Recent content by daemon1129

  1. How do you recognize and differentiate all the different names in Brytenwalda?

    I usually just try to memorize the last word in the name of the NPCs.  As for factions; colours.  Location, I don't even bother with the villages and castles.  Since I think most faction only have 1 town, which also generally are very similar to the faction's name.  So if I can remember the factions that is of my current concern, I can remember their capital.  Don't overwhelm yourself with all the names.  Take a more RPG appoarch to the game, don't worry to much about things that are not in your territory.  Imagine your just a tiny ant lost in a forest, only care about whats in your sight.
  2. Flirting

    Depends on what do you mean by success in flirting, i managed to "slept" the same woman 12 times in 1 min :cool:
  3. Marriage

    Actually the topic about lord and its relatives in a different faction was brought up by me as well.  I suspect it had something to do with the feast not held, but even with them being in my own faction, it still doesn't occur.
  4. Bugged faction lords?

    No it is like this the start of the game, anyways I am going to try 1.21 right after I finish downloading it.  I will update this thread to see if this problem still exist or not.
  5. Bugged faction lords?

    Whatsup with lord's family member in different faction?  Is that intentional?  Because of this, the Lord never host the feast for me to get married...I am tired of using my companion as my minister, i need him on the field.
  6. BUG Reports / Suggestions v 1.1

    I really wish there will be a report showing how many and what fief what each lords in your faction own.  Like the one pop up when you just taken a fief and that conversation pop up.  It would be great if it also show the your relations with that lord.
  7. Changing the download ideas

    just right click the installer and extract... its not that much harder than double clicking the installer :???:  The installer is just self-extract archive, its still an archive after all.  So why need another download?
  8. Changing the download ideas

    installer is much more convenient for people who don't have winrar or who don't know how to use 1.  Like you said, if your too impatient for it to extract, just use winrar, but think about others too.
  9. Marriage

    Are there anything done to marriage in this mod?  I've been waiting to get married for months, and this wait is way longer than what I remembered in vanilla.  Because of this I can't wage war  :cry:  Are there ways to force the feast event?
  10. Impressed

    You guys might get this a lot, but I am very very VERY impressed by this mod.  This might not mean a lot from a random Warband player, but damn this mod is amazing.  In fact I am so amazed I'm going to start a thread just to say how amazing it is. I really feel like this mod is what warband...
  11. Thrust

    Anyone here find the thrusting animation really slow, or not effective, or just plain silly compare to slicing and hacking?  When riding, thrusting is a lot harder to hit then cutting them from sides.  So I just avoid using thrusting weapons, and only use cleavers, because they do overhead and...
  12. Gotta catch 'em all!

    I prisoned the whole Swadian in my Praven.  Thats right, all lords, including that damn guy who dare to call himself king.  And they still somehow still in war with me...
  13. Ragnar's Army of 339

    use Mamluktes or Knights to charge those Huscarls, then flank them with archers from both sides.  With archers flanking, you will be picking out their reinforcements b4 they reach you.  If you have infantry use them to cover archers.  This strat works for me all the time.  Beaten a 1k army with just my own 150.
  14. Your own kingdom without lords

    He would stop attacking once he joins you.  I however do have taken more than half the map without lords.  It was not easy and you have to be very careful not to be in war with 2 fronts.  I also stockpiled thousand of troops in 2 castle and 1 town that I own in early stage of my kingdom, then do something like a blitzkrieg all their towns, cutting their income. 
  15. throw accuracy

    How to change throwing's accuracy on a particular weapon? 
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