3rd Royal - Recruiting! Inf/Cav Regiment

Users who are viewing this thread

What is your age(doesn't matter): 17
Where are you from?: USA
What languages do you speak?: English
Where do you live?: PA
In what Timezone do you live?: Est
Do you have Steam?: Yes
And if so what is your Steam name?: Merlin275870
Do you have teamspeak?: yes
Do you have Napoleonic Wars? Yes
Do you own a mic?: Yes
Have you ever been in a regiment before?: Yes
And if so, which regiment(s)?: 15th Reg of foot as an arty commander 105th Reg of foot 24th
which part of the 3rd do you want to join? artillery or line? (you can switch whenever you want).: Arty
Why do you wish to join the 3rd Royal Artillery?(reason unimportant, so don't stress about it  ) A arty reg that can use a arty leader as well as a good player.
Please join our Steam Group: 3rd Royal if you which to join, feel free to pop on our TS is you have nay questions:mb3rdroyal.ts.nfoservers.com
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