[M] The Deluge - general discussion

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Sayd Ûthman said:
I agree on the fact that it shouldn't be made OSP, but i would like to know what do you mean by best mods, do you mean mod that have tons of supporters, or the mods that have graphical quality, or the mods that adds a lot of mechanics (cody mods). i hope you won't say all of them since it's not easy to achieve.

By "best mods" I mean those mods, in which you can see that their authors really put all the heart into it. When I see that someone is trying hard and doing his best to make his mod as much unique and as creative as possible, and by that he's adding some fresh stuff into M&B modding, then I value such mod very high.

New version of our mod will also include chat command system (or "command console" if you prefer). How will this work? Every text written in global or team chat that has "/" sign at the begining, will be interpreted by server as a command.

I wrote this system mainly for admins, to speed-up some actions (like kicking, slaying players...), but it grew up a little and I inluded some other commands I thought would be useful.

Current list of working commands said:
For every player:

- /help  - show the list of commands.

- /die  - player commites suicide.
- /myid  -  shows you your player number, your unique Warband ID and your IP adress.
- /hidepolls  - you'll not see any polls (it's like instant Abstain).
- /showpolls  - brings the polls back.

- /server  - shows info about server.
- /rules  - shows server rules.
- /map  - shows name of current map.

- /nochat  on  - (no chat) - turn off global chat. You'll not see any messages. /nochat brings it back to normal.
- /notchat  on  - (no team chat) - as above, but turns off team chat. /notchat  brings it back to normal.

- /whisper  number  text  - send a secret message to other player (by player number).

For server admins:

- /ahelp  - show admin command list.

/polls  off  - disable all polls. This gets reset after some time if there's no active admin on server. Writing only /polls enables polls back.

- /swapteams  - swaps teams - sends all players from team 1 to team 2, and players from team 2 to team 1.

- /adme message text  - (ADmin MEssage) - the same stuff as in admin panel. Sends admin message to all players.
- /servme message text  - (SERVer MEssage) - send a message to all players. Message is shown in the left corner and has different color. It is made for messages of more "neutral" nature than admin messages.

- /permban playername  - (PERManent BAN) - ban player by name permanently.
- /tempban playername  - (TEMPorary BAN) - ban player by name for an hour.
- /kick playername  -  kick player by name.

- /autokick 4  - players will be autokicked after killing xx teammates (0 - off).

- /npermban 123  - (Number PERManent BAN) - ban player by his number permanently. Uses current player number, not his unique ID.
- /ntempban 123  - (Number TEMPorary BAN) - as above, but for an hour.
- /nkick 123  - (Number KICK) -  kick player by his number.

- /listp  - (LIST Players) - list all the active players and their numbers. This command is replaced by adding player number to a score board (press TAB).
- /listtk  - (LIST TeamKillers) - list all those players (along with their numbers and unique IDs), who have recently killed their teammates.

- /mute  123  - mute player by number, not allowing him to write in the game chat.  Use again to unmute.
- /slay  123  - kill player by number.  -1 kills all players.
- /freeze  123  - freeze/unfreeze player by number. -2 to freeze all,  -1 to unfreeze all.
- /heal  123  - heal player by number. -1 heals all.
- /teleport  123  - teleport blocked player to his spawn point.

- /killbots  - kill all bots along with their horses.
- /killhorses  - kills stray horses.

- /spchat  on  - (SPectator CHAT) - messages wrote by spectators on global chat will be visible to all. Writing "/spchat" brings it back to normal. This also gets reset after some time if there's no active admin on server.
- /deadchat  on  - (DEAD CHAT) - messages wrote by dead players on global chat will be visible to all. Writing "/deadchat" brings it back to normal. This also gets reset after some time if there's no active admin on server.

I'm always open to suggestions. If someone thinks that there are some useful commands that should be added to the list, feel free to post them in this topic or send me PM.
watching the video again, this time with sound on, I noticed something which may have been already mentioned, but the lightining and the clap of thunder occur exactly at the same moment, in reality you hear the sound a few seconds after you see the thunder.

Common game
Saturday 19.00
Shamble said:
Ensis said:
Common game
Saturday 19.00
It is public event or only for clans?
Participants must join TS?

Its free for everyone and TS is not required. Its just to make more people come at one time instead of spreading on other days/hours. :smile:
Mod's fan base is still a bit small, so we decided to organize it a little bit without taking freedom from players. :smile:

Just one question, this is ever going to be OSP? Or, we have a chance to use it maybe in future?
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