79th Bären recruitment [NA/EU]

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[Contact Information]
[STEAM:[GN] [79thBären] Oberst August
Discord:[79th Bären]Oberst August#5977]
[Warning:Were not a historical regiment]
[Faction-"Prussian"|Königreich Preußen]

The 79th Bären
A mini brigade regiment
Some information
[79th Bären is a Königreich Preußen mini brigade regiment. When we say “mini brigade” this means it's basically in itself it's a multi unit. Which means it will act as an army with multiple divisions and ranks.] Now onto the main information. 79th Bären is a regiment bent on making a fun and interesting environment. While we do take things serious, this doesn’t mean we don’t goof off, so don’t worry about it! None of our events are mandatory, nor are our trainings, however we do encourage you drop in now and then on your own time. Here at 79th, we want to create a fun and decent regiment, so why not help us achieve that goal? Remember, we encourage you to come on your own time, don’t force yourself! And if you want to see our interesting features, try out our training academy, one’on’one program, or even try out our gaming events! Here at 79th we hope that you’ll have fun and find some of our content interesting.
Please note, The doctrine is being redone, but it's highly advised you still read it!
While the group is being revived, we still do events! So far we've had 9 events done with the small regiment we have here, while partnering with allies for them.
54th 54th Valhallan Line & Dragoon Regiment
[For a short time when we started]-First Foreign Legion

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