SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 1614: Invalid Party ID: -1; LINE NO: 79:

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SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 1614: Invalid Party ID: -1; LINE NO: 79:
At Game menu menu_total_victory.
At Game menu menu_total_victory.
At Game menu menu_total_victory.
At Game menu menu_total_victory.
At Game menu menu_total_victory.

I'm currently the Muscovite Tsardom Tsar and I'm playing with Caba`drin's Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment mod.
I've got "Tsar Secrets..." and "False Dmitry the Third" as my active quests.

The above entries show up after I conquer any Muscovite Tsardom (rebels) fiefs that had Stepan Razin in them.
For all the rebel lords that were defending the castle I see the appropriate "so and so lord escaped blah blah blah" or I capture them, but when it's Stepan Razin turn I get the script error code.
Like the F&S walk-through says Stepan keeps on claiming a Russian fief at random.
It seems I'm stuck playing Whac-A-Mole wherever Stepan appears.

Is this a known error and is there a solution? (Restarting the game or reloading an earlier save are not solutions to me)
From what I've seen "Total Victory" means you have captured some of the Lords. But to this bug (nothing to do with the mod) it almost skips the capture and continues on without them being captured. Keep trying and the bug might not happen one time.
Yeah, it's a coding error.

If you open up menus.txt and then find the line that begins menu_total_victory, do the following:
1. Change 275 to 276 (increase it by 1)
menu_total_victory 0 You_shouldn't_be_reading_this..._{s9} none 275
2. In that same line, find:
500 3 1224979098644774915 8 144115188075856151 1614 3 144115188075856151 1224979098644774915 1
3. Immediately before that 500 add
32 2 144115188075856151 0
4. It should now read
32 2 144115188075856151 0 500 3 1224979098644774915 8 144115188075856151 1614 3 144115188075856151 1224979098644774915 1
5. Save. Restart WFaS. Play.

This will skip the erroneous code if you are without allies. It won't give you the message "Lord X Slipped Away", indicating the failed capture (though that is what is happening) but this is an easy tweak/fix and it would be a bit more complex to add that back in.
Added the code. It does get rid of the error messages.

Looks like the Muscovite Tsardom questline is broken for good. I think I'm going to take a long break from F&S...
Caba`drin said:
Yeah, it's a coding error.

If you open up menus.txt and then find the line that begins menu_total_victory, do the following:
1. Change 275 to 276 (increase it by 1)
2. Find:
500 3 1224979098644774915 8 144115188075856151 1614 3 144115188075856151 1224979098644774915 1
3. Immediately before that number add
32 2 144115188075856151 0
4. It should now read
32 2 144115188075856151 0 500 3 1224979098644774915 8 144115188075856151 1614 3 144115188075856151 1224979098644774915 1
5. Save. Restart WFaS. Play.

This will skip the erroneous code if you are without allies. It won't give you the message "Lord X Slipped Away", indicating the failed capture (though that is what is happening) but this is an easy tweak/fix and it would be a bit more complex to add that back in.

My file starts with 298... (and that looks like some scary voodoo there.)
Vadi2 said:
My file starts with 298... (and that looks like some scary voodoo there.)

As it should.
I'm not talking about the number at the top of the file, but the number that comes right after
menu_total_victory 0 You_shouldn't_be_reading_this..._{s9} none ->275<-

(specified above)
Caba`drin said:
Yeah, it's a coding error.

If you open up menus.txt and then find the line that begins menu_total_victory, do the following:
1. Change 275 to 276 (increase it by 1)
menu_total_victory 0 You_shouldn't_be_reading_this..._{s9} none 275
2. In that same line, find:
500 3 1224979098644774915 8 144115188075856151 1614 3 144115188075856151 1224979098644774915 1
3. Immediately before that 500 add
32 2 144115188075856151 0
4. It should now read
32 2 144115188075856151 0 500 3 1224979098644774915 8 144115188075856151 1614 3 144115188075856151 1224979098644774915 1
5. Save. Restart WFaS. Play.

This will skip the erroneous code if you are without allies. It won't give you the message "Lord X Slipped Away", indicating the failed capture (though that is what is happening) but this is an easy tweak/fix and it would be a bit more complex to add that back in.

I get the similar error during the "The New Khan" mission, I've convinced some lords to join me but as the mission says, some lords, who reject an offer, you gotta imprison them, that's what I'm trying, but whenever I defeat them, it says either that they fled, or that error... I never capture them... Will your solution solve that? I mean, will I be able to capture them?

Here is the screenshot:

one more question, please: can I ask the lord twice to join my rebellion? or when he refuses, it's final and will I never be able to re-ask him?

Thanks in advance.
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