News 1.394: release date

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Brytenwalda 1.394 for Warband 1.153 will be out...

This FRIDAY (afternoon)

Yay! Soon enough!

You guys are amazing.
Looking forward to Friday for a fresh new does of brutal Brytenwalda!
and after i went through the hassle of reinstalling a downgraded ver of m@b warband to get rid of bugs lol and restarted the game
If I have non-steam version of Warband and it's now 1.143 is it really necessary to upgrade or this patch was made only for porting and compatibility with 1.153 ?
I'm pretty sure there will be bug fixes (please fix losing your supply wagon + companion) and some new scenes/perhaps small features (a caravan one was mentioned) but no ground-breaking features as the team has stated many times that they do not want to create new issues for the mod.
There are some bug fixes. Idibil can say more.
As the scene maker I can say the only new scene is the caravan attack scene, that so many have complained about.
Missing passages (doors) have been fixed in many towns.

Adorno said:
The port to Warband 1.153 is coming up.
The caravan attack scene has been changed and now looks like this:







Basically it's more flat and open, but still with some hills and a brook running through the scene.
The AI has not been changed.
One more day to wait. Will the original caravan attack scene make a glorious return someday?

Please consider uploading to sites with good download speed. If you need more uploads i'd be happy to upload. 
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