Your Most Unusual Starting Position

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:smile: I love the game; I have to point that out.

Considering how many battles I've fought (hundreds? thousands?)the random battle map generator has been very robust, stable, and sensible.

However, there have been some very occasional weird starting deployments:

my hero on a sort of rock tower (sort of like the American desert site Monument Valley with its rock columns) 100 feet above his troops. Luckily my horse broke my fall when I moved.

the entire party in a tiny box canyon surrounded on all sides by cliffs apparently impassable to cavalry since none could make the climb. My own horse took 100 damage I think from the attempt - although at the time I thought it might be a hidden archer somewhere, I doubt that now.

a narrow river passing through near vertical cliffs on both sides. The enemy was above us and some of them threw themselves onto us. Reminded me of a rafting trip I took a couple of years ago (except for the suicidal bandits).

The most common unusual start (an oxymoron there?) is the cliff side start but that entails no big dilemma or difficulty (except for getting replacement arrows and my mount can't climb so I walk).

Any weirder start positions for you all? Or is that about par for the course? (Rem: most of the start positions are quite reasonable.) :?:
The weirdest one I had was about a week ago:
I was on some sort of shallow hill of 'bout 1.5 metres high.
Looked like I could ride right off, so I tried.


"Your horse received 117 damage"

I swear, that hill wasn't higher than a foot trooper.
That's a random map generator?! *laugh* I thought so! I knew the Combat Mission games had pulled off good 3D tactical maps but I couldn't be sure I wasn't just seeing the same maps over and over but from different orientations. I think all the similiar flora and whatnot makes them look a bit sameish even when they're not. Still good maps though!

I'd say the oddest map I payed on was last night. It was like a giant crater with a traversable rim and some land below, and beyond, the rim bounding it a bit. Found myself constantly getting disoriented and seperated there as I'd take off chasing, and then playing chicken with, a hostile knight or two that'd split off from the main force.

The most difficult starting positions for me are the deep ravines with cliffs around. Hard to know which way to move. I usually just order the men to follow me 'till I can get bearings of some kind. But that leaves any infantry straggling and if I haven't guessed right they can be easily overrun by enemy forces.
I am fond of the occasional river+unscalable cliffs bisecting the map.

The best of these had a single footpath up it, and a plateau in the middle where the Swadian Crossbowmen spawned. It was like taking Iwo Jima or something.
Ok, this isn't really a wierd one, but a really nice one.
the map had two big mountains and a river. The mountains and the river made a nice little triangular valley, and there was a small ridge where the mountains met, that was fairly steep, but still grassy. My handful of Vaegir and I started right infront of this ridge/pass. The enemy started on the far end of the river. My 5 men held the ridge against the whole 40-45 ish group of Swadians.

Weird ones, I have had the rock tower one. Another one I end up with a lot is I am at on end of a river and my enemies at another, and the whole thing is surrounded by canyons, no way out of it.
Another weird, but nice one was with a different character, I had a group of mostly ranged guys. We started on the top of a STEEP hill. didn't even have to move, just hold position and lob bolts and arrows down.
I haven't had any too weird ones, but I have had the "Why the hell are we in the Grand Canyon again" sort of map with a river and huge impassable cliffs on either side.

Some of the best ones were shallow hills and a small mountain difided by a river, it was a realistic battle. Sometimes the elevation seems too steep... As if you were a mouse and it was a maze. :razz:
I once started hovering half way up a cliff. My spirited charger fell and went lame when I tried to move :sad:.
One time I got a map that was a forest like area surrounded by tall mountains. I charged in with a spirited couseir (however you spell it) and told my troops to wait near the entrance of the forest. I circled around the bandits and got them into a huge confined group and told my troops to charge. I moved back to inbetween the enemy and my soldiers; the enemy got annilated in the confrontation. It was cool :lol: but my frame rate took a huge dive Heh
Hey, apologies for the thread necromancy, but I figured since there was already something about this that I'd add to it rather than make a new one.

So yeah anyhow, craters are pretty damned bizarre. In that screenshot I ended up having to kill all the enemies myself. For whatever reason, even the non-mounted units didn't seem to want to exit the crater. Maybe they liked it there? (Edit: oh, yeah of course I tried ordering them out - "hold position" is just an automatic reflex to stop all the cavalry crazies from running off.)
I've seen my share of craters and vertical cliffs.

The wierdest one i've seen was when i spawned right in the middle of a personal hole which was four terrain polygons big. This hole was small but deep and i was irreversibly stuck in it. Even when getting off my horse i couldn't traverse up out of this hole.
I didn't manage to take a screenie though.
I just think it's funny when I start off all by my lonesome at the edge of a cliff and I need to search for the battle, or when my 38 guys are ganging up on one guy and I'm running for my virtual life clicking "follow me" The follow me command has saved me a couple times when I thought my whole gang was taking a lunch break.
I wouldn't say it was unusual as fortunate... In a river, no other land behind me, 2 vertical cliffs on both sides and all my enemies (a Swadian war party) came towards me in the river.

Every single one took a single arrow to the head...

Hee hee hee.... ^_^

(Didn't have any troops either =)
Last night I was getting my ass kicked around by a horde of dark knights. I survived the first fight with about 1/3 of my health left. In the next round I started in a dead end river with unpassable cliffs on the both sides. I told my hired blades to dismount and hold position. Hehe, the dark hunters weren't so smart. They didn't have a change.
The weirdest position I had was on a steep mountain side. Almost immediately I lost control of my horse and I fell and it died. :sad: It was already lame from the last battle, so... Yeah.
This was amusing - and it happened at the virtual battle start - I saw about half a dozen bandit horsemen on top of a hill overlooking a river, there was virtually a vertical drop into the water, and the bandits one by one calmly dropped straight down into the river on their mounts who were killed by the fall.

That was their most unusual start.
I think the generator is really good. :smile: I've only experienced a few strangenesses:

1. Deploying in a river. No actual problems, but it looks a bit funny with my luggage stored underwater. :smile:

2. Deploying right off the edge of a cliff. :shock: Luckily, my horse survived the fall.
The weirdest map I've ever had to fight on was this crazy one with a river running through it. On one side of the river, the land was flat. On the other side of the river, there was a HUGE cliff wall, high enough that no one in my army could climb it, whether on foot or on horseback.

The enemy came rolling over this impenetrable wall, into the river, where they were promptly stabbed. It was great fun until the enemies stopped coming, and some little punk just hid out in complete safety where I could never get him
When you are dumped in a river and you have a lot of horsemen, ordering them to "follow me" and then finding some high ground and then saying "hold this position" while you run around disembowelling folks (President Bush calls them folks because he went to Yale). You might prevail as long as you never waver against the forces of common sense.
I'd have to say my worst was one time in a river. All of the bank was slightly steep inclined, enough that'd you have to jump your horse, but not so much that it was difficult (less than 2 ft of incline it looked like). Well, I jumped my horse up one part, and he and I promptly slid back down, and he took 87 damage and died XD
Edit: I was pissed at the time since I was saving to get Sir Galahad.
Got today a binary area: either really high rocks/hills with steep slopes or nigh-water-level plains. Took a few minutes running around to find those four river pirates sitting on a ditch.
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