
Weapon of Choice

  • Chainsaw (Blood and gore)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 mm Pistol(Glock 17, Baretta 92)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Weapons are for wimps my bare hands are the only weapon a real Zombie fighter needs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • SMG (Uzi, Mac-10)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Granade Launcher (Blow the whole haunted building to sticks and Sweap upp the remains of your lover

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Katana (or another Blade of some sort)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Assult Rifle (AK47, M16)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zombies are my friends :) um what are they doing NO ARRGG DON'T EAT MY BRAIN

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shotgun (one shot in the face)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Sergeant at Arms
What is the best way to kill zombies or rather the best weapon to kill zombies with.

This discussion started in a friend’s basement when I was complaining that you start with a pissy 9 mm pistol when going to battle the evil zombie lord with lots and lots of minions the game in question was FEAR (yea I know there is no Zombies in the game but it has some of the Zombie feeling)
We started to discuss this with great vigour and it was lots of fun.
If you go the honorable way of a true fighter the only choice is the katana, or another kind of blade weapon.
I said assualt rifle, but I would prefer orbital bombardment, me being in a zombie-free ship bombing the planet and obliviating all organisms.
Where's the flamethrower option? I almost went with chainsaw, but decided on the trusty ol' boomstick.

How about a crowbar option as well? Oh, and don't forget gravity gun+circular saw blade, or gravity gun+exploding gas canister. Anyone who's played Half Life knows how handy those can be.

EDIT: oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the lawnmower. That's a good one. Braindead, a classic movie that.
It has to be the shotgun, preferably the Spas 12 allthough you may end up in constantly quoting Snatch instead of killing zombies.
"What is that Vincent?"
"It's a shotgun Sol"
"That is a ____ anti aircraft gun Vin-cent." Or maybe that's just me
If I HAD to kill them I'd use a SAW loaded with JHP. I'd "saw" them in half before ending their misery by a bullet through the temple.
It's 1027 more posts now.
Useless is mostly right, I could have made one big post and also not included and spam-like stuff.
@\/: Aww, how cute! *pets PrinceScamp's head*
Lost-Lamb said:

That revolver will break your arms first before the zombies do
Wonder what if the man goes akimbo with that Black Widows
And if the zombies are raised by viral causes, shotguns would definitely
contaminate yourself (in case of blank range firings) and eventually turn you into a shotgun wielding zombie (nightmare to both undead and human)
Well I vote for shotgun cos of the colourful moments, and people look
l_337 \/\/1+h 5HotGu/\/z Ro><0rz!!!111
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