Recent content by Griefer

  1. SP - General 1.5.4 needs major changes to trading, because right now trading is no longer viable. I would recommend the full reversal of the herd speed penalty too

    So move the trait WAY down the ladder, like to 100 or so -

    But nobles will only sell a property that isn't part of their native faction. So Sturgia will happily sell you, for a huge fortune, the holdings in Vlandia it captured. Owning a property gets you 1/2 the relationship hit that conquering gets it, so whatever noble originally owned your new town is always going to be pissed at you and that faction is always likely to try and get it back.

    Nobles selling actual towns, villages and castles - the basis of their factions control over a region and the basis of a whole clans noble title, power, source of income and authority, is kinda silly. An exception would be if you're already pledged to a faction you should be able to trade towns/castles and buy villages with an influence expenditure and a positive relationship with the faction ruler.

    The idea of a faction selling away part of its core territory was always a bit wonky. Someone mentioned the Louisiana Purchase - yeah, sure, they sold a chunk of land they'd claimed, never colonized and were not in a place to defend or settle. If you, as some trader from another land, had gone to the Duke of Burgundy in 1200 and said 'Hey, I'll give you a bunch of horses, these 30 carts of blood stained looter gear and 2 million Franc for Burgundy' at absolute best, absolute level best, you'd be laughed at. He might just take your 'deal' then laugh all the way to Paris as King Phillip the whatever sent his armies to kill you for try to steal part of his kingdom because only the King gets you make you Duke of Burgundy - because Burgundy is part of his Kingdom.

    I'd rather see a deeper trade mechanic - have 4 or 5 or 6 shops in a town (with the right perks), be able to buy faction specific influence you can use to get nobles in a faction to do what you want. Hell, get a right of Monopoly (selling monopolies was a popular way for nobles to make money from wealthy merchants).

    Just buying kingdoms though seems... I dunno. Really gamey. Yes it's a game and such but being an untitled foreigner and just buying big chunks of a kingdom has always seemed a bit odd.
  2. it just keeps getting worse - part 2

    I wasn't planning to feed the trolls, but you made me laugh too much h throughout this thread to pass on this opportunity to say: you are fantastic. Thanks for the lol. Also, since I'm here:

    @Itisausername : The Disciple of Soon

    I have to agree regarding your assessment. I've done one horse archer play through and have mostly stuck with infantry commanders in the others. It is definitely harder to play infantry instead of Cav, but I think it's a blast and completely doable on all difficult settings. I'm an average skill level player at best, and wish that the AI difficulty was actually tuned up again for max settings.

    I really struggle to take anyone seriously who genuinely thinks game developers have alt accounts or pay people to argue with trolls on their own forums.

    Also, archery absolutely isn't the 'EZ MODE' on this game. At all. It's slow and cumbersome to kill people compared to using a spear and not being terrible at the game or using a glaive on horseback even if you're absolutely terrible. Glaive on horseback or even just 2H on horseback is stupid broken easy.

    Horse archers are not strong, they're just inconvenient. An army that's 45% Vlandian cavalry, 45% Fians and 10% best infantry with shields you can get and replace quickly to use to tie enemies up while you firehose them with arrows or lance them down can and does smash anything/everything. It's not like PoP elven archer units or really any CKO army sort of OPAF but it's as strong as it gets.

    Yes, enemy on high difficulty sieges and uses ladders. My guess is there's some scenes that work poorly but at this point most are doing well. Honestly too well for attackers; I should be able to hold off or at least do a ton of damage to an army 3 or 4 times my size while defending but most locations you'll just get rolled. Admittedly that may be a product of playing on max battle size; that shifts advantage significantly to large numbers. One of my complaints about infantry balance is that right now 50 recruits will smash 25 of whatever top tier infantry you want. Conversely 25 top tier archers or 25 top tier cavalry will obliterate 75 or 100 pretty much anything else that isn't top tier archers or cavalry.

    Horse archers are okay, they're not unstoppable though. The real power of the Khuzaits is speed - because they're faster they can get around to villages, rebuild their army and get into position faster and can regularly avoid battles they would otherwise lose. It's a product of cavalry armies, not horse archers.

    I'm sad that mods are getting made and abandoned so quickly. So little is updated for 1.5.x. I get it though, changes have been significant and can be very frequent. Hopefully mod tools are out soon but we screamed for early access, this is what early access is like.
  3. So now i understand why Khuzaits are so powerful

    It's a few things.

    Speed works in to how quickly lords can visit towns and rebuild armies and how quickly those armies can get together and get to position. So Khuzaits rebuild faster, get troops into armies faster which means they're leveling sooner. Result is larger, better armies in the same time as their enemies.

    Next is fundamental unit balancing issues. There's not really a good way to make infantry 'equal' to cavalry and archers. Archers can kill 10x their number in numerous tactical situations. Infantry never Can. Generally infantry is happy with a 4x in armies. Infantry also sways heavily in favor of numbers - while 10 Huskarls will kill 10 recruits every time, 10 Huskarls will suffer losses vs 30 recruits. However 10 Fians will wipe 30 recruits about like they wipe 10 recruits.

    This gets even more one-sided when you get into cavalry and cavalry archers. More mobility, easy to disengage, all while having close to comparable armor and killing power as infantry. Mounted archers, same thing - all the benefits of archers (ability to kill an enemy who can't hurt you back) and horses (ability to avoid things that could hurt you and control range).

    IMO the best solution is making infantry flat out cheaper and faster to level. Make the Sturgian racial benefit be 30% reduction in cost to hire/upgrade infantry units and have infantry take 25% less damage. This allows Sturgia to stay an infantry focused faction without making overall game balance issues if a player gets Fians/Huskarls/Khuzait horse archers/Vlandian knights.
  4. Thoughts?

    On the other side of things, I have an older CPU (AMD 8320, 8 core, 3.79 GHz) but a 1080 ti video card.

    I have all settings on max and II have 0 issues, lag or stutter.

    I've been playing non-stop all day. Only technical issue I've run into is bandit hideouts which is a known issue.

    It's visually stunning. Issues that bugged me in MP just don't seem relevant in SP for combat, though dear god I miss being able to effectively chamber block. However I've switched to shield and 1h weapon and it turned out better anyway - archers are dangerous, even on a nice horse, you want a shield.

    I picked Sturgia and have been playing true-to-faction, only recruiting Sturgian troops and such. It is, even in its current beta state, in all ways better than warband. More immersive by a billion miles. The map is absurdly huge. I made some money trading. Trading! I've wandered towns and they've lively. I'm not anywhere close to being at a loss for things to do. The faction and clan politics look absolutely awesome and I'm eager to see what they grow into.

    Factions all look incredibly distinct as well. Battles are bloody and challenging, way more so than Warband. Morale is way more complicated; you'll have some troop types that'll break and run as soon as things go south and some that'll fight to the bitter end. Looting is incredible. Pay is daily, so you've got a small but persistent daily drain on income making you consider a bit more what you're doing at least until you've got a big pile of coin. Missions pay well and are fun and interesting - I accidentally ended up screwing up all my relations in a town by taking the wrong mission. There's distinct factions within the factions and there's no easy way to play both sides I've found.

    Love it so far. It's absolutely amazing.

    Steam wouldn't add to cart.

    Bought it directly through Taleworlds.

    Got key, added to steam to activate, downloading now.

    It's Harvesting season.
  6. Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

    Okay. What is better? It has countless problems, well documented, that Warband doesn't have.

    Like what? What is this "janky, exploitable stuff"? You see, I find it awfully suspicious that people who criticise warband for this never mentions specifics. Smells awfully like somebody doesn't know what he's talking about. Meanwhile, Bannerlord is full of well-documented inconsistencies like variable attack delays, which are the very definition of jank!

    This is patent nonsense. There still is best in slot, most choices are objectively bad. Bannerlord's balance system is as if it was created for a game with totally different mechanics.

    Right. So Bannerlord does this better by having jankier combat?

    Animations in Warband are best described as 'janky'. Blocks are literally instantaneous. I get that it's easier - which is the whole point. No real rotational speed limits for turning.

    We're all struggling with variables in attack speed, best way to deal with it is practice with specific weapons - which is, again, a good foundation for a better skill cap. Input delays need to go away but the concept is solid and being improved.

    There will always be a mechanical best in slot - the point of classes is that you can't always play best in slot. You want best in slot armor options or mobility you literally won't have access to BiS weapons.

    Again, your argument is based on 'chambering doesn't work and kicks don't work so it's not as good'. Except everything else about it is better and while people don't like them, variations between attack speeds between weapons will be a good thing when chambering and kicks work. It'll be harder to GIT GUD than warband, no question. That's the point.
  7. Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

    The top KDR people in TDM are generally playing range and farming the guys trying to spin with axes. That or couching. Usually both, you start with range, farm up the points, get a pony and spear and pick off people who aren't paying attention.

    People raging about the skillcap are assuming that chambering and kicking will just never get fixed.

    Edited to add -

    I'm talking about the custom matches with up to 100 people. If you're talking about the skirmish matches with usually 3 v 3, I haven't really played those much in the last month. People are going to do 2h and try to spin though because that's what they did in Warband. The people topping the leaderboard in every other gamemode are doing ranged to farm points, then horses.
  8. Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

    I played both MP and SP.

    Was it a SP demo that got early release? No, it was MP only and you don't even have to PAY for it. In the beta about to be released tomorrow SP is only partially in but MP is getting a ton of work.

    Chambering needs fixed, kicks need fixed but they're in and intended to be fixed. Combats going to be slower on a swing by swing basis and rotational speed is going to be capped which is part of what makes it feel 'slow'. It's going to be way more teamwork intensive and pub games absolutely won't be easy to just dominate in. The creation of classes is virtually a requirement for high end comp play because when you give players absolute control over loadouts in any game you effectively remove the viability of everything other than best in slot. It's why comp divisions had limits on troop types. Most competitive game environments have additional limitations above and beyond the vanilla match restrictions because of this - otherwise it's literally only best in slot.

    It is however incredibly disingenuous, even dishonest, to say that combat isn't better. Overall it's better as it removes a lot of the janky, exploitable stuff and lays a better foundation for competitive play. With chambering back in and kicks fixed you'll have a much thicker skill band and the inclusion of classes with different mobility, perks and relative weaknesses you create more rock/paper/scissors options instead of just everyone in best in slot. Teamwork is a skill and a far more difficult one than just mechanical timing.
  9. Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

    Competitive standard across virtually all fps/tps games is low DPI, typically under 1000, and Warband was no different. You see people spinning in pub games, but pub games always have people doing stupid things for fun. I can see how you might have this misconception if you didn't play or even watch competitive gameplay, but the fact is spinning is not viable in high level Warband play. Stop parroting disinformation.

    No adjustable DPS is the standard with a clutch button and designed for a claw grip, unless it's a MOBA in which case you need all the buttons.

    Warband competitive gameplay was full of spinniing, unless you're saying the only competitive play that matters is the team v team div A matches - in which case iit's all teamwork, which will play perfectly in Bannerlord without any issues as you can still chamber block and either angle for an early cav kill or get all your kills 2 v 1.

    Bannerlord still has plenty of tweaking to be done but the idea that slowing the combat down will kill competitive play is false unless you're talking about naked peasants with 2h.
  10. Beta Controversies and Criticisms of Bannerlord Combat.

    Bannerlord has the foundation of huge improvements over Warband. While there's some legitimate concern over some low skill ceilings there's also some huge confusion around having DPI at 9,000, staring at the ground and spinning being a 'skill' mechanic. It's not.

    One huge step up for Bannerlord that jives with other competitive tier games is that 'skill' is also expressed in effective teamwork. Teamwork, honestly just numbers, >>> individual skill in Bannerlord and I don't think that's a bad thing.

    Chambering still works. Chambering is blocking via the attack wind-up. So if I'm going to swing from my left side the first part of the attack, the wind-up, swings from my right to my left, where I hold the blade ready to attack with. Chamber blocking means that when you're facing me and you're swinging from your right to your left (my left to my right), if I press and hold for a left attack (so I'm pulling the sword back to my left siide, to swing back to my right) if I time it right the hauling back (chambering the swing) will block your attack. I can now instantly let my attack go, hitting you before you have time to block.

    It's harder though because the timing is way different and there's some delays. Also there's limits on rotational speed so I can't just crank up my mouse DPI, wiggle and one-shot-kill anyone in range. Combat is slower, more methodical and strongly favors numbers over spamming a couple specific tricks.
  11. Taleworlds, this is false advertising and you know it

    What's funny is OP points out the obvious without getting it -

    Posts whining because Bannerlord combat is better and not as stupid spinny as Warband get so few views specifically because most people don't object to the idea of having combat performance tied to cranking your mouse DPI.

    That I don't have to stare at the ground with my mouse DPI at 9,000 to helicopter my way to victory is a huge plus to Bannerlord and most people agree.

    Bannerlord combat is significantly improved. There's still a ton of balance changes to make as to be expected in the beta state but the foundation of slower pace and delays isn't bad. Most people agree that's why most the whiny balance posts get largely ignored and ones literally just for saying 'Taleworlds is lying for pointing out that combat is better' get stomped on.
  12. SP - General The Bannerlord Banner Poll

    If it's just a MP map like Captain Mode then having each side have a base color is important. I get that. Maybe even have banners personalized for the players but the unit colorations be standardized, like how Warband tournaments work.

    However for every other facet of the game you've got to have variety. What happens when Lord Chicken Dumpling leaves Vlandia for Sturgia? Does his banner get died blue? Why? Does each court have a Grand Master Fashionista who ensures all soldiers and retinue are correctly color-coded? Make sure everyones cloaks and capes are in season and nobody breaks sumptuary law?

    Banners are the unique identity of a noble and should, as such, be unique.
  13. SP - Battles & Sieges The tactical way: beyond the melee cluster

    I get the logic but here's the bigger issue -

    ganging up kills enemies faster. The group holding the line is likely to get rekt by the melee blob, unless the line immediately wraps around. If the line immediately wraps around the blob than attacking in TWO lines (like having disposable recruits charge followed by a line of regular infantry) lets me demolish lines of troops.

    The decision making involved in infantry formation fighting is extremely complex. IRL the line vs mob would give ground a bit, then wrap around when it wasn't going to expose its back. It wouldn't reach forward, at least if it was multiple layers thick. If it was 1 line thick it would count upon the fact that the lead guys in the mob would be cautious and have a sense of self preservation so a line of spears would slow and blunt their charge.

    For the AI I would say narrow the forward arc for selecting targets and when charging, stay on track. If there's combat near you continue forward for a bit then try to pivot toward the center of your formation, moving forward and pivoting until you've got a target in your forward arc. If you're in a defensive stance (not charging) you give ground (as the AI does currently) and the rest of the formation pivots toward whatever point of the formation is giving ground and switches to an aggressive stance (like if they charged).

    This way a charge will seek to envelop an enemy formation if possible or just fight line to line if it's equal size. If holding and gets pushed it'll try and pull the enemy into itself to be enveloped.

    Just remember that 2 v 1 kills WAY faster than 1v1 and it strongly behooves you to have your AI gang up on single enemies to kill them swiftly, evening the odds. You want to ball up - a bit.
  14. SP Medieval Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A World of Ice and Fire (v8.1 released 7/3/22)

    YAY! Just in time for Christmas!
  15. SP Medieval Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A World of Ice and Fire (v8.1 released 7/3/22)

    Sorry for all the drama and neck pain! While the forum is sorta quiet please have no doubt at all that everyone is still eagerly awaiting the next update. Bannerlord closed beta is fun - don't get me wrong, but very shallow (for example right now archers are stupid OP and population has declined and 90% of the people you have as teammates are terribad).

    Really chomping at the bit for 5.0 to keep me going until Bannerlord full release, which will be awesome and all but even that's going to be waiting for the new AWOIF Bannerlord version!

    Your hard work is much appreciated, the mod is awesome! Hope your neck feels better and we're rolling nifty new Golden Company mercs over those filthy Westerners soon!
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