Zendar Trainer

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Two ideas about the trainer in Zendar, guys.

1. After you finish the initial stages of training, perhaps it'd be useful to select which weapon you'd like to train? I'm at level 31, skilled with one-handed and two-handed weapons, but I'd like to work exclusively on my polearm proficiency.

2. Another useful feature might be the option to fight opponent after opponent, instead of winning/losing and having to initiate dialogue with the trainer repeatedly?
I agree, selecting your weapon would be a great option, one I've wished for many a time. As for going opponent after opponent...sure, that might be nice too.
Rise from the grave old post!

I see no reason why these two suggestions should not be implemented into the game. Its pretty crucial(especially now that you have parties of 27-30 river pirates from the start) for the beginning stages when you're just a fledgling unknown adventurer.
hmmm... nice idea, rapid training, send them as they fall. Thought it would kinda kill arena. But perhaps paying a high amount of money would balance this. I think I'll mod that :razz:
I agree that the specialized training should cost you something. It would make no sense to be able to go down to a boxing gym and spar with the best guys they have for free.
Cold Steel said:
I agree that the specialized training should cost you something. It would make no sense to be able to go down to a boxing gym and spar with the best guys they have for free.

Not if you make rich merchants watch and bet on the outcome. In that case, YOU would be getting payed for sparring with someone else ::\
(and yes, that's close to what the arena does now, but even in the Arena you can't choose your weapons - which seems to be the main basis behind the suggestion)
It would certainly be handy. I've got level 4 weapon mastery and about 361 one handed weapon proficiency.

To fight with a one handed sword in training is useless; I'll be training until 1.0 to get up a few points! :razz:

So yes; I'd like to see this implemented.
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