Your Most Unconventional Hero:Throwing Knives? Staffs?Rocks?

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Who has a hero specializing in throwing daggers? Does your character use staffs?

Anybody use rocks? Scythes?

How about a totally footbound hero?

I was think of starting a huntress character who would stay afoot and not use heavy armor or heavy weapons. Maybe she'd rescue peasant women and try to upgrade to Sword Sisters eventually.

Think that could work? More importantly, is it working for you?
Well, I tried an solo archer on foot once... but as soon as I encounter massed cavalry or enough enemies with ranged weapons or shields, I die.

Throwing Knives with light armor/clothes on a spirited Courser (Rogue/Thieflike) - wanted to try that,l but so far I have never seen throwing knives (except in the item_kindes.txt... :roll: )

My second character was a Court Lady who only wears a dress and wields a dagger - but I haven't played her over L6 so far.

Heh, priest (with his original robe) + scythe + black horse... now thats an idea :lol:
My favorite is going with a quarterstaff, no shield. Blocking and doing all the different attacks looks very cool.
I've got a crossbow shooting Nun. She is on foot (obviously). Level 28. Works very well with knights as her protection.
JohnathanStrange said:
Who has a hero specializing in throwing daggers?


How about a totally footbound hero?

I was think of starting a huntress character who would stay afoot and not use heavy armor or heavy weapons. Maybe she'd rescue peasant women and try to upgrade to Sword Sisters eventually.

Think that could work? More importantly, is it working for you?

My highest weapon skill is throwing, followed by two handed. I use throwing daggers and a shield, plus my sword of war.

I foot it %95 of the time - if I run out of throwing weapons and just have to chase down some mounted archers, I'll steal a horse to take care of business, then dismount.

I only keep rescued women as troops, and I've got about 10 sisters so far. It works very well for me, and I find combat on foot to be more of a challenge.
The Pope said:
Priest on foot with sledgehammer and crossbow. If only I could find some witches to burn :razz:.

Well, you could try to burn some nuns. :grin:

On topic, it looks like having such a hero works, regarding ironpant's post. But I myself am enjoying my combination of spirited coarser and balanced nomad sabre too much right now. :razz:
My only unconventional character is Berserker Erik, who I've mentioned on here before - he fights clad only in short trousers and with a massive two-handed axe. He also fights alone. It's very hard, but I often manage to win my fights (playing with 'realistic' saves and normal damage) and it's very fun and atmospheric playing like this.
i just started a new character the other day who is foot bound. Right now I'm using a great axe as my main weapon, although I also hae a fighting axe with shield to go up against ranged units with, and a bac of throwing knives for fun. It's actually been a lot of fun, though it's defenitely a lot harder than the lancer I had before. The key is keeping you guys together so they can mob other ground units and get riders stuck in the middle of the crowd. It also helps that I'm relying heavily on Swadian crossbowmen :smile:
I flicked through some old White Dwarves, and I noticed the dark elves. Heavy armor, bardiches, crossbows, and bags of evil.
I have two sort of unconventional heroes, the first is Sven, a warrior from the north, he fell off a horse when he was a child and is therefore afraid of riding them. So he fights only on foot, armed with a pike and throwing axes (and rocks until he can afford another set of throwing axes).

The other one's a barbarian whose only belongings are his beloved horse Freya and his trusted double axe. He owes loyalty to no one and fights only for himself, recruiting his soldiers from whereever he can (usually losing most of them in the next battle).
Morty said:
So he fights only on foot, armed with a pike and throwing axes (and rocks until he can afford another set of throwing axes).

You do realize you only need one set? you get them back after each fight.
Worbah said:
You do realize you only need one set? you get them back after each fight.

But there are only 7 axes in one set, and they run out rather quick when fighting larger groups of enemies.
Bah I´ll just stay with my heavilly armored warrior. I just finished off a mob of 54 enemies, including 22 Dark knights and 18 Dark hunters, solo.

I ordered my troops to stay back and started to circle around the enemy cutting them slowly down to mince meat!! Hah, that was fun!!!! :smile:

Right now, i gave up my 9 knights and 12 sword sisters and Im raising an army of sharpshooters, who will be able to pepper the enemy from afar while i do my butchering!! hehe :wink:
Well... i don't know how strange it is but... i don't use helmets. My character is a bit too fond of her own beauty, and refuses to cover it with a piece of metal.... although she carries a black plate helmet in her backpack.
Ancientwanker said:
Wonder how much damage a very strong character with power throw 8 could do with a rock...might be funny.

:smile: Yeah, I was thinking when I asked the question What was your most unconventional hero and unconventional weapon:

Most anyone can eventually have a heavily armored horse archer or superhuman sword-wielding god-of-war and defeat war parties with 50+ enemies by riding around in circles back and forth, and it would be too easy. I've done that and it's not as fun or challenging anymore.

However, if you're armed with stones or throwing daggers, man you'd better be good. You'd have to be fast and accurate and choose your battles. It would add some challenge.

But, is it viable? I'm starting another hero who will spend her time throwing sticks and stones, then I'll see... :smile:
I made a priest "The prophet Teodux" got his leadership up to about 6-7 and massed peasants, fighting with nothing but the weak little quarter-staff I started with, quite fun when fighting bandits and such... sucked a lot when we got caught by Black knights.

Ended that idea pretty quickly.
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