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Vieira said:
krik said:

Do you have a dog that goes by the name Scooby, by any chance?
I get that one a lot. The Paul Dano and Jamie Oliver comparison not so much. :razz:
Pharaoh X Llandy said:
Dodes said:
Eктωρ said:
krik said:
I think you look better with short hair.

I also have to agree. Totally not a quote-pyramid, BTW.
Yeah I don't think I'm ever going back to having long hair. I look better this way and it's so much easier to deal with. Also, thanks guize. :mrgreen:
Austupaio said:
Tibertus said:
Why would either of us separate? Dolla dolla bills yo.
Good, the kid will be the very meaning of moto. :razz:

My wife is the opposite of moto... and the aviation community is its whole other thing. We're like special forces in our attitudes I guess: we take our actual job of flying very seriously, and train hard for it, but our interaction the rest of the military, and military culture in general is a joke to us. Uniform regs don't apply to us, we call everyone by their first names, etc.
Antonis said:
Party tonight?

No, just preparing in case children come by.

You see, I've discovered this novel way of increasing my army of firstborn sons. It seems once a year, parents send their kids out to beg candy from strangers. All I have to do is offer them candy and lure them in, then separate the wheat from the chaff.
Pharaoh, I believe your mascara is mussed a bit. :razz:

This isn't much of a post but I decided to say that in lieu of many other things that came to mind.
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