liason - MitchyMatt! :)

    Hey All, As you know, my posts have dwindled over the past few months, as I've been rather busy with personal matters. As a result, it's caused me to take a break from the PoP 4 Development for awhile. However, I'm not totally gone, as I'll still be in the shadows every now and than seeing how...
  3. mp84

    Prophesy of Pendor 4.0 Developer Notes

    Diablodude said:
    That depends.

    If it's being developed by Paradox, they're not known for their 'causal gamer' games. Their usual lineup are grand strategy games. Specifically; Europa Universallis, Victoria, Hearts of Iron, and Crusader Kings.

    If it's just being published by them, who knows?

    War of the Roses is only being published by Paradox and yes it is similiar to M&B in some aspects, so should be an interesting game, as in the end of the day, we're all just gamers afterall :wink:
  4. mp84

    Prophesy of Pendor 4.0 Developer Notes

    Dathlos said:

    It's been ask a few times already, and as mentioned before it's not part of our plan for the moment.


  5. mp84


    The RPers will explain it better than me, but it works in 2 phases..

    1) Decide which order you like to join based on the available Knighthoods from POP 3 that they are portraying in this:

    2) Once you've decided which order you would like to join, you apply to it, (look at that link for examples), and come up with a creative backstory about your character and who he is, etc...

    Once that's done, the RP Gods (aka the GMs) will go over your App, and if they like you will accept you in, and naturally give you the link to the other forum where the entire RP process takes place.

    In terms of what happens during the RP, well many things, from Story Events that deal with one or all Orders, to a Meta-Game that Mordred has created in which you meet with your fellow Knighthood Orders and lay out plans for expanding your influence in the world of Pendor, from Building Training Grounds, Patrols on your provinces, etc.. (all this naturally caculated in a very detailed spreadsheet by Mordred, since naturally no in-game stuff is required)..

    But that's basically the gist of it, and I'm sure in time the RP vets can totally give a more detailed information on it :smile:.

  6. mp84


    promethaus69 said:
    Implementing sea battles

    its been done before and i believe its possible to implement it into the mod, it will also give the game a new aspect of naval battles and trading.,it would also mean you could visit all of those faraway lands that they talk about such as the Veccavia and the mettemhiem(excuse spelling)  islands wouldnt that be cool. Atleast we could actually visit those places and maybe start our own invasions into thier lands.  :razz:

    Sea Battles are interesting and while you are correct that it has been done in other mods, there's a good reason for them to do it in those mods because the map leads to situations like that. (where there's 2 coasts, etc..)..

    The map has pretty much been revealed already in one of the previews (preview #9..), and while everything is always subject to change I think the lay-out will stay pretty similar, with that being said, if you look at the way the map is set out, you'll see that having Sea Battles is kind of pointless in POP 4, since the only water you'll see besides rivers and lakes in some occasions is oceans, and there's no coast on either side of an ocean. 

  7. mp84

    Prophesy of Pendor 4.0 Developer Notes

    Raymond Agustin said:
    Oh I thought it's the countdown for the 4.0 version launch, sorry.

    Ohh believe me, when it's time for 4.0, it won't be something we randomly decide to release, trust me .. You'll get plenty of notice when it's time for that :wink:.

    for now enjoy the steady stream of information we'll introduce on the Dev Blog..
  8. mp84

    I want to enlist!

    All possible options are being look into for POP 4... At the moment the Freelancer Mod while awesome for those who wanna be that simple soldier is not on our plate yet.

    Could it be in the future? Perhaps, but for now there are plenty of other things we would like to see in POP 4 before we start looking at something like the Freelancer Mod or other external mods in general.

    In the end of the day though it will be a design decision by Sairtar on what kind of external mods will be included within PoP 4.


  9. mp84

    [DOWNLOAD] Prophesy of Pendor [v3.9.5 IS NOW OUT!!!]

    Aurora_Alexi said:
    That's the first torrent I saw and it only has 1 seed so I said no lol. And okay mp48, but why not?

    It's been mentioned a couple of times before, but to sum it up, us as a dev team measure the success of our mod on each version not only via the awesome community feedback and word of mouth that's going on here, but also by the # of downloads. With Torrents, it's rather difficult to track that kind of thing which is why we don't officially support one.  Will we have one for POP 4, it's hard to say and the end of the day it's all up SD, but at the moment I don't think it will happen.


  10. mp84

    [DOWNLOAD] Prophesy of Pendor [v3.9.5 IS NOW OUT!!!]

    xjermx said:
    There are torrents out there...

    First hit on google:

    Keep in mind the torrents are not offically supported by the PoP Dev Team, so use at your own risk. (They should be fine, but just saying...)

  11. mp84

    W00t! 100!

    :smile: and hopefully as PoP 4 gets closer and closer to a release, it will only increase.

  12. mp84

    Prophesy of Pendor 4.0 Developer Notes

    Easy everyone...

    We need a couple of Alpha Versions internally before we even consider a beta and "possibly" involving the community for that..

    So for now just stay tune to what we have in store for you in our next preview and I know it's been a long time since we have anything for you guys, but trust us, we're still working on this and we'll have something soon enough :smile:.


  13. mp84

    Prophesy of Pendor 4.0 Developer Notes

    Let's keep the topic focus towards POP everyone.

    As I've mention before we don't compare other mods on these forums as everyone puts an equal amount of effort towards it and overall it's simply not the place for it.

    As always feel free to criticize us if you must, but only us on these boards :wink:.


  14. mp84

    The winds of change

    Good Luck Mordred!! :smile:..

    And Sairtar as I said in the Dev Boards I'll say for everyone here too, I'm totally looking forward to your progress at the head of the team for POP 4 :smile:.

    As we all know it's nature of modding everyone, people leave, people come back, but eventually the project will get done, and luckily we have some awesome team members who want to make that dream happen.

    So hang in there with us, and I promise you guys you won't be disappointed :smile:.


  15. mp84

    Prophesy of Pendor 4.0 Developer Notes

    Wump said:
    yes, It takes place on a different land mass, years after the first mod.

    Indeed, about 20 years after to be percise.. The character you played in POP 3.xx has united Pendor, and now it's time to set your sights on Amala which basically the home of the actual Snake Cult itself.

    So basically POP 4.0 is a crusade against this people, but naturally how this happens, along with other surprises along the way will be revealed soon enough.


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