
Considering how many battles I've fought (hundreds? thousands?)the random battle map generator has been very robust, stable, and sensible.
However, there have been some very occasional weird starting deployments:
my hero on a sort of rock tower (sort of like the American desert site Monument Valley with its rock columns) 100 feet above his troops. Luckily my horse broke my fall when I moved.
the entire party in a tiny box canyon surrounded on all sides by cliffs apparently impassable to cavalry since none could make the climb. My own horse took 100 damage I think from the attempt - although at the time I thought it might be a hidden archer somewhere, I doubt that now.
a narrow river passing through near vertical cliffs on both sides. The enemy was above us and some of them threw themselves onto us. Reminded me of a rafting trip I took a couple of years ago (except for the suicidal bandits).
The most common unusual start (an oxymoron there?) is the cliff side start but that entails no big dilemma or difficulty (except for getting replacement arrows and my mount can't climb so I walk).
Any weirder start positions for you all? Or is that about par for the course? (Rem: most of the start positions are quite reasonable.)