Need installation help

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Downloaded the mod (and I have used both links, carefully checking the archive both times) and extracted to the Modules directory. When I go to start the mod, it'll get to the point of loading the textures and then error out saying that it cannot find "Textures\"

I've used both the normal and alt links via the Repository and neither archive contains a file by that name in the Textures directory.

Any ideas?

My apologies.  This is entirely my fault.  For a short period of time today  the BETA version for our internal polyesters replaced the standard 1.21 folder in the M&B repository forum.

Maybe two hours went by before I could re-upload the current 1.21 version.

To proceed:  Just download the most recent 1.21 version and you should be fine.

Again, My apologies for my bone headed error. 

Kindest regards,

No worries, man, I know how it is trying to juggle beta and production code. Thanks for the update, and I'm off to redownload! weeeeeeeeeeee
I seem to be getting the same error even after redownloading it not more than 15 min ago...
Now I dont mind the problem cuz I know it will eventually get fixed.... but having to keep redownloading the mod is eating up my data usage on my laptops air card.... So I will wait until I get further confirmation that it is a good download "no offence"
saxondragon said:
My apologies for my bone headed error. 
You're only human (yes?).

Dahvos said:
So I will wait until I get further confirmation that it is a good download "no offence"
It is good, best mod out in my opinion, but I also like Gordon Brown and Jeremy Clarkson so I don't know how much my opinion is worth.
Dahvos said:
I seem to be getting the same error even after redownloading it not more than 15 min ago...
Now I dont mind the problem cuz I know it will eventually get fixed.... but having to keep redownloading the mod is eating up my data usage on my laptops air card.... So I will wait until I get further confirmation that it is a good download "no offence"

Please make sure that you are using this link:

The other link is for the beta testing only and may cause confusion.


LurkerBob said:
Yeah. Im also getting the same problem, and yes, I used the link you just provided. No luck.

OK.. I will re-upload.  Again my apologies for the mix up.


EDIT: A new download has been placed up on the repository. 

I think the "Textures\" might of actualy been *missing* from the original bugged upload, beacause when I checked the texture folder, it wasn't there.
Im downloading the "fixed" re-upload now, but there you have it:razz:
I just finished installing the mod.

It still dosn't work, for crying out loud Sax, not being rude here, but can't someone at least test and confirm the solution works *before* uploading a 200+megabyte file? My internet aint so good, and I have to pay out big time for exceeding my craphouse download limit. Which, funnily enough, I just did by downloading that massive "fix" :razz:

Again, I haven't played this mod before, and I definatley think it'll be worth all this god damned hoop jumping.
What a calamity of errors.  :cry:

Being confused as this version is being played by 40K+ people I launched the mod and  immediately saw the error you experienced.  This confused me greatly and after some research discovered a missing file.  I found the file, inserted it and was able to launch successfully and start to play.

Long term solution
I am uploading again the completed module to the repository for 1.21. (completed).

Short term solution:

To help you with your download issues, I uploaded just the missing file to a shared drive so you will not have to download the entire thing again.  I know it is a pain to download that whole mod as I have to upload it.

Just drop this file into your texture folder of the mod and it should launch fine.  If you still have problems then PM me and I will work with you directly to get you something in your hands that I know works as both I and 30 other folks are working with it on a daily basis.

The short term link:

Best regards,


hola muy buenos dias, ante todo solo me quedan palabras para agradecer a todas las personas que hicieron posible este mod y supongo que debe estar tan espectacular como lo estuvo el primero, mi cuestion de suponer es que lamentablemente para mi no ha sido tan satisfactorio este mod POR QUE NO ME FUNCIONA !!! ME QUIERO MATAR!! muero de ansias por probarlo....

en el primer phendor como se dice acá en argentina SE FUERON AL CARAJO!  son grosos los que fabricaron este mod y la verdad tengo que confesares que  me he pasado muchas horas tratando de poder modificar el native de base del warband para poder crear el mejor mod, siempre me gusto su trabajo en cuanto a todos los detalles, es mas me ofrezco para cualquier cosa en la que pueda ser útil para colaborar con la mejora diaria.

el punto de mi problema es que al cargar los settings se traba y no sigue cargando, nada mas que es eso tengo la versión 1.132 como dice en el post y tamb es el warband común y no el skydrow.

descargue la solución que se le fue dada a uno  de los usuarios anteriores,la de corto plazo, pero no se que procedimiento debo cumplir para hacer que esto funcione, la verdad es que no tengo muy buena comprensión sobre este tipo de problemas y si en lo posible me podrían ayudar cuanto antes mejor, muchas muchas muchas gracias.
@ Vlejundo ---> he is using many castellano rioplatense expressions and u shouldnt post an automated translation,
as in many of those expressions he meant well, and is translated as ill comments towards dev.

@unnamed989---> lo que tienes que hacer es bajar ese archivo (la solución de corto plazo) y colocarlo
dentro de la carpeta de pop3 en textures.
Ese archivo estaba faltando, teóricamente con eso ya estaría, y varios dicen que funciona bien.
A ver si te sale. Saludos
Nocturno, does he need a question answered?  I can't make out all he's saying - my Spanish is Mexican and I don't recognize some of the words he's used.  Some of his phrases seemed very negative.  I'll answer if you will translate for me.

Near as I can tell, he has a legit purchased copy of Warband, but when he starts the game, settings are locked?  Is this right?
Well Fawz here's the thing...

"hi good morning, first of all, I only have words of praise to everyone who made this mod and I guess
must be as spectacular as it was the first one.
My guessing is because unfortunately for me it hasnt been so successful so far BECAUSE WONT WORK !!
I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! I am dying to try it out ....

In the first pendor you exceed yourselves with the good work as we say here, in Argentina, is the ****! (the best) . The people who made this mod is just amazing. And to tell you the truth I have to confess that I have spent many hours trying to modify the native base of the warband to create a better mod,  and I always liked your work in every detail, moreover I offer myself for anything that might be useful to collaborate for a daily improvement.

My problem is that when settings are loading get stuck and dont load anything else, that's all.
I have the 1.132 version as stated in the post, and also the plain warband, not the skydrow.

I downloaded the solution that was given previously to an user, the short term one, but I really don't know what must I do in order to make this work, the truth is that I dont understanding well these problems and I wonder if might be possible you could help me somehow, the sooner the better, thank you very much."

I told him to put the archive (which is missing) in textures folder, but i dont even know if thats the case here.
He sometimes used a very local (Buenos Aires) phrases and some other spanish-speaking people might not understand, even because he is using local colloquialisms and even local slang.
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