Your Recruits: Increased Hiring Costs? Assign Names?

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Hiring Costs
At times, before I have Marnid acquire medical skills like surgery, etc., or Borcha develop the training skill, my casualty rate for new recruits is rather high, yet I never have trouble attracting replacements for the same pay. I know these are hard times and many would join for the promise of loot and adventure, but seriously: No one asks what happened to the lads I hired three days ago? Sure, the jobs are dangerous but if they're virtual death sentences, it should be harder to enlist newbies.

*Have pro-rated costs for hiring troops under certain conditions. Perhaps all recruits hired on a certain day can join at a certain rate and thereafter one must pay more per new recruit for the next ten days. Or simply track casualties (so as not to be blamed when you disband trooops) and after a particularly bad loss, a period of time must pass before your cost/new recruit declines to normal.

I'm sure there are variations on this sort of idea. Plenty of games have sliding costs that increase as you purchase a resource. For example, Tropico 2 is a pirate management game where you can purchase cutlasses and muskets from the Black Market but every time you make a new visit the price goes up, so you've got to take care not to squander your purchases.

To encourage protecting your new recruits
Would it be possible to edit a name on the battlefield from say "Hunter Woman" to "Lexxi" or from "Watchman" to "JStrange"? Then perhaps we wouldn't be so blase about a 65% casualty rate - 'cause no one want JStrange to fall to enemy blades.

Search: I searched for this idea but did not find exactly what I was suggesting.
This hits on the whole fun/realism thing. The casualty rate in Calradia in general is nuts. I frequently get into 4 or more battles A DAY. I'm pretty sure that in medival times they might get into that many battle a month.

It causes the rate that soldiers are dying to be really fast. It could be fixed by vastly increasing time (so those soldiers are dying over weeks, not days) or we are just left with high casualties in the name of keeping the game fun.

I think making new recruits more expensive the more they die will just make it harder for people who need lots of troops to get them, making the game less fun...
we jsut need vast differences in the costs.

Say peaants cost 55 to recruit? I dunnno but lets say that.
If militia cost 100(about) then that should be changed. Here's my list of what costs should look like.

Peasants - 50 to recruit
Militia - 120
Footman - 400
Man at arms - 800
Knight - 1600 to 2000, that is of course presuming that eventually we will be able to hire knights. Upkeep....

Peasants - 50 per week
Militia - 100 per week
Footmen - 200 per week
Men at Arms - 400 per week
Kngihts - 800 per week, at least
Skelly said:
I think making new recruits more expensive the more they die will just make it harder for people who need lots of troops to get them, making the game less fun...
:smile: Yes, that's a distinct possibility which I had considered but as this could be an optional idea I went ahead and suggested it. Yet, would making troops free for hire make the game more fun?

In any case, I'm not talking outrageous doubling of rates but if everyone you hire winds up dead within days that should mean something. If it means a 10% surcharge, well...

Less fun? Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes the challenge of maintaining a war party, guiding them through the ranks is fun. Same as working to acquire levels and better weapons.

Laurence of Arabia's post may be a more acceptable idea and I like the idea of hiring some higher level troops also.
Also, though possibly off-topic, make a promotion from a KNIGHT to a HERO possble. You know, the same knight that's dragged along with you for dozens of battles. You'd be bound to have a chat with him, sooner or later. Then you would promote him to your companion! Maybe a random name generator, that would give him a name like Urzal or Sebastian.

That would add to the characters of the party.
LarZal has an awesome idea, there. Say you have a knight who was your first ever knight, and he's been with you for days upon days, and he's killed tons of people. It would be like... the last level. It would require tons of experience, but the knight would be able to upgrade to a Hero. Eventualy, if none of your knights died, that would end up with all of them being heroes, and that isn't good. So make a limit of heroes per party of say... 4? This would prevent some one from getting an entire army of heroes and devastating everyone :twisted: Also... why do your footsoldiers have to be upgraded to cavalry or archers? Why can't they be upgraded to another form of a foot soldier? I would love to have a group of about 15 berserkers and 15 knights to destroy everything in my path :twisted:

Maybe berserker could be the final upgrade for a footsoldier. So that your upgrades could branch 3 ways instead of 2. Currently... you go from a footsoldier to either a ranged unit or a cavalry unit. Maybe there could be an upgraded melee footsoldier...? They could carry big 2 handed swords and such, with which to pwn your enemies :smile:
Orion said:
upgrades could branch 3 ways instead of 2. Currently... you go from a footsoldier to either a ranged unit or a cavalry unit. Maybe there could be an upgraded melee footsoldier...? They could carry big 2 handed swords and such, with which to pwn your enemies :smile:

Me and okiN modded this :smile: check out the thread here
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